
Get same code =5 error loading from either zap2it or tvguide

jim barger
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  • mceSteve

    mceSteve - 2020-03-13

    Last edit: mceSteve 2020-03-13
  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-03-16

    System 1 worked perfectly again this week.

    System 2, not so good. oneDrive copy process did not work for system 2 this week, had to manually copy/rework zap2it file. So I then removed oneDrive process. Do not believe I can count on oneDrive. File gets delayed. So now I download from zap2it on both processors.

    Seeing some series shows that are repeats being recorded (within same week), but short of checking sub-titles (if they exist), see no other way to dis-regard, but have not fully looked at situation.

    Here is latest download.

  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2020-03-16


    FYI - I do the same thing with a network share/NAS and that works fine. Or are your boxes in different locations?

    Best to limit demand on zap2it servers when possible. We don't know if/when they may decide to do something so that this process no longer works.


    Last edit: s armstrong 2020-03-16
  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-03-16

    Really do not understand full operation of OneDrive (Microsoft tool). Thru windows I set up common location/account which I have three computers sharing access to. I had about 15-20 min difference between system 1 downloading and system 2 fetching. Worked for three weeks, then it failed. I considered writing a script to keep trying if date on file was wrong, but that sounded dumb.

    I agree on limiting demand on xap2it servers.

  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2020-03-16

    So are your boxes in different locations so you can't use network storage or a share? If so, maybe worth looking at Google drive. I think you can have the copy done real-time (ie have bat wait for completion) but my experience with gDrive is pretty limited.


    Last edit: s armstrong 2020-03-16
  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-03-16

    I believe OneDrive is storage on the network. I copy to and from that location then operate on file locally.

  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2020-03-16

    According to what I see it looks like one drive is cloud storaage like Google drive, etc vs local network storage (NAS, share, etc).

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-03-16

    Thanks Jim.

    OneDrive is Cloud storage. Download can always fail same as any other internet download.

    Your series problem will almost certainly be fixed with the next fixpack. You would have to upgrade and set all your series recordings up again.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-03-16

    Steve: I know we started to discuss repeats some time back and you had suggested some ideas. Sorry I kind of put that off, but getting fired up again. I re-call you said if within 7 days, they are not flagged as repeats.

    Is that something WMC does or can EPG Collector control what WMC does?

    Does EPG Collector add "(Repeat)" to subTitles or is that WMC?

    For my last zap2it data base:

    on 3/16/2020 for ProgName 9-1-1 SubTitle Seize the Day DateShown 3/16/2020 and noted as new and was scheduled to record

    on 3/21/2020 for ProgName 9-1-1 SubTitle Seize the day DateShown 3/16/2020 and PrevDate 3/16/2020 and noted as not new was not labeled as repeat and ended up being scheduled to also record and subtitle did not identify it as a repeat. Why this not labeled as a repeat? Data in xmltv.xml showed it was a repeat.

    on 3/23/2020 for ProgName 9-1-1 SubTitle Fools DateShown 3/23/2020 and noted as new and was scheduled to record

    on 3/29/2020 for ProgName 9-1-1 SubTitle Fools DateShown 3/23/2020 and PrevDate 3/23/2020 and noted as not new was not labeled as repeat and ended up being scheduled to also record and subtitle did not identify it as a repeat. Why this not labeled as a repeat? Data in xmltv.xml showed it was a repeat.

    Several other shows were also set to record, Young Sheldon on 3/26 (2 times), The Neighborhood on 3/26 and FBI:Most Wanted on 3/26, MacGyver on 3/27

    all of these ( in xmltv.xml) were not labeled as new, had no subtitles, and no dateShown or prevDate's.

    Maybe if these four conditions are met we could somehow label them as Repeats.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-03-16

    Jim: WMC puts the Repeat comment in not EPGC I believe possible based on the original air date.

    See my previous comment on series. The version you are using with the Series and repeats option set to Not used is flawed.

    From another users testing with the next fixpack series recordings become a lot more reliable because they use the Zap2it reference numbers rather than the program title and the MXF file is structured in the correct way for WMC to detect repeats.

    The thread this has been discussed in at length is at

    There are 3 pages so when you have time you might want to read it.

    The fixpack with the upgraded series matching will be out in the next day or so. I just have to update the User Guide etc.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-03-19

    I have reviewed above indicated thread. This looks challenging. Will keep monitoring. Good luck.

  • mceSteve

    mceSteve - 2020-03-21

    I'm trying out the latest fixpack. I could use a suggestion of the optimal settings. I read the Release Notes for FP23, but still not positive.

    e.g. Imports: set Processing mode to Merge, broadcast take precedence? Set empty previously shown tags checked?

