
Get same code =5 error loading from either zap2it or tvguide

jim barger
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  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-02-16

    System 1: It seems like I've been having a scheduling problem for collector on this system. Hopefuly fixed for next Sunday. After manual collector and extra task runs, series shows all scheduled correctly (47 shows). But schedule goes to 2/28 and I cannot get guide to load past 2/23? Tried 6 different times.

    System 2, worked perfectly! 83 shows scheduled! After that first week failed to carry to second week all is fine now. Even with the strange channel name differences.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-02-17

    On system 1 have you tried clicking on the channel name and looking at the programmes that way past the 23rd?

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-02-17

    I forgot to try that approach. Was going to do this morning, but I checked guide first it and it was ok now. I did try guide several other times over the day yesterday, it was always ending early then. So something happened to clear that problem overnight.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-02-18

    Can you send me your zap2it from Sunday.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-02-18

    Here is zap2it file.
    Did observe strange thing on System 2. I have my series defaults set to start 2 min early if possible, which with 4 tuners on this machine I get that window most of the time. But I found over past few days that was not happening. So I cleared out 5 shows last night, reset to 3 min (to test) and re-scheduled and started getting that early start back. Then cleared and reset all back to 2 min.

    Got rather busy past few days. With system 2 so busy and doing farily well not excited about updating it right now. But so as I get the chance will re-do system 1 (to your latest version) and report results.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-02-23

    Jim - when you have time I have a version that does a channel scan that needs testing with ATSC data.

    You wouldn't need to do any collections with it to test it and it doesn't touch the WMC database so can't screw up your current setups. I could also give you a zip copy instead of an msi so that you could leave your current installs as they are.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-02-23

    Here is latest zap2it.
    I got a little busy this last week, so plans got slipped, probably will stay that way for next week.
    System 1 & 2 both loaded and setup without any real problems this week.
    Ship me zip copy, will try to test before other commitments take control.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-02-23

    OK will do tomorrow. There is no rush. If necessary I'd release it with a proviso that it was a beta level feature (ie not completely tested).

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-02-23

    Let me know what to look for and report back on.
    I may not have much time after Monday for about a week.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-02-25

    Don't worry about testing the channel scan. I've put it out in fixpack 22 as a beta release.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-03-11

    Back in town again. Here is last two zap2it's. Both weeks worked perfectly. Yes, still on 4.3 and fix15. If needed I can test something for you. But as they say if it isn't broke don't fix it, so I will probably roll in and out clones to do any testing for now. Thanks for all your support. Things are really looking good. However, if what I read is true about upcoming frequency changes, all this could change.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-03-11

    That's good nes and thanks for the files. Every time you send them I run them thru and check everything still looks OK.

    You might like to try the latest fixpack on a test basis as it has a channel scan that will show you what channels are on what frequencies. Someone else in NA has tried it and says it works so it might be useful to you for the upcoming changes.

    The other thing I've spent a lot of time on lately is getting the series recordings to work better. The method EPGC uses at the moment if you set Series and repeats to 'not used' is flawed. I'm modifying the third option in that list (use broadcaster references) to create a different format MXF file using the reference numbers from the Zap2it file which I'm pretty confident will mean that WMC will record series in the same way it did with your Rovi data.

    I haven't released this change yet as I'm waiting on someone to test it but it shouldn't be long.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-03-12

    mcesteve - What's the procedure for downloading a file ie www address, what you then select etc etc

    • s armstrong

      s armstrong - 2020-03-12

      The process I'm familiar with would not be overly easy to replicate. It uses a screen-scraper on the site using each users login credentials to access location/channels/favorites.

      Requires creating zap2it user account & credentials which are then used by the screen scraping program "zap2xml".


      Last edit: s armstrong 2020-03-12
  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-03-12

    Right now all my series recordings look right on (three weeks straight). But the PBS channel with repeats within 1-2 days is not happing right now, so that is up for grabs.

    Since I already have my system set for doing zap2it and EPG thru separate schedules, rolling it into EPG not necessary for me. However, I agree with mceSteve it would make life simpler and especially for new customers.

    As far as channel frequency scans, that is a rare event (physical frequencies changing). So I really do not think it needs to be done with every zap2it update. Maybe a separate user initiated task out of EPG Collector as needed?

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-03-12

    The frequency scan is a separate feature available from the EPG Centre Run menu. It's not part of a normal run.

    Can you post me your script for downloading the Zap2it file from the web site. I don't seem to be able to access the site at all.

  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2020-03-12

    Steve, see my response above Jim's. Let me know if you want to pursue further.

