
AWStats / News: Recent posts

AWStats 5.6 Beta is ready

AWStats 5.6 Beta is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 5.6 beta is ready.

Version 5.6 is an update that fix minor bugs and add new features.

This new version is for the moment a beta version. If you look for a stable version, please use 5.5.

You can download 5.6 beta from AWStats official web site:
Beta version is available in tgz package only. ... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2003-06-15

AWStats 5.5 final has been released

AWStats 5.5 final is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 5.5 final has been released.
Version 5.5 is an update that fix minor bugs and add new features.
You can download 5.5 from AWStats official web site:


Note 1:
Old deprecated values for -lang option (-lang=0, -lang=1...) has been
removed. Use -lang=code_language instead (-lang=en, -lang=fr, ...).
Note 2:
Old deprecated -month=year option must be replaced by -month=all when
used on command line.
Note 3:
The tooltips feature is now stored into the plugin "tooltips". So you
must enable this plugin by adding the line
into the config file, to have tooltips enabled. ... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2003-05-25

AWStats 5.5 Beta is ready

AWStats 5.5 Beta is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 5.5 beta is ready.

Version 5.5 is an update that fix minor bugs and add new features.

This new version is for the moment a beta version. If you look for a stable version, please use 5.4.

You can download 5.5 beta from AWStats official web site:
Beta version is available in tgz package only. ... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2003-05-03

AWStats 5.4 final has been released

AWStats 5.4 final is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 5.4 final has been released.
Version 5.4 is an update that fix minor bugs and add new features.
You can download 5.4 from AWStats official web site:


Note 1:
Old deprecated values for -lang option (-lang=0, -lang=1...) has been
removed. Use -lang=code_language instead (-lang=en, -lang=fr, ...).
Note 2:
Old deprecated -month=year option must be replaced by -month=all when
used on command line.
Note 3:
The tooltips feature is now stored into the plugin "tooltips". So you
must enable this plugin by adding the line
into the config file, to have tooltips enabled.... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2003-02-24

AWStats 5.4 Beta is ready

AWStats 5.4 Beta is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 5.4 beta is ready.

Version 5.4 is an update that fix minor bugs and add new

This new version is for the moment a beta version. If you
look for a stable version, please use 5.3.

You can download 5.4 beta from AWStats official web site:
Beta version is available in tgz package only.... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2003-02-09

AWStats 5.3 final has been released

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 5.3 final has been released.

Version 5.3 is an update that fix minor bugs and add new features.

You can download 5.3 from AWStats official web site:


- Fixed: Bad documentation for use of ExtraSection.
- Fixed: Bug in ValidSMTPCodes parameter.
- Fixed: Remove AWStats header on left frame if ShowHeader=0.
- Fixed: 29th february 2004 will be correctly handled.
- Fixed: Another try to fix the #include not working correctly.
- Fixed: Columns not aligned in unknownip view when not all fields are
- Fixed: Columns not aligned in allhosts and lasthosts view when not all
fields are choosed.... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2003-01-11

AWStats 5.3 Beta is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 5.3 beta is ready.

Version 5.3 is an update that fix minor bugs and add new features.

This new version is for the moment a beta version. If you look for a stable version, please use 5.2.

You can download 5.3 beta from AWStats official web site:
Beta version is available in tgz package only.


- Fixed: Bad documentation for use of ExtraSection.
- Fixed: Bug in ValidSMTPCodes parameter.
- Fixed: Remove AWStats header on left frame if ShowHeader=0.
- Fixed: 29th february 2004 will be correctly handled.
- Fixed: Another try to fix the #include not working correctly.... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2002-12-13

AWStats 5.2 final has been released

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 5.2 final has been released.

Version 5.2 is an update that fix minor bugs and add new features.

