Activity for Guiguts

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #138

    Hi. Guiguts isn't being maintained via sourceforge now - the next release will hopefully remove all reference to sourceforge so that bugs do not accidentally get logged here. The best place for now to mention a bug is in the DP forum which is monitored quite closely. That said, I'm guessing you're using Linux and your version of perl is more recent than Guiguts was developed under, which is why '.' is no longer in @INC. If you are confident with...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #138

    This report appears on the terminal when opening The program opens nevertheless, but is prone to hang or close down unexpectedly. do "setting.rc" failed, '.' is no longer in @INC; did you mean do "./setting.rc"? at line 347. print() on closed filehandle $file at /home/neil/dpcopy/guiguts/lib/Guiguts/ line 911. 20do "data/labels_en_default.rc" failed, '.' is no longer in @INC; did you mean do "./data/labels_en_default.rc"? at line 347. do "data/labels_en.rc"...

  • Anonymous created ticket #138

    Error message when opening Guiguts

  • Anonymous created ticket #137

    Can't parse scanno .rc file

  • Wayne Hammond Wayne Hammond created ticket #136

    New error message on Perl upgrade

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #130

    Did you set the encoding to utf8 in the text editor? On my linux system opening the file in Kate indicates iso-8859-15 and some characters don not display. Changing the encoding in Kate gives a warning but the characters display correctly.

  • Anonymous created ticket #130

    Export word list as UTF-8

  • Charlie Howard Charlie Howard posted a comment on ticket #135

    Turns out the error occurs frequently, not just twice, and the missing information always seems to be "$2", whether followed by another digit or by a comma. But, it doesn't occur every time nor in every table.

  • Charlie Howard Charlie Howard created ticket #135

    Search/replace error when TEXT contains a $ sign followed by a number

  • Wayne Hammond Wayne Hammond modified a comment on ticket #133

    I have found a solution for this bug, [code] original text beginning at line 101...

  • Wayne Hammond Wayne Hammond posted a comment on ticket #133

    I have found a solution for this bug, [code] original text beginning at line 101...

  • tcosmas tcosmas created ticket #129

    Footnote Fixup: Add Reindex From ###

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #134

    Actually the first search term should have been \ [nt] Odd, I see now how that happened....

  • Wayne Hammond Wayne Hammond posted a comment on ticket #134

    The only problem with replacing only the n or t is the large number of other characters...

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #134

    Actually I do this before running my regex: search \[nt] replace: \ Then search \$...

  • Wayne Hammond Wayne Hammond posted a comment on ticket #134

    Suggest removing the proofers information before running your RegEx with: search:...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #133

    This bug was discussed at

  • Wayne Hammond Wayne Hammond posted a comment on ticket #133

    I am not a perl programmer, but perl debug reports a syntax error at line 737 in...

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #134

    Try this Input: / abcdef$2ghijkl/ S: /*\n((\n|[^\n])+)*/ R: $1 Observed output. abcdef...

  • Tony Browne Tony Browne posted a comment on ticket #134

    It maybe of interest that the problem doesn't seem to arise with ReplaceAll, only...

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #134

    It's doesn't quite seem to work for the $2 case, but here's one: Input: abcdef$2ghijkl...

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #134

    hanne, OS=Windows 10 64 bit GG=1.0.25 You're correct about the simpler test case....

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #134

    For completeness, please include info about your OS and GG version. A somewhat simpler...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #134

    Sorry, should have realized the search string may be confusing. The search string...

  • Tony Browne Tony Browne modified a comment on ticket #134

    Surely, in a regex search string, 'backslash'-'en' etc is expected to match the single...

  • Tony Browne Tony Browne posted a comment on ticket #134

    Surely, in a regex search string, '\n' etc is expected to match the single character...

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #134

    Replace error with regex Search and replace of \n, \t, & $2.

  • Anonymous created ticket #133

    File save saves files as rw for owner, no permissions otherwise

  • Anonymous created ticket #128

    multiple replace

  • hannne hannne modified ticket #5

    No punctuation at para end? false errors

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #5

    This is a Gutcheck issue, not Guiguts. The last time I heard anything, Gutcheck was...

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #5

    Ticket moved from /p/guiguts/bugs/132/ Can't be converted: _milestone: v1.0.26 _priority:...

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #132

    No punctuation at para end? false errors

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #126

    I tried to remember to always sign in but some of the anonymous reports may be mine....

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #127

    This was mine. the test.txt is the before and test.html is the after version. Thanks...

  • hannne hannne modified ticket #126

    The HTML Generation Quits during "Marking Footnote Blocks" if no the file has Footnotes.

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #126

    Thanks for your replies!

  • hannne hannne modified ticket #120

    Mistaken Footnote Anchors

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #120

    I recall this one as it was very frustrating. I had to change all the out of line...

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #126

    I can't reproduce either. I no longer have the file from 2014. Please close.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #126

    I can't reproduce either. I no longer have the file from 2014. Please close.

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #114

    I concur. I've no idea what I was thinking 2 years ago.

