Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README-puppex.txt 2023-03-09 8.4 kB
puppex-bookworm64-tint2-uefi-695mb-230309.iso 2023-03-09 729.8 MB
puppex-bookworm64-tint2-uefi-695mb-230309.md5 2023-03-09 81 Bytes
puppex-bookworm64-tint2-packages-230309.txt 2023-03-09 130.7 kB
puppex-bookworm64-mate-uefi-vbox-730mb-230305.iso 2023-03-05 765.6 MB
puppex-bookworm64-mate-uefi-vbox-730mb-230305.md5 2023-03-05 85 Bytes
puppex-bookworm64-mate-packages-230305.txt 2023-03-05 113.6 kB
puppex-bookworm64-mate-vbox-230303.jpg 2023-03-03 202.2 kB
puppex-bookworm64-tint2-desktop-vbox-230224.jpg 2023-02-25 601.2 kB
puppex-bookworm64-tint2-qemu-230224.jpg 2023-02-25 173.7 kB
puppex-jammy64-uefi-879mb-230222.iso 2023-02-22 922.7 MB
puppex-jammy64-uefi-879mb-230222.md5 2023-02-22 72 Bytes
puppex-jammy64-installed-packages-230222.txt 2023-02-22 106.8 kB
puppex-jammy-desktop-230222.jpg 2023-02-22 732.1 kB
puppex-jammy-disable-screensaver-230222.jpg 2023-02-22 764.5 kB
puppex-jammy-qemu-230222.jpg 2023-02-22 157.8 kB
puppex-bookworm64-tint2-rights.jpg 2022-08-03 509.0 kB
puppex-bookworm64-non-uefi-vbox-ddog-903mb-220714.iso 2022-07-14 946.9 MB
puppex-bookworm64-non-uefi-vbox-ddog-903mb-220714.md5 2022-07-14 89 Bytes
puppex-bookworm64-netflix-220714.jpg 2022-07-14 472.1 kB
puppex-desktop-ddog-rem-220714.jpg 2022-07-14 273.5 kB
puppex-bookworm64-wifi-220714.jpg 2022-07-14 229.6 kB
puppex-bookworm64-samba-220714.jpg 2022-07-14 166.4 kB
puppex-jammy64-manual-install-220630.jpg 2022-06-30 297.2 kB
puppex-jammy64-youtube.jpg 2022-06-30 319.6 kB
puppex-jammy64-setup-220630.jpg 2022-06-30 285.5 kB
puppex-slack64-15.0-uefi-554mb-220625.iso 2022-06-25 580.9 MB
puppex-slack64-15.0-uefi-554mb-220625.md5 2022-06-25 77 Bytes
puppex-slack64-15.0-installed-packages-220625.txt 2022-06-25 92.9 kB
puppex-slack64-desktop-220625.jpg 2022-06-25 345.2 kB
puppex-slack64-wifi-220625.jpg 2022-06-25 208.2 kB
puppex-vbox-vboxclient-run-220201-2.jpg 2022-02-03 111.8 kB
puppex-focal64-uefi-932mb-220201-final.iso 2022-02-01 977.3 MB
puppex-focal64-uefi-932mb-220201-final.md5 2022-02-01 78 Bytes
puppex-focal64-installed-packages-220201.txt 2022-02-01 95.1 kB
puppex-focal64-desktop-220201.jpg 2022-02-01 396.6 kB
puppex-focal64-fullscreen-vbox-220201.jpg 2022-02-01 477.1 kB
puppex-focal64-restart-graphical-server-vbox-220201.jpg 2022-02-01 517.6 kB
puppex-qemu-install-220201-2.jpg 2022-02-01 175.0 kB
puppex-qemu-install-220201-1.jpg 2022-02-01 168.0 kB
puppex-qemu-fullscreen-220201.jpg 2022-02-01 468.6 kB
40_custom-puppex 2022-02-01 8.5 kB
puppex-boot-lines-220201.jpg 2022-02-01 176.9 kB
puppex-manual-install-220201.jpg 2022-02-01 43.1 kB
puppex-focal64-uefi-1020mb-201119-final.iso 2020-11-19 1.1 GB
puppex-focal64-installed-packages-201119.txt 2020-11-19 94.5 kB
puppex-focal64-uefi-1020mb-201119-final.md5 2020-11-19 79 Bytes
puppex-samba-howto.txt 2020-11-19 2.9 kB
puppex-focal64-desktop.jpg 2020-11-19 380.2 kB
puppex-focal64-vbox-fullscreen.jpg 2020-11-19 390.4 kB
puppex-focal64-wireless-connection.jpg 2020-11-19 208.8 kB
puppex-focal64-yassm-samba.jpg 2020-11-19 392.5 kB
puppex-focal64-install-files.jpg 2020-11-19 57.6 kB
puppex-focal64-boot-live.jpg 2020-11-19 83.3 kB
Totals: 54 Items   6.0 GB 18
PuppEX Bookworm64/Jammy64/Slack64/Focal64 Linux Live DVD :: Build 230309, 230305, 230222, 220714, 220625, 220201 and 201119