You can download 5.2 from AWStats official web site:


  • Support for postfix mail log.
  • Added total and average row at bottom of day data array.
  • Added dynamic filter in Host and Referer pages when used as CGI like in Url report.
  • Removed "Bytes" text when values is 0.
  • Reduced main page size.
  • New parameter: Added OnlyHosts parameter.
  • New parameter: Added ErrorMessages to use a personalized error message.
  • New parameter: Added DebugMessages to not allow debug messages.
  • New parameter: Added URLQuerySeparators parameter.
  • New parameter: Added UseHTTPSLinkForUrl parameter.
  • Report for robots accept codes like others charts ('HBL').
  • Can use "char+" instead of "char" for LogSeparator.
  • Records with bad http code for Microsoft Index Servers (on 1 digit instead of 3) are no more reported as corrupted records.
  • Fixed: Fix a bug when using IIS and %query or cs-query-string tag in LogFormat and URLWithQuery=1.
  • Added Albanian language.
  • Added Seychelles flag.

Laurent Destailleur for AWStats.


Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2002-12-11

AWStats 5.2 Beta is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 5.2 beta is ready.

Version 5.2 is an update that fix minor bugs and add new

This new version is for the moment a beta version. If you
look for a stable version, please use 5.1.

You can download 5.2 beta from AWStats official web site:
Beta version is available in tgz package only.


  • Support for postfix mail log.
  • Added total and average row at bottom of day data array.
  • Added dynamic filter in Host and Referer pages when used as CGI like
    in Url report.
  • Removed "Bytes" text when values is 0.
  • Reduced main page size.
  • New parameter: Added OnlyHosts parameter.
  • New parameter: Added ErrorMessages to use a personalized error message.
  • New parameter: Added DebugMessages to not allow debug messages.
  • New parameter: Added URLQuerySeparators parameter.
  • New parameter: Added UseHTTPSLinkForUrl parameter.
  • Report for robots accept codes like others charts ('HBL').
  • Can use "char+" instead of "char" for LogSeparator.
  • Records with bad http code for Microsoft Index Servers (on 1 digit instead
    of 3) are no more reported as corrupted records.
  • Fixed: Fix a bug when using IIS and %query or cs-query-string tag in
    LogFormat and URLWithQuery=1.
  • Fixed: #include now works correctly.
  • Added Albanian language.
  • Added Seychelles flag.... read more
Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2002-11-14

AWStats 5.1 final has been released

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 5.1 final has been released.

Version 5.1 is an update that fix minor bugs and add new

You can download 5.1 from AWStats official web site:

Note 1:
AWStats 5.x are compatible with previous versions (3.x or 4.x).
However if you use awstats 5.x runtime to read statistics for old month
build with 3.x or 4.x, speed will be a little bit reduce but data will be
reported correctly.... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2002-10-26

AWStats 5.1 Beta is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 5.1 beta is ready.

Version 5.1 is an update that fix minor bugs and add new

This new version is for the moment a beta version. If you
look for a stable version, please use 5.0.

You can download 5.1 beta from AWStats official web site:
Beta version is available in tgz package only.


  • Better support for ftp log files.
  • Better support for mail log files.
  • Can analyze streaming log files (Windows Media Server).
  • Added choice of month and year in list boxes (when used as CGI).
  • The data values for month and days are reported in main page under the
    graph, no need to change page.
  • New feature: ShowxxxStats parmaters accept codes to decide which columns
    show in chart.
  • New parameter: Added SkipUserAgents parameter to exclude some user agent
    from statistics.
  • New parameter: Added URLNotCaseSensitive.
  • New parameter: Added URLWithQueryWithoutFollowingParameters to exclude
    parameters from URL when URLWithQuery is on.
  • Added tag %Dw-n for LogFile parameter (replaced with the day number in
    but differs from %DW-n because start with 0).
  • Fixed: -debug option is allowed in migrate.
  • Fixed: Wrong window was opened when clicking on flag link when
    UseFramesWhenCGI was on.
  • Fixed: Fixed pb in refreshing page when clicking on "Update Now" link (no
    need to force the refresh).
  • Fixed: a bug which makes the keywords report loaded twice when page viewed
    as a cgi after an update now click.
  • Fixed: Pb with SAMBAR server ('Expires' line appears at the top of pages).
  • Fixed: Now last update DNS cache file is saved with same permissions than
    history files so it depends on
  • Fixed: Some sorting function were still using old 4.1 algorithm. Now all
    sorts use new 5.0 algorithm (so speed and memory use again increase above
    all for large web sites with a lot of referers).
  • Fixed: Remove DecodeEncodedString on parameters sent by command line.
  • Rewrite plugins to match the same standard for all of them (All use an
    function + AWStats version check + no need of global vars in
  • Can use the #include "configfile" directive in config files.
  • Added week-end color on week-end days in monthdayvalues report.
  • Added 'spider' and 'crawler' as generic robots.
  • Added tool.
  • Remove tool (useless).
  • Updated graph colors.
  • Updated documentation.
  • Updated database.
  • Updated language files.... read more
Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2002-10-19

