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SourceForge.net2008 Community Choice Awards

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SourceForge.net is proud to present the winners from our 2008 Community Choice Awards.

Best Project » OpenOffice.org
Best Project for the Enterprise » OpenOffice.org
Best Project for Educators » OpenOffice.org
Most Likely to Be the Next $1B Acquisition » phpMyAdmin
Best Project for Multimedia » VLC
Best Project for Gamers » XBMC
Most Likely to Change the World » Linux
Best New Project » Magento
Most Likely to Be Ambiguously and Baselessly Accused of Patent Violation » Wine Is Not an Emulator
Most Likely to Get Users Sued by Anachronistic Industry Associations Defending Dead Business Models » eMule
Best Tool or Utility for SysAdmins » phpMyAdmin
Best Tool or Utility for Developers » Notepad++

Open, Perhaps?

The big news about our awards program this year was that we decided to allow nominations for any open source project, not just those on SourceForge.net. We know that the success of open source is bigger than one repository can contain, and we’re proud to report that 17 of our finalists were hosted elsewhere!

Rewarding Communities

Some awards are presented to individuals, but that’s not what this program is about. Everyone knows what a few geeks in a garage can accomplish, but support from a community of scale is what really makes open source a force to be reckoned with.

The Choice Is Yours

We didn’t pick winners. Heck, we barely even set any rules. Sure, we could just decide who we think is the best, but what fun is that? Wouldn’t you rather hear the community speak for themselves? We think so too.

Check out our previous years’ winners: 2007, 2006

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