
#516 Snap shot saved on Mac OS X won't open on Linux

Tron Thomas

1. Write a BASIC program using x64sc on Mac OS X
2. Save a snap shot of the system
3. Attempt to open the snap shot with x64 or x64sc on Linux

The snap shot should load successfully.

An error message saying "Cannot load snapshot file " is displayed

Mac OS X 10.9.2
Fedora Linux 16 (32-bit)


  • gpz

    gpz - 2014-04-22

    did you use the exact same version of VICE on both? (ie 2.4 ?) snapshots are not meant for long term storage and may (and usually are not) backwards compatible as their format may change when emulation details change.

    incase you did, could you attach a snapshot made in OSX?

  • Tron Thomas

    Tron Thomas - 2014-04-27

    I thought my Linux system had the latest version of VICE; it turns out it was an older version. However, I installed the latest version on a 32-bit Windows 7 system, and that also gave an error message when trying to open the snap shot.

  • gpz

    gpz - 2014-05-06

    it would really help a lot if you could attach snapshots from both versions/ports, i dont have access to OSX at least :)

  • Tron Thomas

    Tron Thomas - 2014-05-07

    Here is a snap shot made on Mac OS X

  • gpz

    gpz - 2014-07-31

    the problem apparently is that the type of the VIC chip in the snapshot is different to the VIC model that is active when loading it... in log output you can see

    VIC-II: Error - Snapshot was made with model 4 while the current model is 0.

    when i run x64sc like this (which selects the right VIC model),

    x64sc -VICIImodel 8562

    then loading the snapshot works

    please confirm that this is the problem ...

  • gpz

    gpz - 2014-07-31

    525 seems to be a duplicate of this one

  • gpz

    gpz - 2014-07-31

    another thing i noticed, when loading that snapshot, the emulator will end up in a funky state after showing the error message (videochip model will be changed to ntsc, but the menus still show the old model)

  • gpz

    gpz - 2018-09-11

    closing this one, outdated, fixed :)

  • gpz

    gpz - 2018-09-11
    • status: open --> closed-out-of-date

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