
view3dscene 3.10.1, engine 2.5.1 released

We present new releases of view3dscene 3.10.1 (, our VRML/X3D browser and 3D models viewer, and "Kambi VRML game engine" 2.5.1 (, the engine underneath.

  • The main new feature of view3dscene is the ability to save files in X3D XML encoding (in addition to previous VRML/X3D classic encoding). This allows you to convert between X3D encodings.

  • view3dscene can also convert from VRML 2 to X3D (necessary if you want to save VRML 2 to X3D XML, optional if you want to save VRML 2 to X3D classic).

  • All conversions are available through three "File -> Save As..." menu items in view3dscene.

  • All conversions can also be done in batch mode, by new command-line options --write, --write-encoding, --write-force-x3d. Old --write-to-vrml option becomes deprecated (it's a shortcut for --write --write-encoding=classic). Documentation of conversion options is here:

  • Independent tovrmlx3d binary is also provided inside view3dscene release, to perform conversion in batch mode. It's usually better to use this than view3dscene --write, because tovrmlx3d is not linked to GUI libraries (so can work on stripped-down systems) and has simpler command-line options (it's purpose is only to convert).

  • Various small improvements to classic encoding output were also done. We better treat X3D META (adding ourselves to META generator/source fields, moving previous (different) values to generator-previous/source-previous). We have better, consistent newlines around SFNode/MFNode fields. Command-line conversion does not "expand" receiveShadows and defaultShadowMap fields.

Also, various API changes for developers, and website improvements. See our webpage,, for full release announcement.

Posted by Michalis Kamburelis 2011-07-27

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