
KeePass for Smart Devices / News: Recent posts

Test versions uploaded...


Hi Everybody!

I have uploaded test versions for "KeePassPPC V1.22" and "KeePassSD V2.19 Beta".

Personally i have switched to Android, so i haven't done ANY testing on these versions at all. I just updated to the latest libraries from KeePass, made the programs compile and that's it. No functional changes compared to the previous versions and potentially new issues!... read more

Posted by Tobias 2012-04-15

KeePassSD V2.15 Beta released


KeePassSD V2.15 Beta was released on 15th June 2011.

Release Notes:
* Sort directories and entries in FileSelector alphabetically
* Resize columns for displaying and editing StringFields and Attachments
* Update to Boost C++ Library V1.46.1
* PowerNotification thread should now always terminate
* Add OpenLastFile and KeyFilePath to XML settings
* Bugfixes for Search functionality
* Cleanup some code inconsistencies for string fields and attachment handling
* Update to KeePassLibSD V2.15
* Update to KeePassLibC V1.19b... read more

Posted by Tobias 2011-06-15

KeePassPPC V1.19b released


KeePassPPC V1.19b was released on 28th May 2011.

Release Notes:
* Update to Boost C++ Library V1.46.1
* Update to KeePassLibC V1.19b


This might be the last version of KeePassPPC.
No feature changes, just recompiled with KeePassLibC V1.19b and the current Boost C++ library.


Posted by Tobias 2011-05-28

KeePassSD V2.14 Beta released


KeePassSD V2.14 Beta was released on 16th January 2011.

Release Notes:
* Aligned version number with KeePass V2.14
* Update to KeePassLibSD V2.14
* Update to KeePassLibC V1.18
* Added Search capabiliy
* Another try to fix PocketPC 2003 Non SE device problems


This might be the last version of KeePassSD.
This release adds a rudimentary search functionality and updates the encryption libraries. The version number has been aligned with KeePass V2.14. I hope this finally stops questions about which version is compatible with which ;).... read more

Posted by Tobias 2011-01-16

OT: Icon support for KeePassDroid

My first contribution to KeePassDroid (Android OS) made it into a release.
Standard KeePass icons are now supported.

Posted by Tobias 2010-09-26

KeePassPPC V1.18 released


KeePassPPC V1.18 was released on 10th September 2010.

Release Notes:
* Aligned version number with KeePass V1.18
* Update to KeePassLibC V1.18


This might be the last version of KeePassPPC.
No feature changes, just recompiled with KeePassLibC V1.18 and changed the version number to align with KeePass V1.18.
I hope this finally stops questions about which version is compatible with which ;).... read more

Posted by Tobias 2010-09-10

Future of KeePassSD / PPC...

Hi there!

Some of you might have followed the thread in the forum regarding the future of this project:

The status so far is this:
My initial look at the Windows Phone 7 SDK was not very promising.
I think it will result in yet another complete rewrite of the GUI from scratch and the worst of it: At the moment i see no way to get the KeePassLibSD for the *.kdbx format quickly running on it. The *.kdb format as used by KeePassPPC is completely out of question, as there is no native (C) code allowed on WP7.
Maybe it was because of the early state of the SDK preview i looked at, but major bits of C# Classes which where available on the .Net Compact Framework seem to be no longer there on WP7. So without having a nice lib for the KeePass database formats everything else is pointless.
It's very well possible to have it ported to WP7, but i am most likely not the one doing it. Especially as the sales model will be very iThingyish, that means: Closed App Store with only certified applications in e.t.c. No Install of apps from SD-Card at all.
On the other hand the WP7 SDK is free and this project is GPL licensed, so everybody here can have a go and recycle bits of KeePassSD, if you find anything that can be reused.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2010-08-24

KeePassPPC V0.5.3 released


KeePassPPC V0.5.3 was released on 13th June 2010.

Release Notes:
* Fixed compatibility with Windows Mobile 6.1 devices


When a new release comes out V0.5.3 will be archived to:

Please post comments into the forum: read more

Posted by Tobias 2010-06-13

KeePassSD V0.1.5 Beta released


KeePassSD V0.1.5 Beta was released on 20th March 2010.

