
RText / News: Recent posts

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

This is a minor release that fixes an annoying bug with the file chooser that only appears when using Java 1.6 (1.5 and older don't exhibit the bug) on Windows.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2007-10-31

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in
1. Fixed bug 1757880: "Go To Matching Bracket" didn't work for Perl syntax highlighting with curly braces.
2. Fixed bug 1766385: Exception thrown when trying to open a file from file history that no longer exists.
3. Unnoticeable performance enhancements to syntax highlighting code.
4. Small improvements to overwrite mode.
5. Improved performance of "replace tabs with spaces."
6. Fixed bug where some prompting dialogs didn't honor RTL setting.
7. Fixed a minor bug in the "Shortcuts" option panel.
8. Removed more unused code/files.
9. Directory choosers in Find in Files dialog and in the Options dialog now default to the currently-entered directory.
10. Made table columns in Find in Files/Replace in Files dialogs sortable.
11. Shift+Backspace now behaves just like Backspace in the editor. Previously, it did nothing.
12. Solaris packages have been made available on the SourceForge download page. Thanks to Steve Christensen for doing this! Be sure to check out his website,, for more great Solaris software.
13. Translation updates (bikerpete, Flatron, pivwan, Luca).

Posted by Robert Futrell 2007-09-14

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

This version adds the following:
1. Added ability to set the line terminator used for new files ("General" panel in the Options dialog).
2. Removed some unnecessary text editor code.
3. Removed unimplemented menu items unintentionally left around in
4. Updated several translations.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2007-06-16

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in this release:

1. Added a right-click popup menu for editor tabs when using the tabbed view.
2. Added actions to move the current line up or down (Ctrl+Shift+Up and Ctrl+Shift+Down).
3. Fixed a couple of bugs that occur only when running RText with gcj.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2007-04-10

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in
1. Improved RTL support in the GUI. The only piece still not supporting RTL locales is, unfortunately, the editor.
2. Made templates stored on a per-user basis, instead of per-install.
3. Added '!' as a comment-starting token for properties file highlighting.
4. "Find in Files" now has a shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+F. This is still changable in the Options dialog.
5. Updated Dutch translation (Sebastiaan).
6. Updated German translation (bikerpete).
7. Updated Hungarian translation (Flatron).
8. Updated Indonesian translation (Sonny).
9. Updated Japanese translation (haru haru).
10. Updated Russian translation (Vladimir).
11. Updated Simplified Chinese translation (sonyichi).
12. Updated Spanish translation (phrodo).
13. Updated Traditional Chinese translation (Liu).
14. Updated Turkish translation (Burak).
15. Updated to OfficeLnFs 2.6.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2007-01-29

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in this release:
Changes in
1. Added a "Toggle Comment" menu item (Ctrl+/).
2. Changed default shortcuts for closing a file and the "go to line" dialog.
3. The Source Browser's source tree now automatically expands all nodes when refreshed.
4. Fixed Bug 1567642: Bug in syntax highlighting strings in C/C++/C#/Java.
5. Fixed Bug 1578333: Source Browser's syntax-highlighted tooltips stopped working.
6. Fixed Bug 1585830: Cannot remove shortcuts in options dialog.
7. Fixed Bug 1591069: An exception was thrown at startup on Ubuntu Linux.
8. Removed a few classes that are no longer used.
9. Cleaned up the Options dialog code a little.
10. Added Arabic translation (thanks Linostar!). This also involved a lot of code changes to support RTL locales.
11. Updated several translations.
20. Updated to OfficeLnFs 2.4.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2006-11-15

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in
1. Added a "Replace in Files" dialog.
2. Added Lua syntax highlighting.
3. Properites file syntax highlighting now highlights substitution markers.
4. Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down move the text area up and down one line,
respectively, without changing the caret position.
5. Shift+Enter now inserts a line break (just like regular Enter), instead
of the old behavior of doing nothing.
6. Ctrl+Backspace now deletes the previous word.
7. Made dialogs that are resizable have a "size grip" in the bottom
right-hand corner as a visual indicator.
8. Fixes to the Indonesian translation.
9. Updated Dutch translation (Sebastiaan).
10. Updated translations.
11. Updated to OfficeLnFs 2.3.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2006-09-20