AWStats 5.0 final has been released

AWStats 5.0 final is ready

It's a pleasure to announce that AWStats 5.0 final has been released.

Version 5.0 is the most important change never made on AWStats.
It solves a lot of problem of low process for large web sites
above all for web hosting providers and add a lot of new features.

You can download 5.0 beta from AWStats official web site: ... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2002-10-04

AWStats 5.0 Beta is ready

AWStats 5.0 Beta is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 5.0 beta is ready.

Version 5.0 is the most important change never made on AWStats.
It solves a lot of problem of low process for large web sites above all for web hosting providers.

This new version is for the moment a beta version. If you look for a stable version, please use 4.1.

You can download 5.0 beta from AWStats official web site:
Beta version is available in tgz package only.... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2002-09-18

AWStats 4.1 final has been released

It's a pleasure to announce that AWStats 4.1 final has been released.

Version 4.1 has minor features enhancements.

4.1 is fully compatible with all 4.0 data files.
With 4.1 version, SiteDomain parameters is now required in AWStats
config files, so if you didn't set it in your config file, you must
add/edit it with name of your web server domain.

You can download AWStats 4.1 from AWStats official web site: read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2002-07-09

AWStats 4.1 Beta is ready

It's a pleasure to announce that AWStats 4.1 Beta is ready.

Version 4.1 has minor features enhancements.
This new version is for the moment a beta version. If you look for a stable version, please use 4.0.

4.1 is fully compatible with all 4.0 data files.

You can download 4.1 beta from AWStats official web site:
Beta version is available in tgz package only.


  • Fixed: -logfile option can be anywhere on command line and accept space
    in log file names.
  • Fixed: A bug vampired memory and caused abnormal disk swapping in
  • Fixed: Reduce nb of dropped records for log files not 'completely' sorted.
  • New tag for logfile: %virtualname allows you to share same log file for
    several virtual servers.
  • New feature: A 'pipe' can be used in LogFile name parameter.
  • New feature: Added full list for refering search engines and refering pages.
  • New feature: Report keywords AND keyphrases. No need to choose one or else.
  • New feature: Report exit pages.
  • New feature: Report visits duration.
  • New option: Added -dir option to choose destination directory for
  • New option: Added AWStats common options to
  • Updated AWStats databases (renamed into .pm files and moved to lib dir).
  • Updated documentation.... read more
Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2002-06-29

AWStats 4.0 final has been released

AWStats 4.0 is ready

It's a pleasure to announce that AWStats 4.0 has been released.

Version 4.0 is a major version.

WARNING: 4.0 is not compatible with OLD history data files. If you use 4.0
to read statistics for old month, report for "visitors" will be wrong as all
old unresolved ip processed with AWStats 3.2 will not be counted when
viewed with 4.0.

So, if you don't want to "rebuild" old statistics and want to have your
customers to keep a view on stats of OLD month (analyzed with AWStats 3.2),
you must keep 2 versions of AWStats: 4.0 to manage and view new month and
3.2 to allow users to "see" statistics for OLD month. Sorry for this, but this
change was absolutely necessary to make AWStats better and easier to use in
future.... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2002-05-11

AWStats 4.0 Beta is ready

AWStats 4.0 Beta is ready

It's a pleasure to announce that AWStats 4.0 beta is ready.

Version 4.0 is a major version.
This new version is for the moment a beta version. If you look for a stable version, please use 3.2.

