Showing 85 open source projects for "image steganography in c"

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1
    OCR Manga Reader for Android

    OCR Manga Reader for Android

    Android Manga reader with Japanese OCR and dictionary capabilities

    OCR Manga Reader is a free and open source Android app that allows you to quickly OCR and lookup Japanese words in real-time. It does not have ads or telemetry/spyware and does not require an Internet connection. Supports both EDICT and EPWING dictionaries. Requires Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or higher. See for details.
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  • 2


    LDraw™ editor for LEGO® style digital building instructions.

    LPub3D is an Open Source WYSIWYG editing application for creating LEGO® style digital building instructions. LPub3D is developed and maintained by Trevor SANDY. It uses the LDraw™ parts library, the most comprehensive library of digital Open Source LEGO® bricks available ( ) and reads the LDraw LDR and MPD model file formats. LPub3D is available for free under the GNU Public License v3 and runs on Windows, Linux and macOS Operating Systems. LPub3D is also...
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  • 3


    A book reader for Nintendo DS

    An ebook reader for the Nintendo DS, focusing on comfortable and uncluttered presentation. See GitHub for current releases and source code:
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    Hello AI World

    Hello AI World

    Guide to deploying deep-learning inference networks

    Hello AI World is a great way to start using Jetson and experiencing the power of AI. In just a couple of hours, you can have a set of deep learning inference demos up and running for realtime image classification and object detection on your Jetson Developer Kit with JetPack SDK and NVIDIA TensorRT. The tutorial focuses on networks related to computer vision, and includes the use of live cameras. You’ll also get to code your own easy-to-follow recognition program in Python or C++, and train...
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5
    A Qt GUI for archiving old floppies, CD-ROMs and other types of media to organized collections of disk image files, along with scanned images of the disks' physical appearance so that you can find them later by their familiar looks.
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  • 6

    Draft Notes

    Grab screen areas and note it with a mouse, pen & keyboad quickly.

    Especially for learners watching some lectures online or using video capturing devices. Grab screen areas with a click (or tap), automatically save it and allows adding notes on it using mouse, pen and keyboard - very quick (and draft). Then it is possible to view grabbed screenshots and annotate it additionally with the same set of tools, easy and convenient. May be help to somebody these sad days.
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  • 7
    Object Painter

    Object Painter

    Paint brush program which you can draw objects, Object Painter

    Paint brush program simple effects, Object Painter. Draw objects. The file saving is user-defined. You can improve this program with your knowledge. You can reprogram it and convert the objects or image in to other BMP/PNG and other formats or user-defined format with the help of integrating format structure. System_Requirements: Windows 8/10/11/Server, 32/64. Windows 7 Ultimate 64 SP1-IE11(Latest Service Pack...
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  • 8


    Ce programme libre pour enfants permet de colorier des dessins.

    Ce programme libre pour enfants permet de colorier des dessins. License GNU GPL version 3. This free program for children allows you to color drawings. Ce logiciel est ludique et très simple d'utilisation il permet après avoir ouvert le fichier d'une image noir et blanc de la colorier. La couleur peut être choisie dans la barre latérale à gauche de l'écran ou dans le sélecteur de couleur standard. Il suffit de clicker dans la zone à colorier pour la remplir avec la couleur choisie.
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  • 9


    Qt Visual Graph Editor

    qvge is a multiplatform graph editor written in C++/Qt. Its main goal is to make possible visually edit two-dimensional graphs in a simple and intuitive way. Please note that qvge is not a replacement for such a software like Gephi, Graphvis, Dot, yEd, Dia and so on. It is neither a tool for "big data analysis" nor a math application. It is really just a simple graph editor :)
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 10
    Tengwar Editor

    Tengwar Editor

    Create, save, copy and edit tengwar texts with this application.

    Tengwar is the alphabet of elfish languages which was invented by J.R.R.Tolkien. The application will be write sentences in different languages by simbols of tengwar.
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  • 11


    Matlab code of machine learning algorithms in book PRML

    This Matlab package implements machine learning algorithms described in the great textbook: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by C. Bishop (PRML). It is written purely in Matlab language. It is self-contained. There is no external dependency. This package requires Matlab R2016b or latter, since it utilizes a new Matlab syntax called Implicit expansion (a.k.a. broadcasting). It also requires Statistics Toolbox (for some simple random number generator) and Image Processing Toolbox...
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  • 12

    SMakeWav - Command line WAV file creator

    SMakeWav - create WAV file functions generator (sound), graph PS orTCL

    Simple Make Wav is command line which allows to create a wav file with a sinusoidal or triangular or rectangular or personnal signal and to adjust voltage, frequency and cyclic ratio. And generate PS or TCL/TK file graphic image of the WAV form, too Usage : ./smakewav [options] -o file.wav Examples : ./smakewav -o example.wav ./smakewav -o example.wav -f 440 -d 10 -t sin ./smakewav -o example.wav -f 1000 -d 10 -l 1 -t rec -cr 20 -ps -nps 2 -wps 10 -sps 0.5 -bgps...
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  • 13