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in this release:
1. The text area now has a "default" foreground color and font that are used if you do not explicitly set these values for a token type (finally!). These are configurable on the "Text Area" option panel.
2. Made token background painting faster.
3. You now get a more detailed error message when an I/O error occurs while trying to save a file.
4. Fixed bug 1505540: Cancelling the "Save before closing?" dialog via pressing Escape closed the file anyway.
5. RText now uses the flag icons from for localizations. Check that site out, they have a really nice "Silk" icon set for applications!
6. Added Traditional Chinese translation (Liu Xiaoxi).
7. Updated Chinese translation (sonyichi).
8. Updated Dutch translation (Sebastiaan).
9. Updated French translation (pivwan).
10. Updated Hungarian translation (Flatron).
11. Updated Japanese translation (haru haru).
12. Updated Portuguese translation (Leandro).
13. Updated Russian translation (Vladimir).
14. Updated Spanish translation (phrodo).
15. Updated Turkish translation (Burak).
16. Updated to OfficeLnFs 2.2.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2006-06-24

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in this release:
1. You can now set the default encoding for new documents from the Options dialog.
2. You can also now configure RText to warn you before opening files larger than an arbitrary size. This can come in handy because, unfrtunately, most JVMs' default maximum heap sizes are too small for editing large text files. So, for example, you could configure RText to warn you before opening files larger than 20MB if you're opening log files of arbitrary size to keep from accidentally opening the 200MB one. By default this option is off.
3. Made the "Printing" panel of the options dialog look a little nicer.
4. Made HTML files created via "Save a Copy as HTML" more compact.
5. Cleaned up the localization code a little.
6. Fixed bug when selecting the "Find" text from combo box's history in Find in Files dialog.
7. Updated to OfficeLnFs 2.1.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2006-04-09

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in
1. Replace operations now recognize captured groups when "Regular Expressions" is selected (RFE 1438886). For example, if you have the text
if (x<7) {
and replace "(\w+)<(\d+)" with "$2<$1", the new value of the text will be:
if (7<x) {
2. Fixed Bug 1431105, which caused all files opened from the Find in Files dialog to be opened with the system's default encoding.
3. Fixed Bug 1428584, which sometimes left a plugin title bar displaying the wrong plugin name.
4. The speed of a "Find in Files" search when "Regular Expressions" is enabled has been greatly improved.
5. Added Korean translation (thanks sbrownii!).
6. Updated Russian translation (Vladimir).
7. Updated Dutch translation (Sebastiaan).
8. Updated German translation (bikerpete).
9. Updated Turkish translation (Burak).
10. Updated OfficeLnFs.jar to 2.0.
11. Fixed a UI "bug" that caused exceptions to be thrown when a menu item without an icon was armed when using a 6.0 b74 JRE.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2006-03-10

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in version

1. Python syntax highlighting has been added.
2. Fixed a bug where closing "last" document in tabbed pane does not give focus to the newly-fucused text area (Bug ID 1387510).
3. Made the file chooser case-insensitive for OS X (Bug ID 1387585).
4. Fixed a bug: Open the same file twice so they're numbered (1) and (2), then save (2) with a new filename - the first file's (1) does not disappear (Bug ID 1387594).
5. Added Portuguese translation (thanks Leandro!).
6. Updated Hungarian translation (Flatron).
7. The scanners used for syntax highlighting are now in their own package.
8. Updated JFlex-based scanners to using 1.4.1 (the latest JFlex release).

Posted by Robert Futrell 2006-01-14

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in this release: (12/06/2005):
1, RText now takes command line arguments. Files to initially open can be specified on the command line (Bug ID 1349745). The RText.exe starter executable shipped with the Windows version can also take a special "jvmargs" parameter specifying parameters for the JVM. This parameter MUST be wrapped in quotes to be parsed correctly. An example:
RText.exe -jvmargs "-Xmx256M" C:\
2. A Mac OSX application package is now a download option.
3. Fixed bug on OSX that made the "OK" button on the Options dialog not work (Bug ID 1357539).
4. Fixed a bug in the Find in Files dialog when doing regular expression searches (Bug ID 1356899).
5. Fixed a bug that made many icon groups not work if running on UNIX (Bug ID 1364382).
6. RText now works as an "external editor" in Total Commander. This was a side effect of making RText accept command line arguments (Bug ID 1270550).
7. Fixed a bug that made it possible to have some of the UI in one language and some in another (Bug ID 1349750).
8. Tokens can now be styled with an underline as well as bold and italics.
9. The UI for plugin tabbed panes has been completely redone to somewhat resemble those in Visual Studio. I'm trying to make the appearance unique, but I want to be sure it looks good in all Look and Feels. Any feedback on the new appearance is welcome.
10. HTML syntax highlighting was redone to be much more efficient. If you see ANY errors in HTML document rendering, please let me know!
11. DTD elements are now syntax highlighted in XML files.
12. Various tweaks for Mac OS X.
13. When using the tabbed pane view, each tab now has a tooltip containing the full path of its file.
14. Made increase/decrease indent menu items use more common shortcuts ('tab' and 'shift+tab' respectively).
15. Made the GUI look a little better when Motif Look and Feel is used.
16. Fixed a small bug in the Source Browser plugin - it parsed the newly active buffer twice instead of once when a document was closed.
17. Updated the splash screen/about dialog image.
18. Added Russian translation (thanks Vladimir!).
19. Fixed and updated Hungarian translation (Flatron).
20. Updated Dutch translation (Sebastiaan).
21. Updated Turkish translation (Burak).

