Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups
DeepVariant is an analysis pipeline that uses a deep neural networks
VCF vcard, XML xcard, JSON jcard;View, Edit, Convert, Export, CSV, QR
convert genome coordinates betweeen assemblies
NGSEP (Next Generation Sequencing Experience Platform)
Software for predicting probability of lung cancer from VCF file
Splicing Prediction in Consensus Element
An Intuitive and Efficient Tool for VCF file filtration
A simplistic C++ VCF/VCARD parser
Excel VBA Script to convert VCF file with multiple entries to CSV file
his program extracts reads from SAM file according to SNPs from a VCF
Cross-plattform java invoicing and accounting application
This Excel file exports contact information from a table to a vcf file
AUtozygosity iDentification And ClassIfication Tool
Federated Open Micro-formatting Project
Apache LDAP Directory Manager
Makes vCard (.vcf) data readable
Binary files for variantkey
Makes vCard (.vcf) data readable
csv(Comma-Separated Values) to vCard 2.1 converter
Format converting tool for genotype Data (e.g.PLINK-MACH,MACH-PLINK)
Vcard File Splitter