    • Ringo Dada

      Ringo Dada - 2020-03-13

      Here is what I have done to get the xmltv file from using

      1. I have registered on the with a userid/password. I then
        logged in with my id, and set my tvguide profile by specifying my zip. This
        gives me the guide for my local TV provider (Verizon Fios). Screenshot of
        what this looks like:

      2. I have then put the following lines in a windows batch script that I
        have scheduled to run twice a week. It automatically downloads the xmltv
        file, and then run it thru EPG Collector to do its magic (highlighted the
        command below to download the file):

      SET baseDir=d:\wmcguide

      SET EPG_DIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Geekzone\EPG Collector"

      SET EPG_INI="C:\Users\ringodada\AppData\Local\Geekzone\EPG Collector\EPG

      SET zap2xmlPath=%baseDir%\zap2xml

      SET zap2xmlCachePath=%zap2xmlPath%\cache

      SET xmltvFile=%zap2xmlPath%\xmltv.xml

      SET logfilename=%baseDir%\RefreshEPG.log

      set year=%date:~-4%

      set month=%date:~4,2%

      if "%month:~0,1%" == " " set month=0%month:~1,1%

      set day=%date:~7,2%

      if "%day:~0,1%" == " " set day=0%day:~1,1%

      rem set FreshDate=%year%%month%%day%

      set FreshDate=%month%%day%%year%

      @REM -----------------------------------------

      @REM preCommands

      @REM -----------------------------------------

      echo %date% %time% - Started > %logfileName%

      cd %zap2xmlCachePath%

      del /f /s /q . >> %logfileName%

      cd %zap2xmlPath%

      .\zap2xml.exe -z -u myuserid -p mypassword -o %xmltvFile% >> %logfileName%

      cd %EPG_DIR%

      %EPG_DIR%\EPGCollector.exe /ini=%EPG_INI% >> %logfileName%

      cd %baseDir%

      echo %date% %time% - Ended >> %logfileName%

      From: s armstrong
      Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2020 5:59 PM
      To: [epgcollector:discussion]
      Subject: [epgcollector:discussion] Get same code =5 error loading from
      either zap2it or tvguide

      Steve, see my response above Jim's. Let me know if you want to pursue

      Get same code =5 error loading from either zap2it or tvguide /?limit=25&page=11#7f28

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  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-03-13

    This is my bat file minus real password.
    I have a separate folder to save last weeks file in case I want to look back.
    I have a oneDrive account to pass this file from system 1 to system 2 (trying to not over use zap2it account access: ie. not sure why they allow this or for how long they will allow such access)

  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2020-03-13

    Ringo - can i ask why you are clearing the cache each run? It does run substantially slower without cache. If worried about more current guide data look at the -T and -N switches to accomplish similar results without losing all of the benefits of caching. Some of us are using -N (1 or 2) to ensure current results for most current days.

    But, we are also running every day so that may be why clearing cache makes more sense for your use case.


    Last edit: s armstrong 2020-03-13
    • Ringo Dada

      Ringo Dada - 2020-03-13

      You are absolutely right, I should use these options. The deleting of cache
      is probably the leftover from when I was initially testing the script and
      the entire WMC update process. But once it worked, I never went back and
      changed it. Now is probably a good time to make these changes.

      And I can run it daily as well, I don't see a downside for doing that.


      From: s armstrong
      Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 10:57 AM
      To: [epgcollector:discussion]
      Subject: [epgcollector:discussion] Get same code =5 error loading from
      either zap2it or tvguide

      Ringo - can i ask why you are clearing the cache each run? It does run
      substantially slower without cache. If worried about more current guide data
      look at the -T and -N switches to accomplish similar results without losing
      all of the benefits of caching. Some of us are using -N (1 or 2) to ensure
      current results for most current days. But, we are also running every day so
      that may be why you are going the route you are.

      Get same code =5 error loading from either zap2it or tvguide /?limit=25&page=11#8413

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      • mceSteve

        mceSteve - 2020-03-14

        Ringo, I was reading your post and looking at the batch settings trying to make sense of them. If as an example, I had set to 14 days (-d 14) and run it 2x a week, would I then set -n to 6 and when it downloads it'll skip collecting the past 6 days? thanks

  • mceSteve

    mceSteve - 2020-03-13

    Steve, to your question about what's my procedure for downloading, etc. It's the same as Jim's bat file. So really if it was as simple as offering user place to enter path to the bat file that runs zap2xml, that would be fine (and running again if it failed to download the updated xml). It' just a nice to have, definitely lower priority over EPGC updating the series, etc. because I could just run the bat file more often. That part is working relatively well.

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