
MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows / News: Recent posts

mingwrt-5.0 and w32api-5.0 released

These two packages, (collectively designated as Windows System Libraries, or MinGW-WSL-5.0), have been released, and may be installed using the mingw-get installer; existing installations may be upgraded, in similar fashion, following a local catalogue update, by use of mingw-get's upgrade facility.

Alternatively, the associated packages are available for download, and manual installation: read more

Posted by Keith Marshall 2017-02-13

mingwrt-3.22 and w32api-3.18 released

New releases of each of the above packages have been published; you may upgrade via the mingw-get GUI, or the mingw-get CLI, (after first performing a catalogue update), or manually, according to your preference.

These releases, (likely to be the last of the 3.x series, and the base for progression to 5.x), comprise primarily bug-fixes and a code base clean up; beyond this, the following features have been added:... read more

Posted by Keith Marshall 2016-07-16

MSYS runtime 1.0.19 released

Dear MinGW / MSYS users,

The latest MSYS runtime, version 1.0.19, is now available.
You can upgrade using the mingw-get GUI as usual, but be advised to close all MSYS processes first.

New feature:

  • Generate /etc/fstab automatically in post-install.
    1) /etc/fstab is created if absent, with the correct mapping of the /mingw mount point.
    2) If /etc/fstab is present, it is not touched, but you can consult /etc/fstab.sample for a suggestion of a /mingw mount line.... read more
Posted by Cesar Strauss 2016-07-15

mingw-get version 0.6.0-beta released

We are pleased to announce this new release of mingw-get. Formally identified as release 0.6.0-beta-20130904-1, this is the first formal release to provide both CLI and GUI clients, together with the integrated mingw-get-setup.exe first-time installation assistant.

To obtain and install, or upgrade to, this mingw-get release, download and execute the current issue of mingw-get-setup.exe.... read more

Posted by Keith Marshall 2013-09-05 Labels: installer mingw-get CLI GUI

RELEASE: mingwrt-4.0.0-1 and w32api-4.0.0-1

I have just released the long awaited 4.0 versions of the mingw
runtime and Windows API. For a list of changes please see for
the details.

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2013-08-23 Labels: releases

Graphical Installer Interface -- New Snapshot Available

A new snapshot of the mingw-get graphical user interface is now available from; this version introduces a preview of the mingw-get-setup.exe tool, which will ultimately supplant mingw-get-inst.exe.

In addition to the introduction of mingw-get-setup.exe, this snapshot includes an experimental adjustment to the download code, (common to both the GUI and CLI clients), which it is hoped may avoid some reported issues, suspected to result from connection throttling, when performing sequential downloads of a number of packages from some SourceForge mirrors.... read more

Posted by Keith Marshall 2013-07-08 Labels: snapshot mingw-get GUI

Announcing the release of mingwrt-4.0-rc-4 and w32api-4.0-rc-4

I am pleased to announce release candidate 4 for the up and coming mingwrt-4.0
and w32api-4.0 release. The process to test is convoluted and messy in order
to keep related package data for mingw-get in sync. However, we are
releasing this candidate package so that you may be involved with
testing it.

First and foremost, you must install Keith's GUI alpha release of mingw-get.
You can get that package from his files link[1] and then extract it to your
MinGW folder, e.g. C:\MinGW.... read more

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2013-07-01

Announcing the release of mingwrt-4.0-rc-3 and w32api-4.0-rc-3

I am pleased to announce release candidate 3 for the up and coming mingwrt-4.0
and w32api-4.0 release. The process to test is convoluted and messy in order
to keep related package data for mingw-get in sync. However, we are
releasing this candidate package so that you may be involved with
testing it.

First and foremost, you must install Keith's GUI alpha release of mingw-get.
You can get that package from his files link[1] and then extract it to your
MinGW folder, e.g. C:\MinGW.... read more

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2013-06-19

Graphical Installer Interface -- New Snapshot Available

A new snapshot of the mingw-get graphical user interface is now available from; this corrects the defect which made the previous snapshot unstable on WinXP-SP2/3. In addition, it includes an optimization to provide accelerated update of the mingw-get package catalogue.

Installation instructions may be found at,
under the "Using GUI Installer Development Snapshots" subheading.

Posted by Keith Marshall 2013-05-12 Labels: snapshot mingw-get GUI

Announcing the release of mingwrt-4.0-rc-1 and w32api-4.0-rc-1

I am pleased to announce a release candidate for the up and coming mingwrt-4.0
and w32api-4.0 release. The process to test is convoluted and messy in order
to keep related package data for mingw-get in sync. However, we are releasing
this candidate package so that you may be involved with testing it.

First and foremost, you must install Keith's GUI alpha release of mingw-get.
You can get that package from his files link[1] and then extract it to your
MinGW folder, e.g. C:\MinGW.... read more

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2013-04-09

Graphical Installer Interface: Pre-Release Snapshots Available

While still under development, and not yet ready for formal release, the graphical user interface to the MinGW installation tool, mingw-get, is progressing nicely. In the interim, prior to formal release, development snapshots are being made available from; the latest may be downloaded from

These snapshots are being made available for the benefit of those users who are interested in the graphical front-end to mingw-get, (which should be all users), and in particular, those users who would like to play a part in influencing its future development. Any who may be unsure should note this comment, from one early adopter:... read more

Posted by Keith Marshall 2013-02-28 Labels: snapshot mingw-get GUI

Updated MSYS m4

MSYS m4 has been updated to version 1.4.16-2. See for the file list and release notes.