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-12-07

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in
1. Fixed a bug in the file chooser that prevented the editing of files in any encoding other than the system default and Unicode (Bug ID 1301806).
2. The Source Browser stopped working in; this is fixed (Bug ID 1295881).
3. The Source Browser can now use syntax-highlighted tooltips for a more attractive presentation.
4. The Source Browser now parses Fortran, JavaScript and SQL files.
5. Added a JVM "Heap Indicator" plugin. Disabled by default, this plugin is a progress bar in RText's status bar that tells you the current state of the JVM heap. Double-clicking on it will attempt to perform a garbage collection.
6. When drag-and-dropping tabs in the tabbed view, you now see a gray rectangle indicating where the tab will be placed, giving more visual assurance.
7. Updated German translation (bikerpete).
8. Updated Dutch translation (Sebastiaan).
9. Updated Italian translation (stepagweb).
10. Updated French translation (PivWan).
11. The Find and Replace dialogs are now initially populated with the currently selected text, if the selection is non-empty (Feature Request 1338387).
12. A couple of minor enhancements to the Options dialog.
13. Fixed an erroneous error message when searching for strings with '+' in them via the Find dialog and the string wasn't found.
14. Modified the behavior of the left and right arrow keys in the text area when there is a selection to behave more like modern applications.
15. The Ant build scripts for RText and the standard plugins now make it easy to build "debug" versions of RText (e.g., line numbers in stack traces, etc.).
16. Added a workaround to Sun Bug ID 6329226, which would sometimes cause RText to hang when run over Exceed.
17. Upgraded to OfficeLnFs 1.1.2.... read more

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-11-01

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in

1. Added CSS syntax highlighting.
2. The size of docked plugins is now remembered between sessions (Feature Request 1238530).
3. Added Hungarian translation (thanks Flatron!).
4. Updated Dutch translation (Sebastiaan).
5. Updated to OfficeLnFs 1.1.1.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-09-15

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in

1. You can now associate filename extensions with colors in the file chooser. For example, if you associate the color blue with files ending in "java", then the file chooser will display the filenames of all *.java files in blue. This makes a directory listing easy to parse visually for the files you want. Before you could only modify extension/color mappings for a fixed set of file types, but now you can add your own, or remove any you don't want. This mapping is remembered between RText sessions.
2. Icons are now displayed alongside file names in the GUI. These icons correspond to the files' types.
3. The default filter in the file dialog now displays all file types recognized and supported by RText.
4. Added a new icon group containg icons from Eclipse. The icons in this group are under the Eclipse Public License.
5. Added a new icon group containing the BlueSphere icons (
6. A little GUI work on tables in the Options dialog.
7. Added Turkish translation (Burak).
8. Updated Dutch translation (Sebastiaan).
9. Updated Italian translation (stepagweb).
10. Updated to OfficeLnFs 1.1.0, which adds a new "Visual Studio 2005" Look and Feel.... read more

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-09-02

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new:

1. The File System Tree now displays tooltips over filenames like Windows Explorer does.
2. Made the "Text Area" panel of the Options dialog a little nicer.
3. Code refactoring for the file chooser and file system tree.
4. Fixed a focus bug when drag-and-dropping tabs in the tabbed pane view.
5. Fixed a bug in the Background dialog.
6. A wait (hourglass) cursor is now displayed when the file chooser, options dialog, and help dialog are first created. This gives a nice visual cue that the system is busy (and Java's just not hung) on slower systems.
7. Add country flags beside supported localizations in the Languages panel of the Options dialog.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-07-08