    Output: Series and Repeats I think should be Use broadcaster references, and Auto map EPG data to channels.

    Is that it or do I need to set anything else? thank you

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-03-22

    I'm assuming you are importing Zap2it data.

    Processing mode can be set to anything if you are only importing a Zap2it file. It's used if you have OTA data and import data in the same run and they have to be combined in some way.

    Set empty previously shown - I suggest you tick that.
    Series and repeats - Broadcaster references definitely for Zap2it data.
    Auto map - tick unless you want to map each channel to it's data using WMC Edit channel

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-03-22

    New zap2it download enclosed (for system 1).
    Did have problem. On only system 1, for the second week did not schedule to record any of the shows. All series shows were correctly identified but not set to record. One exampe of this was "All Rise". Yet if you look at program it is identfied as "NEW". System 2 worked perfectly again.

  • xyn19

    xyn19 - 2020-03-22

    Hi, I tested out FP23, much progress from a few months ago for US ATSC. Kudos.

    I noticed a side effect of setting a default shown date of 1970-01-01. Now some recorded wtv files have that date displayed in Windows Explorer, versus previously such recordings have a blank date in the Date column. So Windows must have used a different way to figure out not to duplicate record the same show again within 7 days, especially when sufficient information is available in Zap2It xmltv file to determine if two shows are the same or not. (I learned about the 7 days from this forum.)

    Now a curious it possible or has anyone looked at how Windows EPG used to do it, maybe it created some intermediate mxf file that can be looked into? What about such mxf file created by Schedules Direct?


    Last edit: xyn19 2020-03-22
  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-03-22

    Jim - are you sure the scheduled task 'Update PVR Schedule' had run on system 1? Until that runs your scheduled recordings won't be updated.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-03-22

    xyn19 - I have wondered about the method previously used when the guide data came from Microsoft. There was never any 'default date' shown any where against a program so it must have used some other method.

    I'm convinced with FP23 that the MXF file EPGC produces is correctly structured when importing a Zap2it file. It uses the Zap2it dd-progid reference numbers and correctly creates a single series record and a single program record for each unique program. This was not the case prior to FP23.

    The only field that is in question is the original air date. This field is set with a proper value if there is a proper value in the Zap2it previously shown tag but that only seems to be the case for recognized series. All other shows have a previously shown tag but without a value. That's when you get the default date.

    • xyn19

      xyn19 - 2020-03-23

      I see. I'm going to turn off that option for now, unchecking "Set empty previously shown tags to default date." This is because when it's set to 1970-01-01, a bunch of newly recorded programs are now listed in WMC at the end of other recordings. WMC by default sorts recorded programs chronologically in reverse.

      3 hours later, I realized I had WMC sorted by Original air date (don't know how it got there, never use that sort) , that explains why some new recordings are listed at the end, re-sorted by Date recorded and everything showed up fine. :)


      Last edit: xyn19 2020-03-23
  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-03-23

    Looking at the code I'm not sure that will clear the field where it has been set if you unset the option.

    It needs to be have the value 0001/1/1 in the MXF file for WMC to consider there is no date set and EPGC doesn't do that since FP23.

    • xyn19

      xyn19 - 2020-03-23

      FP23 definitely makes recording scheduling more functional.
      Yet setting original air date to 1970-01-01 might not be a proper fix for the scheduling issues. There has to be a way to fix it properly right? MS+Zap2It was able to do it.


      Last edit: xyn19 2020-03-23
  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-03-23

    That's what I am trying to get to.

    From my testing, and from another user here on another thread it appeared to work in most cases.. It's possible you need a clean database for it to work properly.


    Last edit: Steve Bickell 2020-03-23
  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-03-23

    Steve: The scheduled task 'Update PVR Schedule' had run successfully per the scheduler.
    Entered and exited guide couple times, plus checking an individual channel, rest of guide finally came in without re-running Update PVR Schedule.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-03-23

    Steve: the real problem there was not recording series shows that it was set to record and having information identifiying the shows as new.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-03-23

    Let me re-state that, last shot not writen very clear.

    For System 1: guide did have problems loading, but only by entering and exiting the guide was I able to get in the second week in. Update PVR Schedule had already run (per scheduled tasks) and I did not try to run it again.

    But same number of series shows that were set to record stayed the same, both before loading and after guide fully loaded. I found in the second week all the series shows that had been identified to record were identified as series (allowing me to cancel series), but were not set to record. For every one of them I had to manually tell it to record them. In the xmltv.xml file all these files were labeled as "NEW".

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-05

    Here is latest zap2it.
    System 1 with fp 23 doing fine with your guide re-assigments
    System 2 with fp 15 having no problems

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