NEWS ABOUT PuppEX Jammy64 22.04 230222 (My second Build)
This Puppy derivative is built from Puppy_Linux_vanillapup, which is build from Ubuntu packages and packages build from source. Puppy_Linux_vanillapup is the best Puppy Linux system I've ever tried so I decided to make it even better. My changes of the original system:
1. I've replaced kernel 5.15 with kernel 6.1.12-exton
2. Development tools (build-essential) are installed
3. Latest Firefox and Google Chrome are installed
4. Added the ntfs-3g package (so NTFS partitions are writable)
5. Added GParted
6. Added video codecs (libavcodec58) so that YouTube videos and Netflix movies can run in Firefox.
The ISO size has therefore increased from 343 MB to 879 MB, but PuppEX runs nevertheless as fast as the original Puppy, which means that it runs very very fast! 
PuppEX Jammy64 is compatible with Ubuntu 22.04 ("Jammy Jellyfish"), which means that Ubuntu packages for Ubuntu 22.04 can be installed and used in PuppEX. You can use the Synaptic Package Manager or the apt command. (apt update, apt upgrade, apt install MyUsefulPackage etc).
IMPORTANT NOTE: The normal remasterpup2 script (which is included in all Puppy Linux versions) doesn't work in Puppy_Linux_vanillapup. I had to use my "special remaster tricks" to be able to build PuppEX Jammy64. I have therefore kept my two versions of PuppEX Focal64 20.04 in which the remasterpup2 script works very well. It works very well in PuppEX Slack64 15.0 too.
NOTE ABOUT VirtualBox: You can't run this version of PuppEX in VirtualBox and VMware. PuppEX Jammy64 runs pretty well in Qemu in Linux though. Watch this screenshot:  https://puppex.exton.net/puppex-jammy-qemu-230222.jpg
NOTE ABOUT THE BOOT PROCESS: On some computers you may have to wait 60 seconds before the boot process starts. You will see a message saying "Pausing for 60 seconds..."

NEWS ABOUT PuppEX Bookworm64 - THREE versions
My three new Puppy Linux derivatives are built using the Bookworm Build Script. They are compatible with Debian Bookworm - upcoming Debian 12. Two versions are for UEFI computers.  One (Build 220714) is for non-UEFI computers and VirtualBox/VMware. Both Mate versions can run i full screen in VirtualBox, since VirtualBox Guest Additions are pre-installed. Watch this screenshots: https://puppex.exton.net/puppex-bookworm64-mate-vbox-230303.jpg and https://puppex.exton.net/bookworm64/puppex-bookworm64-fullscreen-vbox-220714.jpg
Build 230309 is for UEFI and non-UEFI computers. Also this version runs very well in full screen in VirtualBox. Watch this screenshot: https://puppex.exton.net/puppex-bookworm64-tint2-desktop-vbox-230224.jpg
Build 230305 and 220714 (both versions) uses Mate as Desktop environment (DE). Build 230309 uses Tint2 as DE.
"Compatible with Debian 12" means that you can use the apt command (apt update, apt upgrade, apt install MyUsefulPackage etc) and Synaptic for installing thousands of new Debian packages in PuppEX. All PuppEX Bookworm64 versions can easily be installed manually to hard drive if you have at least one Linux system installed. You must also use Grub as boot loader. Read about how to do that at https://puppex.exton.net
NOTE ABOUT SOUND: In PuppEX Bookworm64 Build 230309 with Tint2 and Build 230305 with the MATE DE you will have sound also when logged in as root. That is essential since you normally run all Puppy/PuppEX versions as root. If you don't get sound when using YouTube (for example) you shall open up a terminal - RoxTerminal. After that you will get sound! If not restart Firefox.

