
#302 Bowtie2 alignment speed very slow for many Ns in the reference sequence


Lately I have been experiencing very slow mapping speeds with Bowtie 2 against a genome containing many ‘Ns’ and was wondering if anyone has experienced the same or know a solution to this.

I have generated some mouse strain genomes containing Ns at known SNP positions to the Black6 reference genome. Running standard 50bp paired-end alignments on 10 cores took more than 10 days to complete for ~200M sequence pairs, which doesn’t sound that it is meant like that. I have since tested a few things, such as the latest version (2.2.0) or the previous one (2.2.1) but that’s not the issue. Also reducing the --score-min parameter didn’t speed it up noticeably. I then took 1M test reads and aligned them to the following 3 genomes:

1) Genome containing 18M Ns, time: ~2h
2) Genome containing 4M Ns, time: 30 mins
3) Black6 reference genome, time : 2 mins

I have noticed that the 3rd index file increased in size from 5858 bytes for Black6 to 156842630 bytes for the N-strain. Is this the index file describing the position of Ns?
Do I just have to accept that Ns in the genome slow Bowtie 2 down >50-fold or is there any known cure for this?


Bugs: #302


  • Ben Langmead

    Ben Langmead - 2014-02-26

    Hi Felix,

    A couple questions.

    Are the Ns distributed fairly evenly across the genome?

    Can we get a copy of the FASTA file you're using?


    • Felix Krueger

      Felix Krueger - 2014-02-26

      Hi Ben,

      Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Yes I suppose the Ns should be distributed evenly over all chromosomes but chrY. I have uploaded the FastA files as well as the *bt2 index files to the following server:

      Connection Details

      Username ftpusr92
      Password vZ4QtKE1
      FTP URL

      I have run another test on 5M reads today and it took 9h 13 mins using 10 cores, which is pretty consistent with the 1M test sequences and close to 2h I had seen from a different file yesterday.
      I already got a suggestion on SeqAnswers to use BBmap instead because it is much better and faster than every other tool on the planet, did you get a chance to look at these claims?

      Again, many thanks,

      From: Ben Langmead []
      Sent: 26 February 2014 20:28
      To: [bowtie-bio:bugs]
      Subject: [bowtie-bio:bugs] #302 Bowtie2 alignment speed very slow for many Ns in the reference sequence

      Hi Felix,

      A couple questions.

      Are the Ns distributed fairly evenly across the genome?

      Can we get a copy of the FASTA file you're using?


      [bugs:#302] Bowtie2 alignment speed very slow for many Ns in the reference sequence

      Status: open
      Created: Wed Feb 26, 2014 01:50 PM UTC by Felix Krueger
      Last Updated: Wed Feb 26, 2014 01:50 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Lately I have been experiencing very slow mapping speeds with Bowtie 2 against a genome containing many ‘Ns’ and was wondering if anyone has experienced the same or know a solution to this.

      I have generated some mouse strain genomes containing Ns at known SNP positions to the Black6 reference genome. Running standard 50bp paired-end alignments on 10 cores took more than 10 days to complete for ~200M sequence pairs, which doesn’t sound that it is meant like that. I have since tested a few things, such as the latest version (2.2.0) or the previous one (2.2.1) but that’s not the issue. Also reducing the --score-min parameter didn’t speed it up noticeably. I then took 1M test reads and aligned them to the following 3 genomes:

      1) Genome containing 18M Ns, time: ~2h
      2) Genome containing 4M Ns, time: 30 mins
      3) Black6 reference genome, time : 2 mins

      I have noticed that the 3rd index file increased in size from 5858 bytes for Black6 to 156842630 bytes for the N-strain. Is this the index file describing the position of Ns?
      Do I just have to accept that Ns in the genome slow Bowtie 2 down >50-fold or is there any known cure for this?

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      Bugs: #302

  • Val

    Val - 2014-04-08
    • status: open --> closed
  • Val

    Val - 2014-04-08

    Fixed for the next release.


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