
The Quake Army Knife (QuArK) / News: Recent posts

New beta version released!

It's been a while, but since the last beta version that was released there's been a couple of fixes and whatnot... :)

Game support:
- Added HL1 Ricochet addon.
- Added Urban Terror 4 addon.
- Added support for loading and saving of new KMQuake2 surface color data.
- Read and write support for the id-specific for solids and faces in .vmf files.
- Added experimental Genesis3D .bsp file loading and saving support.
- Call of Duty 1 support is now extended. Not only were some bad bugs fixed, the textures were sorted and United Offensive support was added!
- Preliminary Call of Duty 2 support! Even though curves and meshes can't be imported or exported right now, everything else should be working.
- Added support for new Steam game file layout (using the 'common' directory).
- Added brushDef2 and brushDef3 saving support.
- Added StL importing (both ASCII and binary formats).... read more

Posted by DanielPharos 2021-05-02

New nightly build released!

Today is World Animal Day, which is relevant because we've been monkeying around with QuArK lately. A user called gvm decided to helpfully share a list of minor grievances, and we've been hard at work fixing them all! So let's share in this new and improved nightly build of QuArK, which corrects many small errors and crashes happening in the previous nightly! Download it from the download page now!

Posted by DanielPharos 2019-10-04 Labels: nightly

QuArK 6.6.0 Beta 7 nightly released!

A nightly version of QuArK has just been released! It contains an experimental workaround for the problems people are having getting the OpenGL renderer to work on Windows 8 and 10. Please test it (if you want), and report any problems with the experimental workaround in this forum thread:

Posted by DanielPharos 2015-12-06 Labels: nightly

QuArK 6.6.0 Beta 3 has just been released!

QuArK 6.6.0 Beta 3 has just been released!

With good changes all over the place, it's difficult to list everything that has changed. So here are the major highlights:

Both Editors:
- Added a horizontal scrollbar in the treeview.
- You can now "uninstall" gamemodes: just delete the addons-directory of that game.
- Added IWI loading; this is the texture format used by Call of Duty 2 and higher.
- Fix a major slowdown in the progressbar drawing routine.... read more

Posted by DanielPharos 2009-11-10

QuArK 6.6.0 Beta 2 has just been released!

QuArK 6.6.0 Beta 2 has just been released!

A lot of fixes and new features, including but not limited to:

Both Editors:
-A one-click game-change configuration option for Source games!
-Several fixes to image loading and saving (mainly PCX and VTF).
-Console.log functionality: log everything from the console into a file!
-Lot of minor changes and fixes to renderers, especially OpenGL.
-Fixed a long-standing bug: The AutoSave-setting was not being applied.... read more

Posted by DanielPharos 2009-02-02

QuArK 6.6.0 Beta 1 has just been released!

QuArK 6.6.0 Beta 1 has just been released!

A lot of fixes and new features, including but not limited to:

Map Editor:
-Added a new highly detailed QuArK Conversion Tools system, for making game support QuArK .qrk files, with expandable capabilities.
-Some nice fixes by Adam Quest (aka "Who Gives A Dam") to the 'Worldcraft .fgd file' converter, (Thank you Sir !).
-Cleaned up, fixed if needed and brought into sync all QuArK addons.
-DanielPharos fix to stop bezier-view from causing errors.
-Added full game support for Team Fortress 2. Entities by Japa, textures by Nax. (Thanks a TON Guys !)
-Added full game support for Heavy Metal - FAKK2, Prey, NEXUIZ and Warsow (with .md3 model support), with major support improvements for EF2.
-Added FTX file loading and saving support (Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K. 2 textures).
-Big changes to OpenGL: should fix the OpenGL hangups.
-Setup displaying of 'Used Textures' in current map being edited in the Texture Browser.
-Setup of a full bezier library with over 30 prefab beziers to work with for games that can use beziers.... read more

Posted by DanielPharos 2008-05-07

QuArK 6.5.0 Beta 4 has just been released!

A lot of fixes and new features, including but not limited to:

Map Editor:
-A complete NEW system for QuArK Map Editing....Templates ! A contribution from our Friends in Russia - Nazar, vodkins and The Shine game engine Team ! Thank you guys...what a gift ! ! !
-Eight NEW Bezier Prefabed shapes to use for ALL of the games that can use Beziers, consisting of: Shpere, Hemisphere, Cone, Half of Torus, Dome, Cylinder, Cylinder triangular and Disk ! From our same friends !
-Fixed the duplicators to export correctly again and the map portals from not drawing.
-Updated the miter edge function with some added InfoBase documentation about it.
-Changed to keep Texture Position dialog open and update dynamically.
-Any supported picture can now be used for a view's background. Also added two new options to manipulate the way the picture appears.
-Fixed both editors from not drawing gridscale and ruler when grid is inactive.
-The name of a pakfile containing a texture can now be specified per texture. Which will allow you to mix HL2 and CSS textures in a single map!
-Added option to stop texturename checks.... read more

Posted by DanielPharos 2007-12-25

QuArK 6.5.0 Beta 3 has just been released!