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Changes in this release include:
1. Added a "File System Tree" plugin. This plugin allows you to open files directly from a file tree in RText's UI, without having to open up the file chooser.
2. Added a "Search" menu, and moved all searching functionality out of the Edit menu.
3. Removed the "Format" menu, moving most functionality into the Options dialog.
4. Added "Go to Matching Bracket" menu item (Ctrl+[).
5. You can now delete multiple files simultaneously in the file chooser (you used to only be able to delete 1 at a time).
6. You can now use the Delete key to delete files in the file chooser (as opposed to the context menu).
7. Made the "Goto Line" dialog cancellable via the Escape key.
8. Decreased the creation time of the Options dialog.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-06-22

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Changes in this release include:

1. Fixed a bug where using find/replace with regular expressions always did a case-insensitive search.
2. Fixed a bug that prevented the dialog stating the number of replacements done in a "replace all" from showing if the search string contained any regular expression characters.
3. The user can now get RText to use custom icon sets. As an example, I will make an extra icon set available for download on RText's project site. There is also documentation of this in RText's online help.
4. The Source Browser is now an official "plugin," although it still comes standard with RText. RText is now much closer to official plugin support.
5. Updated the Chinese translation.
6. Renaming of some internal stuff that should make things more clear when reading source code.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-06-09

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

New features in this release include:

1. You can now drag-and-drop files into RText! The encoding of the files will be automagically detected (files will be checked for Unicode; if they aren't a Unicode, the system default encoding is used) and syntax highlighting will be applied as necessary.
2. Add syntax highlighting for Java properties files.
3. Added syntax highlighting for Fortran.
4. Enhanced the Find in Files dialog: When searching files with the dialog, Unicode files are now automatically recognized as such and searched correctly; before, they were (incorrectly) searched as the system's defualt encoding. Also, if you are on Windows, filenames are now matched non-case-sensitively, as expected.
5. Added the ability to add file filters to the Open/Save dialog. This is useful when you frequently use RText to modify files of a certain type that doesn't have its own filter by default. (It's also a great feature to have when user-defined syntax highlighting becomes available, if it ever does...). Anyway, the online help describes how to add file filters to the file chooser (it's just modifying an XML file).
6. Added French translation (thanks PivWan!).
7. Updated the Chinese translation (Ming).
8. The source browser now runs ctags in a separate thread. There is no performance boost from this since the process is usually so short; rather, this was done so that we can kill the process if something goes wrong and it never returns (timeout is set at 10 seconds).
9. Updated the text area to correctly paint itself when it has borders. The Look and Feels shipped with Java don't have borders around text areas, but JGoodies for example does.
10. Word-wrap mode is now much, much more effecient with documents containing very long lines.
11. If an Exception is caught and displayed in RText, it will now be syntax highlighted, just to make things a little more pretty.
12. Updated the text area's undo manager to be a little more efficient.
13. Updated SAS syntax highlighting; SAS allows strings to span multiple lines, but the old highlighter didn't paint this correctly; this is fixed. Also, macro variables are now identified.
14. Made the Escape key hide the Options dialog and the About dialog.
15. Added a section on Java regular expressions to the online help's search section.
16. Upgraded to the Office Look and Feels to 1.0.5.
17. Changed the text component's document structure a little; should be (unnoticably) better performing now.
18. Refactored some of the syntax highlighting parsers.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-04-22

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Changes in this release include:
1. Added menu items to increase or decrease the sizes of all fonts in the text areas simultaneously. This is helpful because previously you would have had to go into the Options dialog and changed the size of each font individually. These menu items are found in the View->Font Sizes menu.
2. Added support for 3rd party Look and Feels. To use a 3rd party Look and Feel (such as the JGoodies looks), do the following:
1. Place the Look and Feel's jar file in directory <RText-root>/lnfs.
2. Open up the file <RText-root>/lnfs/lookandfeels.xml. Add the XML necessary to have RText display your Look and Feel as an option (an example is in lookandfeels.xml).
3. Restart RText. In the Format->Look & Feel menu, you should now see the Look and Feel you added as an option!
Your third party Look and Feel will be remembered and used on subsequent startups. If the Jar file is moved, RText will default to the JRE's default look and feel.
3. Added Japanese translation (thanks tomoM!).
4. Updated Italian translation to have correct mnemonics.
5. The time/date stamp action (F5) now inserts a localized time/date stamp. Before it always used the format used by US Windows XP's Notepad.
6. Fixed a bug where a silent exception would be thrown if you tried to print when no print services were available.
7. Made changes to the internal workings of localization.
8. Upgraded to the new 1.0.2 Office Look and Feels jar.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-03-16

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in
1. RText can now load/save text files in any encoding supported by your JVM. Unicode files are still auto-detected (via checking for a BOM). This is a wonderful improvement, as RText's old default encoding was US-ASCII, which wouldn't properly save characters needing more than 7 bits. The new default encoding is OS dependant (Cp1252 for Windows, ISO-8859-1 for UNIX).
2. Gave the online Help a new title page, and improved the Help API a tad.
3. Added Italian translation (thanks stepagweb!).
4. Updated the Spanish translation (thanks daloporhecho!).

