
#445 Sprite erroneously stretches all the way to the right in x64sc


Bug in VIC-II emulation in x64sc, works properly in x64.

When disabling x-expansion of a sprite while the sprite is being displayed, and the sprite x-coordinate is an odd number, x64sc stretches the rightmost pixel all the way across the screen.

Attached is a small program that behaves differently in x64sc and on a real C64.

1 Attachments


  • gpz

    gpz - 2013-06-28

    funny bug =) could you provide the source for the testprogram, so we can put it into the testprograms repository?

  • Linus Åkesson

    Linus Åkesson - 2013-06-29

    Sure! It's in xa65 format.

  • Daniel Kahlin

    Daniel Kahlin - 2013-07-30

    Interesting bug. I though my split test verified this particular case. Will have a look when I get the dev environment back up.

  • Daniel Kahlin

    Daniel Kahlin - 2014-01-06

    I think I know the problem and have added a few test cases that shows it. (ss-exp-unexp-hires.prg and ss-exp-unexp-mc.prg here -> I will however need test runs on different machine configurations to make sure I don't intruduce anomalies on 6569 vs 8565. (=photos)

    Will try to get some people at csdb to run it.

  • gpz

    gpz - 2014-10-29

    added testprog to repo, i think we can consider this fixed now :)

  • gpz

    gpz - 2014-10-29
    • status: open-fixed --> pending-fixed
  • Marco van den Heuvel

    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed

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