
wvWare / News: Recent posts

wv2-0.0.8 released

wv2 is a portable C++ implemenation of a MS Word import library. Right now it supports importing of Word 97, 2000, and XP documents; support for Word 6 and Word 95 is planned. The 0.0.8 release contains bugfixes.

Posted by Werner Trobin 2003-03-11

wv2-0.0.6 released

wv2 is the new version of the wv library. Currently it's only used by the KWord importer (in the KDE CVS). wvWare is the continuation of Caolan McNamara's wv - the MSWord library. Efforts are underway to make this library more correct, robust, and turn it into a Word97 exporter.

Posted by David Faure 2003-02-16

libwmf-0.2.8 released

Well, debian and gentoo are very upset with me for not incrementing the binary number, so that libwmf-0.2.7 could not be used as a drop-in replacement for libwmf-0.2.6. My most abject apologies. I've incremented it this time so that libwmf-0.2.8 can replace libwmf-0.2.7 (though not libwmf-0.2.6 - which it could, in theory).

What's changed?

Well. libwmf2's included GD now uses a contiguous array of pixels for its truecolor image buffer, and there's a function in libwmf which returns a pointer to this array: wmf_gd_image_pixels().... read more

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2002-12-11

wv-0.7.4 released

This is two releases since 0.7.3 took a wrong turn somewhere and was last seen rummaging in the bins behind for old documents. Any information leading to the recovery of the errant release will be rewarded with a free copy of wv-0.7.4.

As usual I'm clueless about who has contributed what to wv since the previous release. Martin Junius did a bunch of stuff, again; Golan a.k.a. 'risk it' and Tian Huisohu found some memory leaks; Corby Wilson fixed some stuff (hey, even I fixed some stuff :-), and of course lots of stuff by Dom (internationalization etc.).... read more

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2002-11-05

libwmf-0.2.7 released

alternative source-ball for Darwin-Jaguar systems
(minor) bug-fix release
some experimental / incomplete export API work

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2002-10-14

UTF8-UCS4-String- & UUS-TreeView-0.3.0 released

UTF8-UCS4-String & UUS-TreeView, version(s) 0.3.0 a.k.a. "just how long is a piece of string anyway", released.

This is a development release, since the code is neither complete nor extensively tested. The UTF8StringTree and UUS* APIs are open to radical rewrites...

This is very much a work-in-progress and the API is likely to change a lot between early releases. UTF8StringTree implements a SAX interface; it's up to the calling program to provide an XML parser (and zlib/iconv support, if necessary). UTF8StringTree builds a tree of UTF8StringTree::Node (or sub-classes) putting attributes and XML Namespace maps into UTF8StringMap instances; there is some support for CSS style maps as well, although this is one area that is certain to change.... read more

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2002-09-30

UTF8-UCS4-String-0.2.0 released

UTF8-UCS4-String Version 0.2.0, a.k.a. "confuse a cat"

The overwhelming lack of feedback to Version 0.1.0 leads me to suspect that the only reason the thousand (or so) people downloaded it was because they thought it was part of wv.

Well, it's not.

In fact, there was a bug in Version 0.1.0 in substring_replace; which is fixed in this version. I think there may still be some bugs, particularly with inserting/setting the UCS-4 value 0, but I'll check these in time.... read more

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2002-08-09

libwmf-0.2.6 released

libwmf-0.2.6, a.k.a. "Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim'rous beastie" is released, but don't bother looking for it at the scene of the crime. Oh, wait, wrong poem.

Special thanks to Corby Wilson, otherwise nothing much to say.

Regards, Frank

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2002-06-18

libwmf-0.2.5 released

libwmf-0.2.5 (a.k.a. 'Poly the ex-Parrot')

This is an interim release, largely unintended. libwmf-0.2.3 & 0.2.4 do not exist, so please don't go looking for them. Dr Livingstone tried, and you know what happened to him.

The major change is that libwmf now builds as two libraries:
1. libwmflite - the parser itself
2. libwmf - utility functions, device layers, etc.... read more

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2002-05-15

UTF8-UCS4-String-0.1.0 released

This package provides C++ classes UTF8String and UCS4String which facilitate storage/validation of UTF-8 string, conversion to/from UCS-4, and editing of UCS-4 strings.

UTF8-UCS4-String is released under a BSD license.

I hope people find it useful - please let me know of any bugs & feel free to suggest improvements in functionality.

Regards, Frank

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2002-05-07

wv-0.7.2 released

wvWare is the continuation of Caolan McNamara's wv - the MSWord library. Efforts are underway to make this library more correct, robust, and turn it into a Word97 exporter.

wv-0.7.2 (a.k.a. "Random Insanity" or "Why cats drink milk.")

