
#66 +++ Error: bad arg for lessp nil 36


% Short system descriptions at bottom of this note.
% Script?
REDUCE 1: ] load zeilberg;
REDUCE 42: ] hypersum({-a,-b+m},{-a+n+1,-b},-1,a)
% The response to the next line is probably correct.

%Copied from Texmacs commands and responses
% *

REDUCE 1: ] load zeilberg;
REDUCE 42: ] hypersum({-a,-b+m},{-a+n+1,-b},-1,a)

+++ Error: bad arg for lessp nil 36
REDUCE 46: ] hypersum({-a,-b+m},{-a+n+1,-b},-1,b)

+++ Error: bad arg for lessp nil 36

However this works (however inpenetrable it is to me now)


Be aware that sometimes the last hypersum ( (xx,m)) can throw texmacs latex out; probably due to a timing issue.

Codemist Standard Lisp 6.04 for linux-gnu:x86_64: Jul 3 2015
Created: Fri Jul 3 09:37:27 2015

Reduce (Free CSL version), 03-Jul-15 ...
+++ Built-in "greaterpcdr" clashes with image file: => "~greaterpcdr"
Memory allocation: 117 Mbytes
There are 2 processors available

clip from sysinfo->file->save
Running Ubuntu Linux, the Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) release.
GNOME: 3.8.4 (Ubuntu 2015-12-02)
Kernel version: 3.13.0-77-generic (#121-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 20 10:50:42 UTC 2016)
GCC: 4.8 (x86_64-linux-gnu)
Xorg: 1.15.1 (12 February 2015 02:49:29PM) (12 February 2015 02:49:29PM)
Hostname: raymond-desktop-Ubuntu
Uptime: 3 days 0 h 34 min

AuthenticAMD, AMD A4-3400 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
Number of CPUs: 2


  • Thomas Sturm

    Thomas Sturm - 2016-02-28

    Below you find what I am obtaining with the current CSL Reduce. Is this the computation that you want and a result that you would expect?



    sturm@londo[~] redcsl
    REDUCE (3473), 26-Feb-16 ...
    1: load_package zeilberg;
    2: hypersum({-a,-b+m},{-a+n+1,-b},-1,a);
         - 1  a/3              - b + m - n   a               2   a
    {((------)   *pochhammer(--------------,---)*pochhammer(---,---)
         3                         3         3               3   3
                   1   a                  - n   a                - b + 2   a
                   3   3                  3     3                  3       3
                      - n + 2   a                - n + 1   a
                        3       3                  3       3
         - 1  a/3  1/3            a - 1                - b + m - n + 1   a - 1
     ((------)   *3   *factorial(-------)*pochhammer(------------------,-------)
         3                          3                        3             3
                   2   a - 1                                   - b + 3   a - 1
      *pochhammer(---,-------)*( - b*n - b + m))/(pochhammer(----------,-------)
                   3     3                                       3         3
                      - n + 3   a - 1                - n + 2   a - 1
                        3         3                    3         3
                      - n + 1   a - 1
                        3         3
         - 1  a/3  2/3            a - 2                - b + m - n + 2   a - 2
     ((------)   *3   *factorial(-------)*pochhammer(------------------,-------)
         3                          3                        3             3
                   4   a - 2
                   3     3
         2  2    2      2                        2              2
      *(b *n  + b *n + b  - 2*b*m*n - 2*b*m - b*n  - b*n - b + m  + 2*m*n + m))/(
                     - b + 4   a - 2                - n + 4   a - 2
                       3         3                    3         3
                      - n + 3   a - 2                - n + 2   a - 2
                        3         3                    3         3
        *(b*n - b - n + 1))}
  • Raymond Rogers

    Raymond Rogers - 2016-03-05

    It continues to fail for build on 3489 lease see attachment.

  • Thomas Sturm

    Thomas Sturm - 2016-03-06

    I understand that there is a problem in terminal-based REDUCE now, and that this is CSL-Reduce. Of course, at some point things should work reliably also in Texmacs, but to start with, I would like to fix possible issues within core Reduce.

    Could you please provide the following:

    1. There might be a file "~/.reducerc" (in your home directory) please temporarily rename it and try once more. The might be somthing in there that causes the issue.
    2. Please post the output of lisp lispsystem!*.
    3. In the shell, please go echo 'lisp list!-modules();' | redcsl > modules.txt, and attach the file modules.txt.

    2 Remarks, which are not related to the bug:
    1. load is not not an official interface. Use load_package instead.
    2. Reduce files should have .red as an extension.




    Last edit: Thomas Sturm 2016-03-06
  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2016-10-07
    • status: open --> pending
    • Group: -->
  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2016-10-07

    No answer from submitter inb 6 months

  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2016-10-07
    • status: pending --> suspended
  • Raymond Rogers

    Raymond Rogers - 2016-11-08

    Yeah it now works! (Texmacs 1.99.5). reduce 3826.

  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2017-05-25
    • status: suspended --> closed

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