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Error : the result is HT

sorry for my error.
I have write the result is TTC but is HT.

Posted by Manuel De Girardi 2021-04-23

Detail of implementation

Neural network :
- you must write a samples set, to fix the network geometry to words size * line width
- you must train the network with the max epochs and a value for converged.
- eventualy you must to fix reused condition.

You must create the following classes :
- animal
- universe
- contact
- event
- note
- saved account
- personal account
- entpise account
- car
- house
- content
- activity
- Deal (line) only 1xxxx and 2xxxx account num have states effects.
- planning... read more

Posted by Manuel De Girardi 2021-04-23 Labels: detail implementation

Welcome to level 10 project

The project level 10 can be in pre -alpha development in 2 month.
The 1st published vesrsion under club license can be finish the 1 december 2022.

Posted by Manuel De Girardi 2021-03-19