
Get same code =5 error loading from either zap2it or tvguide

jim barger
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  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-15

    Log location depends if you are running as admin or user. From the user guide:


    Windows XP  C:\Documents and Setting\All Users\Application Data\Geekzone\EPG Collector
    Vista/W7    C:\ProgramData\Geekzone\EPG Collector
    Windows XP  C:\Documents and Setting\%user%\Local Settings\Application Data\Geekzone\EPG Collector
    Vista/W7    C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\Geekzone\EPG Collector
  • Adam Woodroof

    Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-15

    That was it -- thanks! Here's the log. Also, what is the proper location of the .ini file?

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-16

    The same place as the log is the default location but you can put it anywhere you like.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-17

    The log looks OK. Have you got any further with this yet?

  • Adam Woodroof

    Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-17

    Thanks for looking. Actually, I've gotten quite a bit further.

    I'm just mapping channels and then I need to schedule the task.

    I do have one odd occurence. In the screen capture below, zap2it has two listings for 25.1. I receive the KDEN channel, but I didn't see that when I was mapping the channels. I only have the KPXH. I do have the other two KDEN channels for 25.2 and 25.3. How do I fix this?

  • Adam Woodroof

    Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-18

    And I forgot to attach the screenshot.

  • mceSteve

    mceSteve - 2020-04-19

    Is anyone else using Adam's parameters for zapit?

    -d 14 -F -j -D -I

    I'm using -d 14 -N 5

    I'm not using the other ones. I looked up what they do and some sound interesting

    -I = tvg: include program image URLs - 1 http request per program!
    -D = include extra program details = 1 http request per program!
    - j = add "series" category to all non-movie programs
    -F = output channel names first (rather than "number name")

    I feel like I and D could be useful data. I wonder if -j and -F would mess with EPGC settings...

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-20

    I'm using Adam's parameters. No problems. Just wish zap2it data was a little more complete, ie: some programs just lack information.

  • Adam Woodroof

    Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-20

    I got those parameters from a guide Steve put together a while back.

  • Adam Woodroof

    Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-20

    This is the dumbest of dumb questions... but as I'm experimenting a tweaking settings:

    1) if I run zap2xml again it downloads all new data, right?
    2) if I run epg collecter again, it updates the listings in WMC, right?

  • Adam Woodroof

    Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-20

    I've been doing some experimenting with the parameters:

    • j doesn't seem to have much affect. I'm not sure what this one was originally for. I assume something to do with series recording in WMC. I can record programs as series whether or not the tag says series. I'm going to remove this one.

    • F I'm not sure about this one either. If mapping channels manually in WMC, it's waaaaay easier without - F. It looks kind of weird in the guide. For example, it says 4.1 4.1 KCNC-HD because the channel number is right next to the channel name. I think this is probably the reason for - F. You don't really need the channel number in the channel name. I am adding logos to my guide using mychannellogos. I'm going to remove this one too.

  • mceSteve

    mceSteve - 2020-04-20

    I just entered a state where everything is working smoothly (other than having thousands of channels in my database). I'll test out the I & D parameters next.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-20

    Adam, For your earlier questions, I believe:

    1. You can look in the directory that zap2it runs in and see the download file (xlmtv.xlm) and its new creation dates, so yes it is a new download. However, I assume they have some sort of tool that runs collecting and updating that data set continuously. So if you look at the downloads a few hours apart, you will find changes. The file is a text file so you can check it out.

    2. The second question is one I'm not sure of. I do not know if it just finishes out the time frame, or redoes the time entire time window. Good one for Steve.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-20

    Jim - your comment 'Just wish zap2it data was a little more complete, ie: some programs just lack information'.That might relate to entries in the Zap2it file that are updated when it gets nearer the broadcast date. Talk shows seem to be like that where they update the entry to inlcude the guest list and season/episode numbers.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-20

    mcesteve - -j and -f won't mess with any EPGC settings. -j will mean that more programmes wiill be flagged as series in WMC.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-21

    Steve - I download 2 weeks of data every Sunday, so that means there is an overlap of one week. I assume EPC Collector processes full two weeks each time, does WMC? Will that overlapping week get updated if changes occur?

  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2020-04-21


    If not already, you will want to use the -N 5 (or so) on your zap2it cmd. That will replace the most recent days (number after the N) data with more up-to-date information. Otherwise, since you are only collecting once a week, your most recent info will always be old. I would also suggest the T switch to suppress caching of descriptions containing TBA.


    Last edit: s armstrong 2020-04-21
  • Adam Woodroof

    Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-21

    I'm sure it's personal preference to some extent, but is there any consensus on how often to collect and how to use the - n and - N tags?

  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2020-04-21

    Adam, myself and the few people I'm familiar with are just OTA so relatively few channels (~ 20 in my case) so we collect every day. In that case we use N 1 or 2, along with the T switch, so that we take advantage of caching but reload the most recent 1 or 2 days data in case there are updates to program info. The T switch doesn't cache tba listing so they are always loaded if new info is available.

    Using these settings, my zap2xml command always completes in less than 10 minutes and my epgc runs about 15 minutes (most of that time is downloading program images.


    Last edit: s armstrong 2020-04-21
    • Adam Woodroof

      Adam Woodroof - 2020-04-22

      Thanks! I'm the same -- about 20 OTA stations. Sounds like collecting every day with N 1 and T is perfect for me.

  • mceSteve

    mceSteve - 2020-04-21

    After turning on I and D and the download time went way up and for the shows I care about it gave me little added info so I turned them off again since it's not worth the extra time for me. I did keep -j per Steve's recommendation.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-21

    s.armstrong: When they talk about cache, what are talking about? Guide program data? If so then using -N 7 would throw out the next 7 previously saved days of data and reload these days while adding on the next future week?

    Does using the T leave holes in the guide if it does not get resolved?

    PS: I'm only tracking 7 channels currently, so download time changes I assume would be small.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-22

    Jim - Are you still using Series and repeats set to 'use programme title'? If you are then your guide should show the updates for those programs that start off with a generic description and are then updated as the broadcast date gets closer.

    Of course if a program update occurs only a day or two before broadcast you won't pick it up because you are only updating every 7 days but I think most programs update a lot earlier than that. The late night chat shows seem to be the most common examples eg The Late Late Show with James Corden.

    The reason I ask about Series and repeats is with your setting fp23 will work correctly and update the programme details. If you were using 'Use broadcaster references' the updating would not work because that's only been fixed in fp24 which I haven't released yet.

  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2020-04-22

    Zap2xml saves (caches) each program's information so that it does not have to be downloaded again but has no way to know if a program's information has been updated. So if an initial description is very generic, it would not be replaced with more specific information if/when that becomes available. The N option resolves this issue by always deleting the cache for the upcoming N days and replacing with newer data. Talk shows may be a perfect example. 2 weeks out the description may be "late night with..." then 5 (or whatever) days out the details may become available. The correct settings for you will depend on how many days out you setup your recordings combined with your download schedule.

    T switch doesn't leave holes in the guide. It just doesn't cache an entry containing TBA so it just keeps being re-downloaded until it hopefully no longer contains TBA.


    Last edit: s armstrong 2020-04-22
  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-22

    s armstrong: On T swiitch for TBA, how does it keep being downloaded? Isn't that only when I run xap2it?

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