
dimdim web meeting / News: Recent posts

Dimdim Releases New Version 4.5 Source Code

Dimdim, the world's open source web conferencing company, today launched its new Dimdim 4.5 edition and simultaneously released the complete source code to the open source community. All files are ready for download here at or via

Synchronized with the release of Dimdim 4.5 is the launch of “Liberty”, the latest Open Source Community Edition based on the new commercial hosted version. To commemorate its launch, Dimdim has released Liberty’s complete source code under a GPL3 license with no limit to the number of attendees, meetings or mashups that can be created. To ensure setup is as easy as possible, Liberty is also available as a downloadable VMWare Virtual Appliance.... read more

Posted by Dimdim 2008-12-03

Dimdim Uncages Open Source "Eagle" - New Version 3.5 Now Ava

Dimdim is the free web conferencing service where you can share your desktop, show slides, collaborate, chat, talk and broadcast via webcam with absolutely no download required for attendees. Dimdim is 100% browser-based and is your easy, open and free web meeting alternative.

Since our launch of our free, hosted version of Dimdim on April 10, the Dimdim team has been busy working on packaging an updated open source release of the server product with increased functionality for our SourceForge community. ... read more

Posted by Dimdim 2008-05-19

Dimdim Web Meeting Beta Version Released

Dimdim Web Meeting Beta Version Released

dimdim is a browser-based web 2.0 service that allows anybody to share their desktop, show slides, as well as talk, listen, chat, and broadcast via webcam. dimdim´s hosted service is available for free and can be easily used for small gatherings, to seminars with hundreds of attendees. With absolutely no software to download for attendees, dimdim gives everyone the opportunity to hold Web meetings and to customize and brand these meetings.... read more

Posted by Dimdim 2008-01-07

Updated dimdim - WhiteBoard and Improved Slide Quality

Dimdim is an open source web conferencing product with features like Application, Desktop and Presentation sharing, Two way Whiteboard, with A/V streaming and chat. No installation is needed on the Attendee side and all features are available through a web browser.

Over the past month dimdim Team was busy working on packaging a stable release of the product with increased functionality for our SourceForge community. ... read more

Posted by Dimdim 2007-11-26

Dimdim Claroline Integration Pack Released

Dimdim Team has released an integration Pack with Claroline ( a collaborative learning environment ) for our community.

This pack has been released on and is available for download at:

Claroline users can use the integrated Dimdim Web Meeting option to schedule or start an instant
meeting when they login in to their Claroline Portal.... read more

Posted by Dimdim 2007-10-11

Dimdim Sugar CRM Integration Pack Release

Dimdim is an open source web meeting product with features like Application, Desktop and Presentation sharing with A/V streaming and chat. No attendee installation - all features are available through a web browser. Dimdim can be integrated with Moodle.

Dimdim Team has released an integration Pack with Sugar CRM for our community.

This Alpha stage pack has been released on source and is available for download
at: ... read more

Posted by Dimdim 2007-08-24

Moodle Dimdim Integration Pack - Updated Release


Dimdim Team has released the latest Moodle-Dimdim Integration Pack.

Thank you to all the Moodle COmmunity Users for their patience and for the feedback.
THe feedback has gone a long way towards improving the quality of the software.

Improvements over the previous pack are :-
1) Use of a randomly generated meeting key
2) Video enabled in the Moodle Integration
3) More Settings added for starting a meeting - Audio/Video, Number of participants etc
4) Support for Moodle 1.9... read more

Posted by Dimdim 2007-08-13

Dimdim Web Meeting - New and Stable Version Released

Dimdim is an open source web conferencing product with features like Application, Desktop and Presentation sharing with A/V streaming and chat. No installation is needed on the Attendee side and all features are available through a web browser.

Over past few weeks Dimdim Team was busy in getting out a more stable release of the product for our SourceForge community.

We have resolved more than hundred issues in last couple of months in order to make it more stable and
we released a Windows and Linux Packs over last 2 weeks.... read more

Posted by Dimdim 2007-08-06

Dimdim Moodle Integration Pack Release

Dimdim ( is Open Source web meeting product. With Dimdim you
can show Presentations, Applications and Desktops to any other person over the Internet.
You can chat, show your webcam and talk with others in the meeting. Moodle
( is an open source learning management system product.