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #118

    Your analysis is correct where page breaks occur at the end of lists. Please consider...

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #119

    Concur with closing. Someone pointed out how I can restrict replace all to just the...

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #128

    I think when I wrote this I wanted to spellcheck a specific French passage within...

  • hannne hannne modified ticket #114

    Out-of-line formatting /* */ markup tags don't always indent properly.

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #114

    The /* ... */ markup is supposed to preserve relative indentation and add whatever...

  • hannne hannne modified ticket #116

    charset=ascii should be charset=us-ascii

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #116

    Duplicate of #91.

  • hannne hannne modified ticket #118

    Autogenerate HTML page numbers inside </ul>

  • hannne hannne modified a comment on ticket #118

    Paragraph elements are allowed inside list items, as are span elements. Neither paragraph...

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #118

    Paragraph elements are allowed inside list items, as are span elements. Neither paragraph...

  • hannne hannne modified ticket #119

    Search & Replace Function is Inconsistent.

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #119

    When I try to reproduce with a file containing the provided example text, Replace...

  • hannne hannne modified ticket #120

    Mistaken Footnote Anchors

  • hannne hannne modified ticket #121

    Background url in styles locks up HTML Link Check

  • hannne hannne modified ticket #126

    The HTML Generation Quits during "Marking Footnote Blocks" if no the file has Footnotes.

  • hannne hannne modified ticket #127

    The "Auto Table" function destroys the page numbering

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #120

    I edited the original post to fix the broken markup. If I make a sample file containing...

  • hannne hannne modified ticket #120

    Mistaken Footnote Anchors

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #121

    I can't reproduce this. Google Drive doesn't load, please attach the relevant files...

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #122

    I can verify this.

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #126

    I can't reproduce. I just ran on a file with no footnotes and it worked fine. Please...

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #127

    It sounds like the the page markers are being moved to the beginning of the table....

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #128

    Most of the time I think it makes sense that you'll spellcheck using the project...

  • hannne hannne modified ticket #130

    Rewrap of text following closing x/ sometimes is too narrow

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #130

    It looks to me like it doesn't really wrap at 62 characters, it just doesn't rewrap...

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #4

    Ticket moved from /p/guiguts/bugs/82/ Can't be converted: _milestone: v1.0.25 _priority:...

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #3

    Ticket moved from /p/guiguts/bugs/94/ Can't be converted: _milestone: v1.0.26 _priority:...

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #2

    Ticket moved from /p/guiguts/bugs/125/ Can't be converted: _milestone: v1.0.26 _priority:...

  • hannne hannne posted a comment on ticket #1

    Ticket moved from /p/guiguts/bugs/129/ Can't be converted: _milestone: v1.0.26 _priority:...

  • hannne hannne created ticket #131

    Check for Updates fails

  • tcosmas tcosmas posted a comment on ticket #124

    The request above is easily implemented by simply changing the button's coding. Original...

  • Charlie Howard Charlie Howard created ticket #130

    Rewrap of text following closing x/ sometimes is too narrow

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #129

    pphtml check has false positives for id selectors

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #128

    Spellcheck Dictionary Select broken

  • Anonymous created ticket #127

    The "Auto Table" function destroys the page numbering

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #126

    The HTML Generation Quits during "Marking Footnote Blocks" if no the file has Footnotes.

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #125

    Gutcheck "Long Line" Count Incorrect

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #127

    Spell Check Online Lookup Button

  • Charlie Howard Charlie Howard created ticket #124

    GG's Gutcheck interface should igore right-clicks on blank lines

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #123

    Autogenerate HTML does not correctly assign subscripts

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #122

    See Anchor does not move cursor

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #126

    Include a Multiple Footnote Anchor Check

  • Anonymous created ticket #121

    Background url in styles locks up HTML Link Check

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #120

    Ah, the formatting is messed up in my example. Here's another try: /*[8] Some Text[7]...

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #120

    Mistaken Footnote Anchors

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #115

    I think this can be done by adding the following at line 1823: my $fsel = $frame1->Radiobutton(...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #117

    It works, but differently from normal single-language spell-checking. When you've...

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #125

    HTML Generator Save Settings

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing posted a comment on ticket #123

    Great idea. I'd prefer to be prompted.

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #119

    Search & Replace Function is Inconsistent.

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #118

    Autogenerate HTML inserts paragraph elements within lists.

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #117

    Footnote Fixup>Move FNs to Landing Zones Issue

  • tcosmas tcosmas created ticket #124

    Autogenerate HTML Button

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #116

    charset=ascii should be charset=us-ascii

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #63

    How is this affected by the new Python 3.41 Released in May 2014? readbueno.

  • Walt Farrell Walt Farrell posted a comment on ticket #115

    Both the Search/Replace dialog and the Spellcheck dialog use the same Tk subroutine...

  • tcosmas tcosmas created ticket #115

    Spell Check - Change All Error

  • Richard Tonsing Richard Tonsing created ticket #114

    Out-of-line formatting /* */ markup tags don't always indent properly.

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