Release Notes:
* Fixed problem with inaccessible directories in FileSelectorForm
* Fixed exception on PocketPC 2003 devices
(Still problems on Non SE devices though!)
* Update to KeePassLibSD V2.10
* Update to KeePassLibC V1.17
* Update to Boost C++ Library V1.42.0

Download: read more

Posted by Tobias 2010-03-21

Future of KeePass for Smart Devices...

Microsoft has released information about the new upcoming Windows Phone 7 Series at the MIX conference last week.

Join the discussion at:

At the moment it looks like there might be a limited chance for a KeePass V2.xx compatible version, if it's possible to compile the encryption library for WP7 and replace missing/changed/dropped C# classes. But it will be more or less a complete new program.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2010-03-20

KeePassPPC V0.5.2 released


As the SF Project News functionality was broken for quite some time, i try to catchup with news announcements now in chronological order.

KeePassPPC V0.5.2 was released on 20th February 2010.

Release Notes:
* Fixed compatibility with Windows Mobile 6.5 devices
* Update to KeePassLibC V1.17
* Update to Boost C++ Library V1.42.0

Download: read more

Posted by Tobias 2010-03-20

KeePassSD V0.1.4 Beta released


As the SF Project News functionality was broken for quite some time, i try to catchup with news announcements now in chronological order.

KeePassSD V0.1.4 Beta was released on 1st October 2009.

Release Notes:
* Update to KeePassLibSD V2.09


When a new release comes out V0.1.4 Beta will be archived to: read more

Posted by Tobias 2010-03-20

KeePassSD V0.1.3 Beta released


As the SF Project News functionality was broken for quite some time, i try to catchup with news announcements now in chronological order.

KeePassSD V0.1.3 Beta was released on 15th July 2009.

Release Notes:
* Update to KeePassLibSD V2.08
* Update to KeePassLibC V1.16
* Update to Boost C++ Library V1.39.0

Download: read more

Posted by Tobias 2010-03-20

KeePassPPC V0.5.1 released


As the SF Project News functiolaity was broken for quite some time, i try to catchup with news announcements now in chronological order.

KeePassPPC V0.5.1 was released on 14th July 2009.

Release Notes:
* Update to KeePassLibC V1.16
* Update to Boost C++ Library V1.39.0


Please post comments into the forum: read more

Posted by Tobias 2010-03-20

KeePassPPC V0.5.0 and KeePassSD V0.1.2 Alpha released


This is a maintenance release to catch-up with the encryption library updates of the Windows KeePass Applications.

It contains:
* Update to KeePassLibC V1.15
* Update to KeePassLibSD V2.07
* Update to Boost C++ Library V1.38.0

There seem to be differences between the V2.06 Beta and V2.07 Beta database format, so i don't know if you can re-use your V2.06 *.kdbx database from KeePassSD V0.1.1 Alpha with V0.1.2 Alpha.
Best check if a conversion is automatically performed by KeePass V2.07 Beta for Windows. I just reimported my KeePass V1.xx database into KeePassSD V0.1.2 Alpha.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2009-04-12

KeePassPPC: V0.4.9 and KeePassSD V0.1.1 Alpha released

This project hosts the Windows Mobile ports of the famous Windows PC application "KeePass - The Open-Source Password Safe" from Dominik Reichl ( KeePassPPC is based on KeePass V1.xx and KeePassSD on KeePass V2.xx.


Unfortunately i spent the whole christmas vacation fiddling with my Linksys WRT54G3G router trying to get my WLAN-UMTS Internet connection working, so work on KeePassPPC and KeePassSD was pretty limited. However in the end i got the beast to work with OpenWRT and could do a maintenance release for KeePassPPC and KeePassSD in the last few days off work.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2009-01-09