Upgrade with mingw-get:
mingw-get update
mingw-get upgrade msys-m4

Posted by Erwin Waterlander 2013-02-26

Updated MSYS runtime

The MSYS runtime was updated to 1.0.18. See for the file list and release notes.

Posted by Cesar Strauss 2012-11-29

Updated MinGW Compiler

The MinGW GCC compiler was updated to version 4.7.2. See for current release notes.

Posted by Cesar Strauss 2012-11-06

Help Wanted Test Infrastructure

We have a need for a developer to design and implement a testing infrastructure that will help keep our windows system libraries in functioning order. Use of ``make check'' in the tests directory of the repository will execute the infrastructure. For more details please contact Earnie or send a response to mingw-users at

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2012-09-20

Code repository switch

The MinGW project has switched to using Git for its SCM moving from CVS. The process for moving from CVS to Git is documented at for those who wish to use the process for their own conversions. There are some repositories that have been hidden from public view as the code is no longer maintained or the repositories were completely residing in Attic space.

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2012-07-29

Updated MinGW Compiler

The MinGW GCC compiler was updated to version 4.7.0. See for current release notes.

Posted by Cesar Strauss 2012-06-07

Updated MinGW/MSys Installers

mingw-get version 0.5-beta-20120416-1

This is a *beta* release, (all previous releases have been classified as *alpha*), and is a recommended upgrade for all users.

For the benefit of those who have asked previously, this release now supports the capability to install a specified version of any package, other than the most recent, provided the package maintainer has not withdrawn it from the list of supported releases. In addition, it adds the capability for package maintainers to specify pre-install, post-install, pre-remove, and post-remove actions for their packages, via lua scripts: see the NEWS section of the release notes, published at , for more information.... read more

Posted by Charles Wilson 2012-04-22

Updated MinGW Compiler

The MinGW GCC compiler was updated to version 4.6.2. See for current release notes.

Posted by Cesar Strauss 2011-12-23

Updated MinGW/MSys Installers

mingw-get version 0.4-alpha-1

All MinGW users are recommended to upgrade to this release of the MinGW installation management program. This release fixes a critical bug in the upgrade code, whereby an existing DLL could be replaced by an alternative with an incompatible ABI version, where the correct action is to install both concurrently. It also adds several new features, including anonymous upgrade, the 'source' and 'license' actions; and the new --print-uris, --download-only, and --all-related options. For more information, see the NEWS items listed here: read more

Posted by Charles Wilson 2011-11-18

Updated MinGW Compiler (belated)

The MinGW gcc compiler was updated to version 4.6.1 on Sept 14, 2011. See for current release notes.

Posted by Charles Wilson 2011-11-18

Updated MinGW/MSys Installers

mingw-get version 0.3-alpha-2.1

All MinGW users are recommended to upgrade to this release of the MinGW installation management program. It corrects a critical defect in the version matching code within mingw-get's dependency resolver, which resulted in failure of wild card tokens in a requirements specification to match an actual package version, where that version was qualified by a release status descriptor, (such as "alpha", "beta", "pre", etc.). ... read more

Posted by Charles Wilson 2011-08-03

Updated MinGW/MSys Installers

mingw-get version 0.3-alpha-1

All MinGW users are recommended to upgrade to this release of the MinGW installation management program. It provides new features to accord package maintainers greater flexibility in the identification of development progression within package names; as such it is likely to be the earliest mingw-get release which will support delivery of the next GCC release.... read more

Posted by Charles Wilson 2011-05-30

Updated MinGW/MSys Installers (again)

mingw-get version 0.2-alpha-2

This version of the mingw-get command-line installer and installation management program corrects corrects a critical defect, whereby mingw-get could select the wrong package when searching for a match to a short form package name alias.

See the following mailing list announcement for more information:

mingw-get-inst version 20110316

Includes the latest version of mingw-get (0.2-alpha-1) and a more recent snapshot of the package manifest data (2011 Mar 16). This snapshot of the catalogue corrects a long-standing inconsistency in the dependency specification for the msys-gettext package, as well. ... read more

Posted by Charles Wilson 2011-03-17

Updated MinGW/MSys Installers

mingw-get version 0.2-alpha-1 has been released. This version of the mingw-get command-line installer and installation management program adds provisional support for removing previously installed (sub)packages, and implements 'update' as 'remove+install'. Also, the package database can be queried using the 'list' or 'show' commands.

mingw-get-inst version 20110313 has been released. It includes the latest version of mingw-get (0.2-alpha-1) and a more recent snapshot of the package manifest data (2011 Mar 13). mingw-get-inst is a graphical installer that can be used for INITIAL installation of MinGW compilers and MSYS tools (upgrading an existing installation should be done using the command line mingw-get tool). In fact, mingw-get-inst is merely a simple GUI wrapper around the command line tool.

Posted by Charles Wilson 2011-03-14