
Kambi VRML game engine / News: Recent posts

view3dscene 3.10.1, engine 2.5.1 released

We present new releases of view3dscene 3.10.1 (, our VRML/X3D browser and 3D models viewer, and "Kambi VRML game engine" 2.5.1 (, the engine underneath.

  • The main new feature of view3dscene is the ability to save files in X3D XML encoding (in addition to previous VRML/X3D classic encoding). This allows you to convert between X3D encodings.

  • view3dscene can also convert from VRML 2 to X3D (necessary if you want to save VRML 2 to X3D XML, optional if you want to save VRML 2 to X3D classic).

  • All conversions are available through three "File -> Save As..." menu items in view3dscene.

  • All conversions can also be done in batch mode, by new command-line options --write, --write-encoding, --write-force-x3d. Old --write-to-vrml option becomes deprecated (it's a shortcut for --write --write-encoding=classic). Documentation of conversion options is here:

  • Independent tovrmlx3d binary is also provided inside view3dscene release, to perform conversion in batch mode. It's usually better to use this than view3dscene --write, because tovrmlx3d is not linked to GUI libraries (so can work on stripped-down systems) and has simpler command-line options (it's purpose is only to convert).

  • Various small improvements to classic encoding output were also done. We better treat X3D META (adding ourselves to META generator/source fields, moving previous (different) values to generator-previous/source-previous). We have better, consistent newlines around SFNode/MFNode fields. Command-line conversion does not "expand" receiveShadows and defaultShadowMap fields.... read more

Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2011-07-27

view3dscene 3.10.0, engine 2.5.0, more

We're proud to release a new stable versions of view3dscene (, our VRML/X3D browser and other 3D models viewer, and Kambi VRML game engine (, which is at the core of view3dscene and where all the magic is actually implemented :)

Important new features:
* We have a new shiny method of rendering everything through shaders (OpenGL Shading Language, aka GLSL). All of the standard X3D rendering features, as well as our extensions, are available in this rendering mode. This results in much better look of many scenes.... read more

Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2011-07-03

view3dscene 3.9.0 released

We're proud to release a new version of view3dscene 3.9.0, our VRML/X3D (and other 3D models) browser. As usual, the new release is accompanied by new Kambi VRML game engine 2.4.0 (where all the magic actually happens) and new Kambi VRML test suite 2.11.0 releases.

  1. The main new feature of this release is a new modern renderer. It opens the door for pure shader rendering in the next release, which hopefully will blow your mind :) Features already implemented while improving the renderer:... read more
Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2011-02-08

view3dscene 3.8.0: 3D sound, skinned H-Anim

view3dscene is a VRML / X3D browser and a viewer for many other 3D formats.

This release adds support for 3D sound inside VRML/X3D worlds. The WAV and OggVorbis sound file formats are supported, and sound is played throught the OpenAL library. Implementation details are documented on

Animating skinned H-Anim humanoids is also implemented. Implementation details are on read more

Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2011-01-06

view3dscene 3.7.0: Screen effects, and more

view3dscene is a VRML / X3D browser and a viewer for many other 3D formats.

New in 3.7.0 release:

  • You can activate many screen-space effects: flashlight, depth visualization, brightness increase, edge detection and much more. And you can create your own effects using the GLSL.

  • New nodes implemented: drag sensors (PlaneSensor, SphereSensor, CylinderSensor), ClipPlane, ColorRGBA, Billboard, ViewpointGroup, Toggler.... read more

Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2010-11-19

view3dscene 3.5.2 release: IMPORT/EXPORT

New view3dscene 3.5.2 ( ) is released today:

  • New feature in this release is the support for X3D IMPORT and EXPORT statements.

  • Particular setup with nested PROTOs was expanded incorrectly, fixed now.

Thanks to David Rehor for reporting, check out his VRML models on !

  • Crashes on menu commands Edit -> Remove Geometry Node / Face are now fixed. ... read more
Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2010-04-19

view3dscene 3.5.1 bugfix, glinformation 1.2.0

A bug crawled into view3dscene 3.5.0 release: opening kanim and MD3 files usually failed with "Invalid floating point operation". Therefore, we quickly release a fix in view3dscene 3.5.1. By the way, "View->Blending..." menu options are rearranged and "Help->OpenGL information" looks better now.

Also glinformation 1.2.0 (previously known as glcaps) is released: various improvements to the output (it's the same text as "Help->OpenGL information" in view3dscene) and packaging.... read more

Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2010-04-06

view3dscene 3.5.0, engine 2.0.0 releases

New releases: A grand new 2.0.0 version of the Kambi VRML game engine ( ) and a new version 3.5.0 of our main tool, view3dscene ( ). Other minor programs here are also updated, to bring bugfixes to them. Changes:

User-visible features:

Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2010-03-31

view3dscene 3.4 release - advanced texturing

view3dscene 3.4 is released! (

The codename of this release should be "Everything you wanted to know about textures", as most of the new features deal with X3D advanced texturing nodes.

Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2009-08-26

view3dscene 3.3, engine 1.7 release: LOD, Collision.proxy

view3dscene 3.3 is released (, just a mixture of various new features, optimizations and fixes. Traditionally, underlying Kambi VRML game engine 1.7.0 is released along ( Changes:

  • LOD (level-of-detail) node proper handling.

  • Collision.proxy handling (very handy, allows you to make non-collidable but visible geometry, or approximate complex geometry with simpler for collision detection).... read more

Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2009-01-04

view3dscene 3.2, engine 1.6 release: dynamic collisions

view3dscene 3.2 is released (, with a lot of improvements and optimizations for dynamic VRML/X3D worlds. As usual, this is accompanied by underlying Kambi VRML game engine 1.6.0 release ( Major changes:

  • Our spatial data structure has undergone serious rework, which in English means that your whole scene can be now much more dynamic. Everything can move and transform, and things will work smoothly and fast. All collision detection routines will "see" the most current scene state, which means that you can e.g. click on moving targets, and you will fall down if a hole opens under your feet, and generally you can interact with every dynamic part of your scene without problems.... read more
Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2008-12-20

view3dscene 3.1, engine 1.5 release: Scripting, VRML browser

view3dscene 3.1.0 release (, along with underlying Kambi VRML game engine 1.5.0 ( release. Most notable improvements are:

  • Scripting in KambiScript language. ( KambiScript is a simple scripting language, invented specially for our engine. It's powerful enough for many tasks, you can process all VRML data types with it (including vectors, matrices, arrays, images).... read more
Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2008-10-16

view3dscene 3.0 release: X3D, events, MovieTexture, and more

I'm pleased to present the new, shiny view3dscene 3.0 ( release, with a lot of new VRML/X3D features implemented. Also underlying Kambi VRML game engine 1.4.0 ( is released and some other programs here get minor updates.

New features of the engine and view3dscene:

  • X3D support (both XML and classic encoding). Our VRML implementation status ( page has detailed information about supported features.... read more
Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2008-09-13

Engine 1.3.1 release

Released engine version 1.3.1: fixed Lazarus packages compilation, for developers that want to use our engine with Lazarus.

Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2008-02-26

Engine 1.3.0 release, view3dscene 2.4.0, castle 0.8.1

Many long-awaited graphic features implemented in our engine. Released engine version 1.3.0, view3dscene 2.4.0 and castle 0.8.1. Below is only a shortcut of the most important changes (see for a full list of changes) :

  • Bump mapping. Various bump mapping methods are implemented, the most advanced being steep parallax mapping with self-shadowing.
  • Shaders support, including specifying GLSL shaders in VRML. Programmers may easily initialize GLSL and ARB assembly shaders.
  • Anti-aliasing available in both view3dscene and castle.
  • Collada model format basic support (1.3.x and 1.4.x) added to the engine, you can also convert Collada files to VRML 2.0.
  • Examine mode allows to rotate and move the scene by mouse dragging.
  • --screenshot command-line option for view3dscene, to take screenshots of the scene in batch mode.
  • Our Blender VRML 97 exporter script improved: set solid / set smooth / autosmooth / autosmooth degrees settings from Blender are correctly exported to VRML.... read more
Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2008-02-20

castle 0.8.0, view3dscene 2.3.0 released

A lot of updates today. Below is a shortcut of only the most important changes (see for a full list of changes) :

  • "The Castle" 0.8.0 released: new demo level the fountain (VRML 2.0, dynamic shadows), many shadows improvements (z-fail, proper detection z-pass/z-fail, shadow culling etc.), conserve memory feature (all Radeon issues should be fixed now).... read more
Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2007-11-18

glplotter 1.2.0 and view3dscene 2.2.1 released

glplotter 1.2.0 and gen_function 1.0.2 released: glplotter GUI greatly improved: Open/Add menu items to open graphs from files and to generate graphs from function expressions. This means that now you don't have to specify graphs at command-line, and now you don't have to write pipes with gen_function. Also documentation and some options translated finally to English.

view3dscene 2.2.1 released: bug fix release. Fixed crash when removing geometry node from VRML 2.0 hierarchy. Fixed jagged animation when world time was really large (usually occurs when "on display" time pass was really large for some time). Fixed messing the gravity "up" vector when reopening the scene.... read more

Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2007-09-06

view3dscene 2.2.0 released, some related releases

view3dscene 2.2.0 released: view3dscene can display animations now (for now in Kanim (Kambi VRML engine animations) format and MD3).

"Kambi VRML test suite" 1.1.0 released: many kanim demos added.

"Kambi VRML game engine" 1.1.0 released: many changes, for animations in view3dscene, also GLMenu and GameSoundEngine units added (some "The Castle" code improved and moved to a generally-usefull units area), bugfixes to MD3 texture handling.

Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2007-08-25

Initial release on SourceForge

All the project resources are happily moved to SourceForge. We use SF webspace (, file release system, SVN, trackers etc. Go on, download something and enjoy the speed of SF mirrors :)

Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2007-07-27