
phpMyLibrary / News: Recent posts

server.lodemann Library

carpe diem: Die wichtigen Dinge bezahlt man mit Zeit und nicht mit Geld!


Posted by Polerio Babao III 2004-06-04

Associated College of Central Kansas

Associated College of Central Kansas

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2004-06-04

Laeff Library


Library Page:

Collection: 997

LAEFF (Laboratory for Space Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics) was founded in 1991 as a collaboration between INTA, CSIC and ESA, and was located at VILSPA to allow for closer interaction with the ESA astronomical activities (IUE, ISO, XMM,...) ... read more

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2004-06-04

Open Source Library Automation Systems

Open Source Library Automation Systems

Edward M. Corrado

Rider University Libraries

ecorrado ATSIGN

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2004-06-04

PhpMyLibrary Compared


author marco corvi <>
date dec 2002
version 0.1

This information is provided only to help people to use these library
packages, as well as to help the developper to improve their product.
This is only my personal experience and impressions i got trying them
the first time. I have not done any extensive use of these packages,
nor i have ever used any other library package i can compare with.
My evaluation is incomplete. I do not claim the unfitness of any of
these package for any situation.... read more

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2004-06-04

QC Public Libraries now online!

The Quezon City Public Library is now online. The move was made from the problems encountered on the installation of the PhpMyLibrary into their libraries. The libraries are experiencing windows virus problems and hardware malfunctions with which the blame has been always directed to the software.

To solve this problem, given that they have an individual internet connection we activated their online web sites so that the PhpMyLibrary software will not be anymore subjected to the said computer problems. The eleven (11) public schools libraries now have their own website powered by postnuke ( content management system and phpmylibrary ( automation software. ... read more

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2004-05-27

ASTI Library

Advanced Science and Technology Institute
Moving beyond possibilities

ASTI Library
1/F ASTI Bldg.
C.P. Garcia Ave.
UP Diliman, Quezon City
Tel no. +632-4269766

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2004-05-24

Vanuatu Library

Vanuatu Library

Vanuatu Library

Vanuatu is moving ahead with a new streamlined development initiative backed by an extensive government reform program.

We encourage foreign investment in a wide range of enterprises, especially renewable energy, finance, ebusiness, gaming, and tourism.

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2004-05-24

Associated Colleges of Central Kansas Library

Associated Colleges of Central Kansas Library

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2004-05-22

Les Santiago Library

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2004-05-22

W.W. Salisbury Library of Science

The W.W. Salisbury Library of Science, Engineering and Technology is now using PhpMyLibrary online which can be accessed at .Thank you for your interest in PhpMyLibrary. This library as of this date as 101 catalog collection online.

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2004-05-12

Open source library softwares compared

While searching from I found this link.

This link was described as follows:

Title: Open Source Library Automation: An Introduction (PDF, 1.63 MB)

Presenters:Edward M. Corrado, Rider University Libraries.

Presented at: 2004 New Jersey Library Assocation Conference. Long Branch, NJ. 20 April 2004.... read more

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2004-05-12

Events in which PhpMylibrary is involved

Events which is related to PhpMyLibrary can be found in this page. If you have had encountered coming conferences/seminars/discussions in which PhpMyLibrary will be discussed please email us so that we'll be able to post it in here. It will be of great help to other interested organization that are in need of additional information which regards to PhpMyLibrary. Thanks.

April 2, 2004

The NJLA 2004 Spring Conference will be held at the East Brunswick Hilton from April 19-21, 2004. Registration information and news about the Conference is on the Web at: read more

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2004-04-02

PhpMyLibrary-enabled website.

Updated April 2, 2004. To see an actual implementation/demonstration of this software do visit the following website. This will help you decide if it suits your library needs or requirements. I'm sure live iinstallation/application of PhpMyLibrary sites will help you decide if it fits your library automation needs.

april 2, 2004

Network of Department of Medical Services' Library
Ministry of Public Health Nonthaburi 4725 total collection
Tel.0 2590 6379 Apache/2.0.40 (Red Hat Linux) ... read more

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2003-12-01

Utility package released!