NEWS ABOUT PuppEX Slack64 15.0 220625
This Puppy derivative is built using Puppy Linux Woof-CE Builder. It is compatible with Slackware 15.0 and uses kernel 5.18.6-exton. This Puppy system works very well on UEFI and non-UEFI computers. You can build your own Puppy Linux Slackware 15 compatible system using PuppEX as "groundwork". Just start the remaster tool (Puppy simple CD remaster) and follow the instructions given by the remaster script. Watch this screenshot: https:// puppex.exton.net/puppex-slack64-desktop-220625.jpg
IMPORTANT NOTE: Use Balena Etcher when installing PuppEX to a USB stick in Windows. Other similar programs (like Rufus or Ventoy) won't make the USB stick bootable.

ABOUT PuppEX Focal64 Build 220201
This Puppy derivative is built from Puppy Linux 9.5 FossaPup64. I have added PCManFM and LXterminal. Also many development tools. Furthermore I have compiled a new kernel - 5.16.2-exton and pre-installed VirtualBox Guest Additions. Watch a screenshot when PuppEX is running in full screen in VirtualBox: https://puppex.exton.net/puppex-220201/puppex-focal64-fullscreen-vbox-220201.jpg

NOTE1: For some unknown reason PuppEX Build 220201 won't boot on newer UEFI computers. It works well on older computer though. I have therefore kept the old PuppEX version from 201119, which can run on all "normal" computers.

NOTE1: The good thing about PuppEX Build 220201 is that you can run it very well on older non-UEFI computers, VirtualBox, VMware and Qemu. You can also do a manual installation to any computer provided that you have at least one Linux system installed and use Grub as bootloader. Do it like this.
1. Extract everything in the PuppEX ISO to a folder in the root (/) of your existing Linux system. Watch this screenshot: https://puppex.exton.net/puppex-220201/puppex-manual-install-220201.jpg
2. Then just add boot lines for PuppEX in /etc/grub.d/40_custom or /boot/grub/grub.cfg. Watch this example of a 40_custom-configuration: https://puppex.exton.net/puppex-220201/puppex-boot-lines-220201.jpg
3. You can/should also read my instruction How to dual-boot, triple-boot or multi-boot Linux with Windows in a simple way: https://www.exton.se/?page_id=3287

ABOUT PuppEX Build 201119
This Puppy derivative is also built from Puppy Linux 9.5 FossaPup64. I have added Firefox (for Netflix), Spotify, PCManFM, LXterminal and many development tools. I have also compiled a new kernel - 5.7.19-exton. Furthermore I have installed Nvidia's Proprietary Graphics driver 450.80.02. The Nvidia driver will be used if your computer/card is "good/modern" enough. If not automatically just open up a terminal and run the command nvidia-xconfig. Then restart X. 

PuppEX Focal64 (both versions) are compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa), which means that Ubuntu packages for Ubuntu 20.04 can be installed and used in PuppEX. The PuppEX Focal64 ISO is of 932 MB respectively 1020 MB.

Puppy Fossapup64 original is of only 409 MB. PuppEX Focal64 is despite this still running as fast as the original, which means it runs very, very fast compared to most other Linux systems. (Puppy/PuppEX runs from RAM). PuppEX Slack64 15.0 is of only 554 MB.

The default language (locale) is set to English in all six versions of PuppEX.

The default keyboard layout is American (us). Change it by running the command "setxkbmap se" (for Sweden) or click on the icon "Setup" in the menu.

Click on the icon "Setup" in the menu. Watch this screenshot: https://puppex.exton.net/puppex-jammy-disable-screensaver-230222.jpg

PuppEX (all versions) can easily be installed to hard drive or a USB stick. Click on the icon Setup >> Install >> Universal Installer in the menu. After installing to a USB stick, you can save changes to the system (including software installations) directly on the stick. When you shut down the system for the first time you will be asked if you want to save your changes. After that all changes are automatically saved.

The root (superadmin) PASSWORD
Normally you have no need for root's password in a Puppy Linux/PuppEX system (since you are always logged in automatically as root). But if you for some unknown reason should need it it is woofwoof in PuppEX Focal64/Jammy64 and root in PuppEX Slack64/Bookworm64.


230309 /exton

https://andex.exton.net - Run Android on PC's
https://raspex.exton.se - Android for Raspberry Pi

Source: README-puppex.txt, updated 2023-03-09