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-02-26

RText Version Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in version
1. Added SQL syntax highlighting.
2. Added Indonesian translation (thanks Andi!), although you cannot actually use it as Sun's JRE doesn't support Indonesian.
3. Added the beginnings of the Simplified Chinese translation (thanks Ming!). ???
4. Added Dutch translation (thanks Martin!).
5. Made it easy to configure what languages are displayed as selectable in the "Language" panel of the Options dialog. This is now done via an XML file. This makes it easier for people translating RText into new languages to test their localizations before submitting them.
6. Isolated a bug in the Windows 1.4.2_06 JRE that made RText's custom file chooser not instantiate; this further caused the Options dialog to not be viewable. This behavior was not seen in J2SE 1.5.0 Update 1. In any case, a workaround is now in place.
7. Fixed bug: When the Java icon set was enabled, trying to bring up the Help dialog threw Exceptions that kept it from coming up.
8. Fixed bug: Opening a file when word wrap was enabled caused RText to hang!
9. Fixed a couple of bugs in the OfficeXP and Office2003 Look and Feels that didn't show themselves in RText, but may have in the future.
10. The Help dialog API now supports hyperlinks containing anchors.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-02-23

RText Version Released

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's a list of changes since the last release:
1. RText is now translated into German! You can change the language from the Options dialog. Thanks to Pete Maier for maintaining this translation!
2. Made some changes to the source tree structure to allow for easier translation into other languages. Note that many other languages are also now in the "Language" list in the Options dialog; these are works in progress, and will be functional in the next release.
3. Simplified some options parsing. As a side effect of this, if you are upgrading from a previous verision of RText, the first time you start version, you'll likely receive a message about an Exception being thrown while loading options, and you may lose your preferences. This will only happen the first time you start
4. Cleaned up the Print Preview dialog's code.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-02-08

RText Version Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in version (01/24/2005):
1. Fixed Defect 872764 that was preventing background images from being usable on UNIX/Linux.
2. Updated the QuickSearch bar so that it's more user-friendly: added icons to the "Find Next" and "Find Previous" buttons, made the search field select all of its text when it gains focus, and added a button directly on it to "hide" it.
3. Made XML syntax highlighting more efficient, and it also now recognizes CDATA sections and highlights them appropriately.
4. "virtual" wasn't being highlighted as a reserved word in C++ files. This is fixed (bug 1108576).
5. Fixed a bug where, if a file was reloaded from disk because it was modified out from under your RText session, that file's encoding was set to a value RText couldn't understand, preventing you from being able to save the document unless you manually fixed the encoding in the "Document Properties" dialog (1108573).
6. Changed mouse-clicking behavior in the text area such that if you repeatedly click, every click after 3 alternates between selecting the current word and selecting the current line, to mimic Windows text components.
7. Made the OfficeXP Look and Feel a little more memory-efficient.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-01-25

RText Version Now Available

RText is a customizable programmer's text editor written in Java. Some of its features include: syntax highlighting, editing multiple documents at once, printing and print preview, find/replace/find in files dialogs, undo/redo, and online help.

Here's what's new in version (01/17/2005):
- Added "code templates" (abbreviations). This is a way to quickly insert text you frequently use while coding. Whenever you type a space, if the previous token matches one of the template "abbreviations," the value of the template is inserted into the document. Common templates for C# and Java come standard; you can also add your own via the Options dialog.
- Added a "QuickSearch toolbar" that can be toggle via the View menu. When visible, this toolbar is activated either by clicking in its search field or via Ctrl+F (or whatever shortcut you've defined for the "Find" action). Simply type the text to search for; pressing Enter searches forward, Ctrl+Enter searches backward, and Escape places the caret back into the current text area.
- C# syntax highlighting mistakenly highlighted "boolean" instead of "bool" as a data type; this is corrected.
- Updated the Windows starter executable to add "-Dswing.aatext=true" to the command line; this should make the UI in general have better-looking fonts if you're using Sun's 5.0 JVM or greater.
- Removed some unnecessary dependencies between various packages so more parts of RText can be used in other applications easily.
- A tad more work on the plugin system.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2005-01-18