WARNING: 4.0 is not compatible with OLD history data files. If you use 4.0 to read statistics for old month, report for "visitors" will be wrong as all old unresolved ip processed with AWStats 3.2 will not be counted when viewed with 4.0.... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2002-04-14

AWStats 3.2 has been released

AWStats 3.2 final is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 3.2 final is ready.

Version 3.2 has a lot of new features.
Next version will be 4.0 with a new code to manage larger
web sites.

You can download 3.2 final from AWStats official web site:


  • Increased speed (19% faster than 3.1).
  • Fixed: AWStats history file is no more corrupted by hits made from a search
    engines using a URL with URL encoded binary chars.
  • Fixed: AWStats history file is no more corrupted when a reverse DNS lookup
    return a corrupted hostname (Happens with some DNS systems).
  • Fixed: Security fix. No more possible to update stats from a browser using
    direct url ( when AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser is off.
  • New feature: Added various tags to use dynamic log file name in conf file
    according to current but also older date/time (%YYYY-n,%YY-n,%MM-n,%DD-n...)
  • New feature: Added NotPageList parameter to choose which file extensions to
    count as "hit only" (and not reported in the "Page-URL viewed" report).
  • New feature: Added KeepBackupOfHistoricFiles option.
  • New feature: Number of visits is also visible in days stats.
  • New feature: Added stats for day of week.
  • New feature: Added stats for file types.
  • New feature: Added stats for entry pages.
  • New feature: Added stats for web compression (mod_gzip).
  • New feature: Added stats for authenticated users/logins.
  • New feature: Added parameters to choose which report to see in main page.
  • New feature: Added URLWithQuery option to differenciate
    http://mysite/sameurl?param=x of http://mysite/sameurl?param=y
  • New feature: ShowFlagLinks can now accept list of all wanted flags for
    translation link.
  • New feature: Add logresolvemerge tool to merge splitted log files
    from a load balancing web server before running awstats.
  • New feature: Support standard ISA server log format.
  • New parameter: NbOfLinesForCorruptedLog.
  • Fixed: no more warning/error messages when runned with option perl -w.
  • Reference database (robots, os, browsers, search engines, domains)
    has been extracted in external files.
  • Other minor updates (new flags, reference database updates, ...)
  • Fixed: Parameter MaxNbOfHostsShown was not working correctly.
  • New languages.
  • Added an HTML documentation.... read more
Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2002-01-06

AWStats 3.2 Beta is ready

AWStats 3.2 Beta is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 3.2 beta is ready.

Version 3.2 has just a lot of new features

You can download 3.2 beta from AWStats official web site:
Beta version is available in tgz package only.


  • Increased speed (19% faster than 3.1).
  • Fixed: AWStats history file is no more corrupted by hits made from a search engines using a URL with URL encoded binary chars.
  • Fixed: AWStats history file is no more corrupted when a reverse DNS lookup return a corrupted hostname (Happens with some DNS systems).
  • Fixed: Security fix. No more possible to update stats from a browser using direct url ( when AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser is off.
  • New feature: Added various tags to use dynamic log file name in conf file according to current but also older date/time (%YYYY-n,%YY-n,%MM-n,%DD-n...)
  • New feature: Added NotPageList parameter to choose which file extensions to count as "hit only" (and not reported in the "Page-URL viewed" report).
  • New feature: Added KeepBackupOfHistoricFiles option.
  • New feature: Number of visits is also visible in days stats.
  • New feature: Added stats for day of week.
  • New feature: Added stats for file types.
  • New feature: Added stats for entry pages.
  • New feature: Added stats for web compression (mod_gzip).
  • New feature: Added stats for authenticated users/logins.
  • New feature: Added parameters to choose which report to see in main page.
  • New feature: Added URLWithQuery option to differenciate http://mysite/sameurl?param=x of http://mysite/sameurl?param=y
  • New feature: ShowFlagLinks can now accept list of all wanted flags for translation link.
  • New feature: Add logresolvemerge tool to merge splitted log files from a load balancing web server before running awstats.
  • New feature: Support standard ISA server log format.
  • New parameter: HTMLHeadSection allows you to add HTML code in header report.
  • New parameter: NbOfLinesForCorruptedLog.
  • Fixed: no more warning/error messages when runned with option perl -w.
  • Reference database (robots, os, browsers, search engines, domains) has been extracted in external files.
  • Other minor updates (new flags, reference database updates, ...)
  • Fixed: Parameter MaxNbOfHostsShown was not working correctly.
  • New languages.
Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2001-12-14

AWStats 3.1 final has been released

AWStats 3.1 final is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 3.1 has been released.