A lot of fixes and new features, including but not limited to:

- Now games from the same series can be grouped together in the Games-menu!
- Added a simple update-notifier that checks the age of the QuArK release.
- Fixed the infobase-help not opening on several browsers.
- Added FreeImage as an alternative for DevIL image file handling and setup in the Configuration section.
- Finalized .dds image format support. Saving is now possible and reliable.
- Added game support for EF2 (Elite Force 2) with .md3 model and .dds image format support as well (I helped a little).... read more

Posted by DanielPharos 2007-09-01

QuArKSAS v1.0 released!

QuArKSAS v1.0 is now available for download! It's a free utility which can access files from games via Steam!

QuArKSAS stands for QuArK Steam Access System, since it was developed for QuArK to access Steam, but since it's a command-line driven program, anybody can use it. You don't need QuArK to run it. It's open-source and free, and a readme-file is included in the download.

Posted by DanielPharos 2007-08-30

QuArK 6.5.0 Beta 2.0 has just been released!

Over 40 improvements, additions and fixes! Some of which are:

Map Editor:
-Fixed the Software & Glide lock-up and smearing problems ! YES ! They are GONE !
-The addition of OpenGL lighting and transparency.
-Fixed a whole load of memory leaks.
-Changed Half-Life2 files to work with QuArK Beta using vmt files instead of vtf files.

Model Editor:
-Improved quality of Model Editor's 3D Texture mode while dragging at increased drawing speed.
-Completed the initial setup of the Model Editors Multi-fillmesh and color selection function.
-Fixed the Skin-view to draw model mesh correctly.
-Proper selection and display of skin textures for all model configurations. ... read more

Posted by DanielPharos 2007-04-07

Fix for Half Life 2 released!

There was a problem with the latest QuArK not being able to work in Half Life 2 mode anymore. This problem has been fixed!

Another nice new feature is that you DO NOT need to have Steam running while using QuArK!
Only if you wish to build your map and see it in Half-Life 2 or Counter Strike.
AND by simply building your map with the "GO!" or "QuickGo!" command, it will start Steam automatically.... read more

Posted by DanielPharos 2007-01-04

Quake Army Knife 6.5.0 Beta 1 released

The Quake Army Knife team is very proud to announce QuArK 6.5.0 Beta 1!

This release has some major improvements and fixes in it. A part of the list goes as follows:

-Implemented OpenGL in all 2D and 3D views.
-Turned Glide the right side up.
-Major improvements to the Model Editor. For instance: Model Skins are now displayed on the Skin-view page as well as vertex movement to re-locate the skin!
-Fixed a crash when loading a model without a skin.
-Fixed a crash when loading the bones of a model.
-Started a new Model Editor Infobase section and their direct function links from the Model Editor.
-Added a new sub-menu to the Model Editors "Options" menu, with various methods of rotation in 3D views to choose from.
-Added higher texture-size support (only works in OpenGL).
-Changed Grid Scale displayed numbers to RED for better viewing in Textured 2D mode.
-Upgraded QuArK to use Python 2.4.4 for added future support development and expansion.
-Fixed error and to display texture of bezier texture selection list change.
-Fixed extruder 2D view to Unrestricted other items when view is closed.
-Made a fix to stop filling multiple dropdown list with erroneous data, for example like a misc_model entity.
-And much more!... read more

Posted by DanielPharos 2007-01-04

Quake Army Knife 6.4.1 alpha 1 released

The Quake Army Knife team are proud to announce QuArK 6.4.1 alpha 1.

This release is a milestone release, incorporating many improvements:

* Doom 3 support
* Source engine support
* Support for Call of Duty, Enemy Territory and Urban Terror
* Enhanced Torque support
* Sylphis engine support
* Full support for PNG images
* Many other fixes and enhancements

For more information and to download this version of QuArK please visit read more

Posted by Peter Brett 2005-02-27

current 6.3 status:

Up to 6.3e, update 5, check out
for downloads.

Posted by Adrian Andrews 2003-01-09

New QuArK 63 release: QuArK 6.3d

Fourth go at QuArK 6.3 final!

Posted by Adrian Andrews 2002-12-24

New Snapshot Released Ap 29, 2002

Topic says most of it. Hopefully the last snappo before a 6.3 final release candidate

Posted by Adrian Andrews 2002-04-29

Experimental .exe

For mar28 snapshot, for vertex-off-grid problem. Changes the internal/qrk/qkm format, so only use on copies of projects for now.

Posted by Adrian Andrews 2002-04-25

New Snapshot Released May 21, 2001

See project homepage:

for details. For discussion of bugs, etc, post to

Posted by Adrian Andrews 2001-05-27