The utility package have been released. This package comprise premarc.exe, polgensql.exe, dbutulity.exe or, and

premarc is a python application written for phpmylibrary to fasten the encoding of marc data. Browse through the examples to discover the advantage of this in your cataloging needs. premarc simply converts your encoded bibliographic entry in MARC format.... read more

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2003-11-03

Make book &amp; card catalog in PDF format using pyCatalog

pyCatalog is a Python, MySQL, wxPython, Reportlab application specifically usable in library and information centers. It simply produces book catalog and card catalog in pdf format rendered using reportlab. The program takes MARC file as its source data. Catalog output is one of the core output needed in library software today. Because open source system for libraries as of this date didn't have this kind of feature as most other proprietary library software have today. This includes Koha, Obiblio, and PhpMyLibrary. By making this generalized solution, those open source system for libraries mentioned will be able to take advantage from this application because the software is not centered on one library system. The application simply needs a MARC file in order to output the desired book and card catalog. ... read more

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2003-11-03

Indonesian Translation from M. Umar S Tjokroaminoto

Thank you very much for your translation. Mr. M. Umar S Tjokroaminoto










define('_PMLSEARCHFOR','Pencarian untuk');

define('_PMLSEARCH','Mencari');... read more

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2003-10-31

Articles/reviews/comments about PhpMyLibrary

m 19, 2004

PCHRD is developing an Integrated Library Information System (ILIS) using PhpMyLibrary, an open source software, for the 6 modules on acquisition & cataloging, transaction management / circulation, user administration, resource inventory, search, and
import & export records.

m 19, 2004

An article in which the PhpMyLibrary has benn mentioned.... read more

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2003-10-31

Local Mailing List

For those interested please subscribe to our local mailing list created by Alex Sea in the Philippines. It can be accessed at

Filipino phpmylibrary users should subscribe into this mailing list so that we can contact each other conveniently to further improve the software. PhpMyLibrary is an open source library automation software created using php and mysql, and soon python and postgresql. You can use it now at no cost. You participation is needed I hope at no cost. Hehe. I will be releasing the pycatalog soon. This is a printed card catalog generator. The source file is the MARC data and the output is in PDF. Created using my current favorite programming language Python. Before I was a cryptic PHP programmer, now I do both, PHP and Python. Python has some sort of extraordinary advantage over other programming language. Just SEA it for yourself. Watch Finding Nemo first. ... read more

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2003-08-16

CVS update - preparation for next release

We've noticed that the CVS version is lagging behind, so here it goes... I've done a major CVS update in preparation for the next version of PhpMyLibrary. Among the most noticeable changes are:

1. It doesn't work - the WebPAC search functionality doesn't return anything but errors. There's still a lot to fix in this department, as the underlying database structure has been changed.
2. Directory structure has been changed. You'll notice the difference :-)
3. Database structure has been changed.
4. Creation of "python" and "zope" modules separate from the "PhpMyLibrary" module. We're hoping to have them populated soon enough (as we've been very busy with other projects these days).... read more

Posted by Paolo Alexis Falcone 2003-07-15

Users-Developers Conference

A Users-Developers conference for phpMyLibrary shall be held on July 21-23 1-5 PM GMT+0800 at the Philippine Council for Health Research & Development,
Department of Science & Technology,3rd flr., DOST Main Bldg., Bicutan, Taguig 1631,Metro Manila, Philippines. The Department of Science and Technology's Philippine Council on Health Research and Development is sponsoring the said event.

Expected participants would include members of STII-DOST and ASTI-DOST as well as library staff from the University of the Philippines Manila. Convenors for the said event are: Polerio Babao III ( lead developer), Bill Russell Nicolas (co-developer), and Paolo Alexis Falcone (co-developer and system administrator). To be discussed would be installation, usage, customization and the imminent roadmap of phpMyLibrary. Training details are in the forums.

Posted by Paolo Alexis Falcone 2003-06-20

The PhpMyLibrary homepage has been succesfully updated.

The project homepage has been succesfully modified. The contents are being updated every thirty minutes. This contents are taken from RSS feeds.

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2003-05-04

PhpMyLibrary Roadmap

The software will include the following features on the next version, 2.0.3:

1. Handling of miliions of records - development version of 2.0.3 has been already tested with 500,000 records. More testing and evaluation are underway.

2. The SOAP Client/Server Implementation - to adapt to fast changing technologies the software will have its own SOAP server application and client application. SOAP allows the programmer to remotely call procedures to PhpMyLibrary inside his/her program.... read more

Posted by Polerio Babao III 2002-12-02