KeePassPPC V0.4.8 released


This is a maintenance release, which should mainly fix the teething problems of the application auto-exit: The Options dialog was enhanced to allow to switch between old behaviour (exit on minimize) and the new auto-exit. You can also choose to ignore any power events when using the auto-exit now. The code is compiled against KeePassLibC V1.13 using the BoostC++ library V1.36.0. Therefore this release might be problematic, as quite a few warnings pop-up during compilation. Especially the date/time routines might be fragile. In addition to that the (annoying) word completion should now be disabled for all password fields, but this might only work 100%, if your device manufacturer hasn't messed with the input panel. So the safest option is still to either disable "word completion" completely or keep the password hidden all the time.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2008-10-06

KeePassPPC V0.4.7 released


This release finally adds a few long requested features to KeePassPPC: Application auto-exit and auto-clear for the clipboard. It is compiled against KeePassLibC V1.11, which uses the BoostC++ library now. Therefore this release might be problematic, as quite a few warnings show up during compilation. I have used it with my tiny 30KiB database without any problems, but i don't know how it behaves with bigger files. Especially the date/time routines might be fragile.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2008-06-23

KeePassSD V0.1.0 Alpha released


It took some time, but here is the KeePassSD V0.1.0 Alpha release.

This contains the update to Visual Studio 2008, the update to
KeePassLibSD V2.05 and KeePassLibC V1.11.

From a functional point of view this contains the possibility to setup the
password generator, to Add/Edit/Delete "String Fields" as well as to
Attach/Export/Delete "Binary Attachments". However as i rarely use
"String Fields" and "Binary Attachments" the test-coverage is pretty low.
So i have to repeat again:

Posted by Tobias 2008-05-06

KeePassPPC V0.4.6 released


As i managed to release another Alpha for KeePassSD last week, it is now time
for a small update of KeePassPPC. I already skipped to recompile for
KeePass V1.09, so it was really time to catch up.

This is just a maintenance release which is compiled against
KeePassLibC V1.10. As KeePass 1.xx uses the BoostC++ library now this release
might be problematic. I have used it with my tiny 30KiB database without any
problems, but i don't know how it behaves with bigger files.
The clipboard copy routines still miss an auto-clear, so anything you copy in
there, stays in there until it is being overwritten by some other means.
Therefore use them with extreme caution!
The only real change happened in the Find Dialog, where i added the option to
exclude Backup entries from the search.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2008-02-24

KeePassSD V0.0.9 Alpha released

Hi there!

After some delays due to other projects here is finally another Alpha release of KeePassSD.

I managed to implement the rudimentary file handling logic and the code to
add/edit/delete database groups. You can also delete entries now. Adding and
editing entries is not yet completely implemented: You can change the basic
fields, however String Fields and Binary Attachment support is not yet done as
well as the most important bit: A way to configure the password generator.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2008-02-17

KeePassSD V0.0.8 Alpha released


I am currently working on a microcontroller project with the PIC18F2550 and as this is quite time consuming i thought it's a good idea to wrap-up all the KeePassSD changes i've done so far and do an interim release.

It doesn't contain all the things i still have on my To-Do list and you can't add or modify your own KeePass V2.xx entries yet either, but it is far more stable than the first Alpha, so i hope you do enjoy it anyhow.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2007-11-03

KeePassPPC V0.4.5 released


This release of KeePassPPC introduces experimental key file support and is compiled with KeePassLibC V1.08. The key file feature is pretty much untested, so making regular backups is a very good idea! In addition to that the password generator dialog was completely redesigned in order to match the KeePass behaviour and it also uses the generator functionality provided by KeePassLibC. Furthermore it is possible to enable or disable the password preview in the EntryListView now.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2007-09-16

KeePassPPC V0.4.4 released


This release of KeePassPPC is compiled with KeePassLibC V1.07 and also contains builds for Windows Mobile 6 Classic & Professional devices now.

I also merged most of the changes from VVit regarding the GUI and his clipboard routines
There is no auto-clear for the clipboard, so be extremely careful when using this!!!... read more

Posted by Tobias 2007-06-03

KeePassSD V0.0.7 Alpha released

Hi there!

I finally managed to produce the long promised and overdue official Alpha of KeePassSD.

It is not even close to what i would consider high quality code, but it does what it should do: You can open and view the entries of a KeePass V2.02 Alpha database.

You can find the release notes here:

If you have any comments, please post in the forum: read more

Posted by Tobias 2007-04-29