    Create PDF from JPEG scans and photos

    Cross-platform command-line tool for creation of PDF documents from scans/photos of pages in JPEG (.jpg) format and the lightest weight ANSI C library to put multiple JPEG files into one PDF file. You can add handwritten comments to PDF scans (over original images) with xournal: It supports graphics tablets and saves comments to PDFs as vector data.
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  • 14


    SigPack - A signal processing library using Armadillo

    SigPack is a C++ signal processing library using the Armadillo library as a base. The API will be familiar for those who has used IT++ and Octave/Matlab.
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    VocalEasel is a simple lead sheet editor and music rehearsal tool designed for the needs of Jazz vocalists, using LilyPond to produce printable lead sheets and MMA (Musical Midi Accompaniment) to produce MIDI accompaniments.
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    Lucid chamber simulator

    This piece of software allow you to facilitate drawing freely to every surface, by using only a webcam. Get the picture of what you want to reproduce, connect a webcam that watch to your surface to paint, start this piece of software and start to draw. Some useful functions and filters are available to facilitate further the drawing procedure. This is not a image editor but it is a good helper to drawing and painting.
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  • 17
    Play With Periodic Table 2.0.0

    Play With Periodic Table 2.0.0

    Learn chemistry elements with sound effects & test yourself.

    Play With Periodic Table 1.1.0 is an educational software for all 32 bit and 64 bit editions of Windows. Using it you can learn about all chemical elements or chemistry periodic table with pronunciation or perfect sound effect & image. Here is also two more option to judge your skill about periodic table. Recommendations: You must have installed .netframework 4.5 in your computer. Download Link of .NetFramework 4.5:
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  • 18
    Cool Reader

    Cool Reader

    A cross-platform XML/CSS based eBook reader

    CoolReader is fast and small cross-platform XML/CSS based eBook reader for desktops and handheld devices. Supported formats: FB2, TXT, RTF, DOC, TCR, HTML, EPUB, CHM, PDB, MOBI. Platforms: Win32, Linux, Android. Ported on some eInk based devices.
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  • 19
    Brain imaging software produced by the Brain Research Imaging Centre of The University of Edinburgh.
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    Fast and easy to use plotting software.

    ZeGrapher is a free and open source software for plotting mathematical objects (functions, sequences, parametric equations) and experimental data on the plane. This software is intended to be as easy to use as possible, suitable for high school students.
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  • 21
    Scilab Image Processing Toolbox

    Scilab Image Processing Toolbox

    Advanced image processing toolbox for Scilab on Unix/Linux/Mac OS

    SIP is the image processing and computer vision package for SciLab, a free Matlab-like programming environment. SIP reads/writes images in formats like JPEG, PNG, and BMP. It does filtering, segmentation, edge detection, morphology, and shape analysis. Download from Git
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    A Numerical MRI Simulation Platform

    The MRiLab project is moving to GitHub, the latest version can be obtained from The MRiLab is a numerical MRI simulation package. It has been developed and optimized to simulate MR signal formation, k-space acquisition and MR image reconstruction. MRiLab provides several dedicated toolboxes to analyze RF pulse, design MR sequence, configure multiple transmitting and receiving coils, investigate magnetic field related properties and evaluate real-time imaging...
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  • 23


    Medical Image Registration Library

    SimpleElastix is an extension of SimpleITK that comes with the elastix C++ image registration library. This makes state-of-the-art medical image registration really easy to do in languages like Python, Java, C# and R.
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    Library Management System

    Library Management System

    LIbrary Management Software for Windows.

    Donate for the continued development of this software here It is optimized for a university library for students. It can also be used for home library with less features.You can add Google books information and cover image easily. The source code is also provided in files. email: Note:Upgrading from version 1.0 to new version 1.1 1.Download the new version from Sourceforge(LMS 1.1-Setup.msi). 2.Make a copy of present database before...
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    Drone WayPointer

    Drone WayPointer

    A ROS package to remotely control the Parrot AR Drone 2.0

    "Drone WayPointer" is a ROS package that provides a UI to allow for remote control of the Parrot AR Drone 2.0. It is developed in C++ with qt-ros and the Qt4 Development FrameWork. It is designed to work with the ROS - Fuerte and it uses the the ardrone_autonomy driver (Fuerte-devel Branch). It has so far only been tested on the tum_simulator and not on the actual drone. The main functionalities it provides is camera streams of front or bottom cameras of the drone, button and slider control...
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