
#616 custom max. speed >586% makes SID engine crash


do this:
SID settings: ReSID, resampling (also fast)
now this :
maximum speed -> custom -> any value above 586

error dialog pops up:
sound: cannot initialize SID engine

what VICE version are you using? 2.4.18
what operating system are you using? Win 7
what did happen? error dialog: sound: cannot initialize SID engine


  • Robert McIntyre

    Robert McIntyre - 2015-04-08

    I think that this is by design, according to the comments starting ~line 464 in ...\vice\src\resid\

    It's not actually crashing the SID engine, the SID engine is proactively refusing to initialize.

  • Querino

    Querino - 2015-04-09


    but then, why it doesn't happen on "no limit"? it runs at >1000% here.

    also, once you get this error message, it's not possible to reactivate the SID engine at lower speed settings.

  • gpz

    gpz - 2015-10-30

    is this still a problem? i cant reproduce it on current trunk (although on linux)

  • Querino

    Querino - 2015-10-31

    still the same in winvice.

  • Marco van den Heuvel

    I cannot reproduce this problem

    • are you using 32bit build or 64bit build ??
    • where did you get the binary from (link) ??
    • is your windows 32bit or 64bit ??
  • Greg King

    Greg King - 2015-11-01

    I can reproduce it.

    • Intel Core2 Duo @ 2 GHz.
    • 32-bit Windows 7
    • Pokefinder's WinVICE-2.4.21-x86-r30040

    1. ran x64;
    2. used default settings;
    3. set the Maximum speed to 587%;
    4. set ReSID's sampling method to either "Fast Resampling" or "Resampling".

    However, I can re-enable the sound if I change to a lower max. speed or a "lower" sampling method.

  • gpz

    gpz - 2015-11-01

    ehrr... again: the sound getting disabled is by design. this bug is about VICE crashing in that case.

  • Querino

    Querino - 2015-11-02

    ok. it's not VICE that crashes, just the SID engine.

    1. start x64sc.exe
    2. reSID --> resampling
    3. custom speed --> anything above 586%
    4. --------> VICE ERROR! Cannot initialize SID engine
    5. close error window
    6. set speed back to 100%
    7. no more sound. even changing SID settings and a hard reset won't bring it back

    same on both pokefinder and my own builds... on both my i5 and my i7 cpu


    Last edit: Querino 2015-11-02
  • gpz

    gpz - 2019-08-24
    • status: open-need-info --> closed-out-of-date
  • Querino

    Querino - 2019-08-27

    well, the problem is still there...

  • gpz

    gpz - 2019-08-27

    how do you even set it to that value? :)

  • compyx

    compyx - 2019-08-27

    In Gtk3: click on the %cpu/fps widget in the statusbar, then use 'maximum speed' -> 'custom'.

    When I use either resampling/fast resampling ReSID indeed fails to init (no crash though) when using >= 587% speed.
    When using fast/interpolation, I can set the custom speed to 1000% and ReSID still works. I would try higher values, but the UI doesn't accept values over 1000.

  • gpz

    gpz - 2021-10-25

    i see the log says

    Warning - reSID: Out of spec, increase sampling rate or decrease maximum speed

    now - so is this a wontfix? why does it even happen? who added that message without updating this ticket?

  • gpz

    gpz - 2021-10-25
    • status: open --> open-need-info
  • Querino

    Querino - 2021-10-25

    the log entry is there since ages (checked right now)... i should have posted this.

    even in v2.4 it is present.

    strange detail: the max accepted value is now 638, not 586 as it used to be :)

  • gpz

    gpz - 2021-10-25

    let me guess, you change samplerate back to 44khz and its back to 586? :)

    its probably simply hitting the limits of the resampler.... IMHO we should also disable the sound at those speeds (perhaps anything lower 50% and higher 200%)

    @dqh what do you think?

  • gpz

    gpz - 2021-10-25
    • assigned_to: dqh
  • gpz

    gpz - 2021-10-25
    • Category: ReSID --> Sound
  • Querino

    Querino - 2021-10-25

    let me guess, you change samplerate back to 44khz and its back to 586? :)

    ah yes, didn't even know the default was changed.
    so it's 1278% at 96khz

    only 106% at 8khz (but who cares?)

  • gpz

    gpz - 2021-10-26
    • Category: Sound --> ReSID

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