
Using gnuplot on Windows 7 64 bit

  • Brian P. Wilfley

    Hi all,

    I downloaded and unpacked the 64-bit version of Reduce: reduce-windows64-20110414. I unpacked and put the directory in:


    My PATH has: ;c:\Tools\reduce-windows64-20110414; near the front.

    I can run reduce just fine, but when I try creating a plot, I get:

    1: load_package "gnuplot";

    2: plot( sin(x));

    +++ Error unable to establish pipe: "gnuplot"

    I don't know what to do…

    Thanks for your help.


  • Joseph Eagar

    Joseph Eagar - 2014-07-07

    Did anyone ever figure this out?


    • Arthur Norman

      Arthur Norman - 2014-07-07

      On Mon, 7 Jul 2014, Joseph Eagar wrote:

      Did anyone ever figure this out?


      I had failed to pick up on this when you first raised it - apologies. I
      just tried with a version of Reduce built from subversion and also gnuplot
      failed to start - however when I copied all the material from
      trunk/csl/support-packages/gnuplot-windows-bin into the directory where my
      reduce executable was things perked up usefully.

      When we get to providing a nicel installation package it will be able to
      set up gnuplot too automagically (I hope) but the snapshots maybe avoid
      including copies of packages provided by others - and the code within
      Reduce is not clever enough to scour your system and guarantee to find
      what it needs. See the code find_gnuplot on trunk/csl/cslbase/print.c
      that starts by saying if you have an environment variable GNUPLOT that
      says where to look, and then it tried polling the Windows registry where I
      had expected a properly installed gnuplot would have registered itself ...

      Feel free to check that code and investgate why it might not have worked
      in your paticular case!


      Using gnuplot on Windows 7 64 bit


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