This release integrates Moodle and Dimdim and one can schedule, start and join Dimdim Webmeetings from a Moodle installation. ... read more

Posted by Dimdim 2007-04-17

Dimdim : 1.6.0 Alpha (040207) - Usability Release

Dimdim is the Open Source web conferencing company. With Dimdim you can show Presentations, Applications and Desktops to any other person over the internet without installing anything on the Attendee side. You can chat, show your webcam and talk with others in the meeting.

Release Notes for release 1.6.0 Alpha (040207) - Usability Release

Enhancements/Issues Addressed:

1. The pack has a number of Enhancements to increase the usability of the product. Some of the enhancements are - Collaboration Workspace popout, Broadcaster Floats, Improved Participants Panel, Chat smileys, Integrated Settings, Logout Urls and Simplified Publisher with Seamless Switching between shared content.
2. Dimdim Conference Server on Linux is now packaged as a RPM which handles the installation and configuration.... read more

Posted by Dimdim 2007-04-09

Dimdim Conference Server: Enhanced Quality Release

Dimdim is the Open Source web conferencing company. With Dimdim you can show Presentations, Applications and Desktops to any other person over the internet without installing anythign on the Attendee side. You can chat, show your webcam and talk with others in the meeting.

Release Notes for release 1.0.0 Alpha ( 112306 )

Enhancements/Issues Addressed:

1. Support for Mouse Cursor for LAN/T1 Connection.
2. Support for incremental screen updates during Desktop and Application Share to enhance performance.
3. Support for 1024X768 or higher screen resolution and wide screen aspect ratios .
4. Support for Option to choose content type (i.e. text or graphics) to publish.Using this option the publisher can chose the type of content to be published, which will improve performance while maintaining quality.
5. Enhanced error messages for Schedule/Start Conference Console. ... read more

Posted by Dimdim 2006-11-29

Dimdim now supports Internationalization

Dimdim can now be internationalized. It is now available in your language !! The default locale is American English and this English catalogue can be used to customize Dimdim in your own language. A document to guide you in this process is also available at

With Dimdim you can show Presentations, Applications and Desktops to any other person over the internet. You can chat, show your webcam and talk with others in the meeting. All this is possible without the attendees having to install anything as Dimdim works out of the browser.

Posted by Dimdim 2006-10-29

Dimdim now supports FireFox for Presenters too

Presenters can now use Dimdim through Firefox on Windows OS. Previously Presenters could use Internet Explorer only but as of the new build available from Oct 29 2006, FireFox support on Windows is enabled for Presenters too. Of course, Attendees can be on any Browser and OS platform and Dimdim Conference Server can be installed on both Windows and Linux.

Posted by Dimdim 2006-10-29

Dimdim Conference Server ported to Linux

Dimdim Coneference Server has been ported to Linux as of version 1.0.0_Alpha(092906). Testing has been done on Red Hat, Suse and Debian. Attendees can also join any Dimdim web conferences through Internet Explorer 6 or Firefox 1.5 while as of now Presenters can use Internet Explorer. Work on Firefox support for Presenters is ongoing.

Posted by Dimdim 2006-10-04

Dimdim 1.0.0_Alpha(092906) Released

Dimdim 1.0.0_Alpha(092906) released on September 30th 2006 with new features and lots of fixed bugs.
Some of the new features include:
0. Linux Porting of Dimdim Conference Server
1. Chat pop up UI was added to publisher bar
2. An about dialog displaying the version number and dimdim logo was also added
3. Settings and Chat-popup features were added to the publisher bar
4. Presentation Viewer in the GWT (Google Widget Toolkit) UI was modified to display "Loading Image" instead of image URL
5. Auto Close check box was turned on by default for PPT Upload dialog
6. Red5 Process Management classes in tunnel web application were modified to make it platform independent to support Linux build
7. RED5 Tunnel was cleaned up to remove excessive verbose logging.
8. Upgrade to GWT 1.1.1
9. The dimdim configuration changes used to require server reboot. This issue has been addressed and configuration changes are in effect within maximum of 30 seconds of making changes.

Posted by Dimdim 2006-09-29

Dimdim Alpha Released

Dimdim Alpha Released (Source Code, Binaries and Documentation) on

Posted by Dimdim 2006-09-14