
Get same code =5 error loading from either zap2it or tvguide

jim barger
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  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-05

    Thanks Jim.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-12

    Here is new xlmtv.xlm

    System 1, somehow scheduler did not run EPG Collector last night, after manual run it all was fine. Checked scheduler looks ok for next week, but made couple minor adjustments and saved, will watch.

    System 2, I updated on 4/10/20 with FP23 (wanted to get auto tasks running sooner after load plus added on series episode info to guide). This system updated last night just fine.

    Did notice on both systems before I was able to see full guide had to again enter/exit and re-enter guide before all there, but full 2 weeks of recordings were present prior to entering guide on both.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-12

    By the way, when looking at scheduler on System 1, I noticed "mcupdate_scheduled" running every day. Do you know what this task is doing?

  • xyn19

    xyn19 - 2020-04-13

    Hey, just want to pop in and say my system is fully working now (fully automatd EPG, WMC forever!) after 2+ weeks of no problems! All recordings work as intended, some series are split into 2, double checked on Zap2It, it's their guide data issue, not zap2xml nor EPG Collector.

    Here's a summary of my set up:
    USA - California - San Francisco Bay Area
    Windows 8.1 WMC
    zap2xml - Zap2It
    EPG Collector
    My Channel Logos (non-EPG related)

    Would it be useful for people if I typed up detailed step-by-step instructions and settings on everything starting from setting up WMC?


    Last edit: xyn19 2020-04-13
    • mceSteve

      mceSteve - 2020-04-13

      YES PLEASE! My guide is pulling in but I still need to add recordings after every download so may be missing something (I'd done a clean install).

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-13

    Yes both running FP23, Thanks again.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-13

    xyn - that would be a great idea, thanks.

  • Adam Woodroof

    Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-14

    Please, please, please! A guide would be amazing!

    I'm just trying to use EPG Collector and Zap2xml in Windows 7 Media Center. I'm so close!

    I was following the guide created by Steve in this thread:


    Last edit: Adam Woodroof 2020-04-14
  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-14

    Why don't you post what's going wrong then maybe someone can help you.

  • xyn19

    xyn19 - 2020-04-14

    Ok, I'll do it! I'm pretty new here, where shall I post it? Since I have a fully working setup, I don't think this thread/topic would be the best place. If I create a new topic, do you suggest Open Discussion or Help forum?

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-14

    Open discussion.

  • Adam Woodroof

    Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-14

    I just meant I would love a guide, but I will gladly take some help too.

    Here's what I've done so far:

    1) installed zap2xml
    2) set zap2it lineup
    3) created batch file (zap2xml -d 14 -F -j -D -I -u -p your_password)
    4) ran batch file and downloaded xmltv.xml
    5) installed lastest EPG Collector fix pack
    6) create collection with custom parameter
    7) on imports tab: browsed to xmltv file, settings (English, replace broadcast with import, zap2it/schedules direct atsc, mountain standard time -- no checks in any boxes), clicked add, clicked load files
    8) on output tab: checked windows media center output, settings (left import name blank, use program title without merge -- checked all boxes)
    9) saved ini file in user app data location
    10) ran collect epg data -- clicked yes to no tuning inputs selected
    11) got successful exit code 0 message

    But still no listings in Windows Media Center. I'm using Windows 7.


  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2020-04-14

    Not from personal experience, but from what others have written, it seems these types of issues are usually tied to channel mapping in wmc. Try remapping the channels. Make absolutely sure they map to what is being downloaded by the guide. Check the epgc log for the load step and whether it appears the Channels match. Make sure the loadmxf step completes correctly.

    Also, consider adding the T and N switches to your bat file once things are working.

    I think Steve told someone else that time needs to be set to local for xml import setups.


    Last edit: s armstrong 2020-04-14
  • Adam Woodroof

    Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-14

    Thanks -- are there any guides on how to remap channels? I'm not getting a single EPG to show up in the guide.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-14

    Adam, what I found following Steve's guidance. Select Guide, move to left over channel having problem. Double click. Then select edit channel, then edit listings. Select discripton for channel in question with DT on end. Do not remember if you have to save that or just exit. If save is there, do use it. Should get guide to map.

    • Adam Woodroof

      Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-14

      Thanks! But if all of my channels are having problems -- no EPG data in guide yet -- I probably have a bigger issue, right?

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-14


    Also not sure about all your setting for EPG Collecter, here are my settings:

    Tuning Tab: Select ATSC Tab North America - Terestrial ( do nothing else here)

    Imports Tab: Path Browse to your xmltv.xml location
    Language: undefined
    Processing Mode: Replace broadcast with import
    Format of the channel ID: Zap2it/Schedule Direct ATSC
    Time zone: local
    check "ignore non-standard episcode tags"
    check " store images locally"
    then click "add"
    then click "load files"

    output tab:
    check: "Don't log small gaps between programmes"
    Check: Windows Media Centre Output: Enabled
    I selected "Append season/episode number to description" not needed but fun information
    Check: Run standard tasks after import
    Series and requests: set to "use programme title without merge"

    Save and run
    I had another problem with " Change Programme Categories - Change XMLTV Program Category Descriptions" not sure that applies to you? Some effected some of my series programs.

    Hope this helps

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-14

    Post your EPG Collector.log file and I'll take a look.

  • Adam Woodroof

    Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-14

    Thanks Steve!

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-15

    There's nothing in that log except loading EPG Centre.

    And you should install the latest fixpack - it's 23.

  • Adam Woodroof

    Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-15

    That's really weird. I updated yesterday. And I followed this guide exactly. Everything worked perfectly, except nothing showed up in the guide. And weirdly enough, several channels disappeared from the guide after running EPG Collector. Could be a coincidence, but this setup has been rock solid for over 10 years. Could I have attached the wrong log? I only saw that one file.

  • Adam Woodroof

    Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-15

    Ok -- figured out at least a little something. My log file has not been modified since 2/19/2020. Why would my log file not be updating?

    I ran again with Jim's settings above and got a handful of stations to show up in guide. I assume I need to map the rest.

    But ever since I ran EPG Collector yesterday, my channels are all messed up. Some are missing, some are repeated. Is there like a reset button or something?

    And just a little proof that something is happening :)

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-15

    Post the log. Always post the log.

    • Adam Woodroof

      Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-15

      In the post above my last post I said my log isn't working. The file hasn't been modified since February even though I used EPG Collector this week. What could cause the log to not update?

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