The AWS X-Ray daemon listens for traffic on UDP port 2000
The official AWS X-Ray Recorder SDK for Ruby
AWS X-Ray SDK for the Go programming language
The official AWS X-Ray Recorder SDK for Java
AWS X-Ray SDK for the Python programming language
The official AWS X-Ray SDK for Node.js
A controller to help manage App Mesh resources for Kubernetes cluster
Java distributed tracing implementation compatible with Zipkin backend
TIGRE: Tomographic Iterative GPU-based Reconstruction Toolbox
An open-source framework for building serverless applications
An interactive viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures.
X-Ray and Neutron Reflectivity Modeling
Open Source Integrated Hospital Information Management System
Processing and analysis of Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) data.
Physically accurate and validated GPU ray-tracer
Optical Simulation software
Virtual X-Ray Imaging Library on GPU
Volumetric image processing software
LDraw™ editor for LEGO® style digital building instructions.
Diffraction X-ray Image Analyzing Tool Kit
a package with useful scripts for X-ray diffraction physicists