Special thanks to Robert Wilhelm and Vladimir Lukianov.
All proceeds to go to Josie and the Pussycats.


o installation instructions update (fjf)
o libwmf detection fix (fjf)
o get rid of one tmpfile() (Robert Wilhelm)
o wv++ work (dom)
o safety checks and fixes for some hangs/crashes during word import (row)
o IM's [_]WIN32 mmap implementation (c. Vladimir)
o 0x01 graphics work (Vladimir)
o 'under rug swept' appreciation (fjf) stay tuned for Pussycats
o some makefile changes to make AbiWord happy (fjf)
o fixes for Win32 and: (Vladimir)
- for looping, when bounds wrong
- for char properties reseting if gap
- to wvHtml: process char properties right when font style have Cap or
SmallCap attribute
- corrupted complex_file
- in escher.c
- important bugs in support.c
- GetSize function drugging pointer (must be goto)... read more

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2002-04-30

wv-0.7.1 released

TwvWare is the continuation of Caolan McNamara's wv - the MSWord library. Efforts are underway to make this library more correct, robust, and turn it into a Word97 exporter.

here's a new release of wv just uploaded to SourceForge. Hopefully this one will work better than the last, but please let me know. If configure does fail, you may like to try the new build system, but that's your call.

Numerous bug fixes in this release, but I don't know what they are, sorry.
Credit to dom & Robert Wilhelm.... read more

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2002-01-21

wv-0.7.0 released

- styles update
- czech update
- improvements to LaTeX & HTML output
- option to use system expat rather than included expat
- option to use system libxml2 rather than expat
- scripts rewritten to handle spaces in paths
- new options to wvWare to allow better image handling
- general tidying and config updates
- and lots of stuff I couldn't keep track of...

Special thanks to Will Newton and Michal Jaegermann.... read more

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2001-10-29

libwmf-0.2.2 released

While there have been some improvements to text placement and rendering in the X and gd layers, most changes are in the configuration. (It is now possible to build libwmf without any device layers, but this has not been tested extensively and is not recommended for general use.)

Special thanks to Bob Friesenhahn, Leonard Rosenthol, David C Sterratt and Tomasz Koczko.

Hopefully this release will build on Solaris. My apologies to everyone who had problems with libwmf-0.2.1.... read more

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2001-10-29

wv-0.6.7 released

A number of minor fixes, mostly from the AbiWord developers, and some patches sent in by wvWare users. Thanks, guys.

Also some config stuff, and wv-0.6.7 is fully compatible with libwmf-0.2.1 - ignore the latter's stated requirement for 0.7.0.

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2001-08-31

libwmf-0.2.1 released

In adherence with the ancient philosophy of `It's my birthday and I'll release if I want to,' today, August 22nd 2001, sees the release of libwmf-0.2.1, a.k.a. `The Inspector General's Nose'.

I was, in fact, tempted to call it version 0.3.0, but I've been calling it 0.2.1 for so many preview snapshots that, well, to do otherwise now would seem like a betrayal.

The most significant change is the introduction of redirectable character output streams (i.e., wmfStream) which should facilitate the writing of WMF importers. - Speaking of which, CVS sodipodi now has optional support for importing WMF, requiring libwmf-0.2.1, and an importer for AbiWord is in the
works.... read more

Posted by Francis James Franklin 2001-08-22

libwmf-0.2.0 released

As it says. Read the changelog/release notes. This is a major rework from the 0.1.* versions.

Posted by Martin Vermeer 2001-05-31

wvWare 0.6.5 released

New released, lots of code changed. This is a good one. Take care,


Posted by Dom Lachowicz 2001-05-10

wvWare 0.6.4 released

wvWare 0.6.4 has been released. It is primarily a bugfix release. 0.7.0 will be the next major release with lots of new features and many changes.

Take care,

Posted by Dom Lachowicz 2001-01-31

wvWare 0.6.3 is released!

Minor release before the holidays

Posted by Dom Lachowicz 2000-12-22

libwmf-0.1.21 released

Improvements in syntax, configuration and header structure by Bob Bell and F.J. Franklin.

Posted by Martin Vermeer 2000-12-13

libwmf-0.1.20 released

An interim release on the slow road to 0.2.

Posted by Martin Vermeer 2000-11-08

0.6.2 is out


Posted by Dom Lachowicz 2000-10-25

0.6.1 is out!

New release. New features: more output formats, like AbiWord and WML.

Posted by Dom Lachowicz 2000-10-18

libwmf-0.1.19 released!

Major improvements especially in .fig output, which is now more or less useable.

Text output to .png, .fig and X screen almost correct.

Posted by Martin Vermeer 2000-10-15