Version 3.1 has some new features and a lot of code was reviewed to enhance AWStats speed and reduce its memory usage. So 3.1 is highly recommanded, above all if you are a web hosts provider.
You can download 3.1 final from AWStats official web site:


  • Increase seriously speed for update process (above all for large web sites).
  • Increase VERY seriously speed for viewing stats from a browser.
  • Reduce amont of memory used.
  • AWStats search config file in directories:
    current dir, then /etc/opt/awstats, then /etc/awstats, then /etc
  • New feature: List of last access.
  • New feature: Full list of url scores.
  • New feature: Date format can be choosed according to local country.
  • New parameter: DirLang allows to choose direcotry for language files
  • New parameter: Expires allows to add a meta-tag EXPIRES in HTML report page.
  • New parameter: LogoLink parameter to choose link used for clicking on logo.
  • New parameter: color_weekend option to show week-end days in different colors.
  • New option: -update and -output to update and/or output a report.
  • New option: -showsteps to follow advancement of update process.
  • Fix: OS detection now works correctly (Windows ME reported correctly).
  • Add WAP browsers in AWStats database.
  • New languages.
Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2001-09-16

AWStats 3.1 Beta is ready

AWStats 3.1 Beta is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 3.1 beta is ready.

Version 3.1 has just some new features but i think it's a major release
for the following reason: Code was reviewed a lot to enhance AWStats
speed and reduce its memory usage.
You can download 3.1 beta from AWStats official web site:
Beta version is available in tgz package only.... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2001-08-28

AWStats 3.0 final has been released

AWStats 3.0 final is ready

AWStats team is pleased to announce that AWStats 3.0 final is ready.
Since AWStats 3.0 beta, there is only minor changes (fix in doc and add of some search engines, os in AWStats database).

Version 3.0 is a major change. The most important improvements are:
1) New look
2) Daily stats (for pages, hits and bytes)
3) Personalised log format supported
4) Update is not made by default when runned from
a browser (speed increased and server load decreased)
5) Data language files are now in separate files
6) A lot of other changes (see below)
You can download 3.0 beta from AWStats official web site: ... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2001-07-29

AWStats 3.0 Beta is ready

AWStats 3.0 Beta is ready

AWStats team is pleased to announce that AWStats 3.0 beta is ready.

Version 3.0 is a major change. The most important improvements are:
1) New look
2) Daily stats (for pages, hits and bytes)
3) Personalised log format supported
4) Update is not made by default when runned from
a browser (speed increased and server load decreased)
5) Data language files are now in separate files
You can download 3.0 beta from AWStats official web site: ... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2001-07-17

AWStats 2.24 final has been released

AWStats 2.24 has been released

The AWStats Group is pleased to announce that AWStats 2.24 final is ready.

Version 2.24 has a lot of enhancements. Most of them are to make this software
easier to use. I still didn't include daily statistics in this version but this will be part of the 2.5 (I hope).
The 2.24 final is nearly same than 2.24 beta (just minor changes)

You can download 2.24 from AWStats official web site: ... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2001-05-11

AWStats 2.24 Beta is ready

AWStats 2.24 Beta is ready

The AWStats Group is pleased to announce that AWStats 2.24 beta is ready.

Version 2.24 has a lot of enhancements. Most of them are to make this software
easier to use. I still didn't include daily statistics in this version but this will be part of the 2.3.
The 2.24 beta version is available since a long time ago so it has already been
tested by a large number of users, so this beta phase should be very short and
the 2.24 release should be available very soon.
Thanks for your feedback about this version.... read more

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2001-04-22