
Very Quick Wiki / News: Recent posts

VQWiki 2.8.1 released

Some important big fixes required us to release a 2.8.1 version of VQWiki.

You can find the release notes on JIRA here:
If you are affected by one of the issues listed, please upgrade, the process is mostly a drop-in replacement, but don't forget to backup your data before doing it.

Thanks for your patience.

Posted by Marcello Teodori 2009-03-01

VQWiki 2.8 FINAL released

Hi, after two RC releases we're finally able to announce the final release of VQWiki 2.8.

This release is the last one in the 2.8 branch and contains mostly bug fixes and updated documentation. The code has been cleaned up and refactored to be merged in the 3.0 branch, to keep incompatibilities as low as possible. A 2.8.1 version will be made available only if required by the users for fixes of any bug should arise.
Here are the full release notes: read more

Posted by Marcello Teodori 2008-12-15

VQWiki 2.8 RC2 released

Hi all, it's time for a new VQWiki binary package before the official 2.8 release, so here we have VQWiki 2.8 RC2!

We have another RC2 as the changes were bigger than expected, so once again we seek feedback from you, the current VQWiki users, and we invite you to upgrade (after a propert backup) and verify everything is ok so we can ship the 2.8 final. Thanks for all the support.

A reminder for the latest news introduced with RC1:
1) JIRA has moved to
2) the MySQL JDBC driver is not included anymore in the WAR, and you have to download and add it manually
2) there is a new self-executable JAR distribution that embeds the winstone servlet container, it can be launched with "java -jar vqwiki-2.8-RC2.jar" and you will have a vqwiki already running on port 8080 with file-based persistence... read more

Posted by Marcello Teodori 2008-11-07

VQWiki 2.8 RC1 released

Hi, I'm Marcello Teodori, new project lead for VQWiki, and I'm happy to announce we're finally making available VQWiki 2.8 RC1. This release is mostly a bugfix release which tries to cover all the issues from JIRA on the 2.8 beta, before letting the project move forward to the 3.0 branch.

This release is a RC1 because it is meant to collect all the feedback from the current VQWiki users, so everyone's invited to upgrade and verify everything is ok before freezing a proper 2.8 final in the next few weeks. Thanks for all the support.... read more

Posted by Marcello Teodori 2008-06-03

Leaving the project due to illness

First off, my sincere apologies for the fact that I've not responded to messages or continued my work on VQWiki.

Unfortunately, I have been quite ill and this has led to my decision to step down as the VQWiki project leader.

I will offcourse be happy to see the project continue on with another project lead whom has already stepped forward. For me however, the road ends here.

The project's new lead will be Marcello Teodori from Italy. He is already familiar with the project and its goals and I'm sure he'll do a fine job of it.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-03-22

VQWiki v2.8 beta was released

Please keep in mind this is a BETA version

- Using StyleSheet topic as CSS instead of vqwiki.css
- Export2HTML, WikiStatistics and WikiSiteMap now works as it should be.
- Improved removal of lockfiles
- Fixed minor screen layout issue
- Fixed issue with that could not be found

- ExFormatLex has now support for macros (replace keywords with html snippets).
- Editor jsp reworked.
- Table of contents for headlines (default: switched off).
- Added resource message admin.caption.openExtLinkInNewWindow
- Added property openExtLinkInNewWindow
- Added logging if lock file couldn't be deleted
- New version of fileupload (commons-fileupload 1.1 / commons-io 1.2)
- New QuickHelp special topic for edit screen
- Added russian translation
- Updated german translation
- Added strikethrough support that doesn't conflict with horizontal line
- Added new WikiHelp default topics
- Improved default LeftMenu and TopArea contents... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2007-03-16

VQWiki 2.8 Beta on March 15th

On March 15th, I'll be releasing VQWiki 2.8 BETA. I'm releasing a beta version so people will have a chance to help out in testing. One week later, barring major problems we will release 2.8 Final.

A small and incomplete list of changes:

- addition of strikethrough to the parser
- enhanced edit screen
- QuickHelp topic instead of hardcoded quick help
- some improvements in the default topics

Posted by Anonymous 2007-02-21

New website and logo launced!

Today, the VQWiki project is proud to announce its new site design.

The new design sports a brand new logo for the VQWiki project and allows people to preview the new default layout which is planned for release 3 of the VQWiki software.

Find out more at

Posted by Anonymous 2006-09-30

Critical update: v2.7.91

Release Name: v2.7.91

This is an intermittant release due to a serious bug with attachments which surfaced in 2.7.9.

All users are encouraged to upgrade to 2.7.91 and to skip 2.7.9.


- Fixed: Attach link in top menu bar was broken
- Fixed: Attach functionality was broken
- Fixed: Corrected url in vqwiki.css for external URL image
- Removed: "--" for strike-through since it broke horizontal line ("----")
- Update: Italian translation
- Update: Changed RSS Servlet to produce RSS output that validates with (thanks Stuart)

Posted by Anonymous 2006-09-12

VQWiki releases version 2.7.9

VQWiki is releasing version 2.7.9 which contains minor fixes and changes only, partly due to the summer holliday season.



- Fixed: RSS feed doesn't work for wiki accessed via HTTPS
- Fixed: Teach vqwiki that URLs can start with https as wel as http
- Fixed: Small error in
- Fixed: Mail.smtp.auth=true property assignment required for (E)SMTP auth

Improvement / Patch
- Added: support for strikethrough (--text--), superscript (^^text^^) and subscript (~~text~~)

Posted by Anonymous 2006-09-04

VQWiki migrated its repository to Subversion

The VQWiki project would like to announce to its users that the previously CVS based repository has been migrated to the Subversion repository system.

This means that the CVS repository is no longer active. It will remain available for historical purposes for some time however, all users should use the Subversion repository.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-05-10

Graphic designer wanted to create house style/logo


The VQWiki project is desperately looking for a good graphical designer who is willing to DONATE his or her time to create at least a logo and if possible an entire house style.

The logo is what we need most as the current one is not up to speed. We're looking for a new, professional grade type logo a la that of well known project such as Firefox.

Unfortunately we cannot pay you for your services.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2006-05-01

Version 2.7.8 released

--- VQWiki release v2.7.8 ---

Some people have been very keen to see the new VQWiki version come out of it's hiding place, so now here
it is! A fair number of fixes were introduced in this version and a number of additions were created. Some
highlights are:

- Redirect function now accepts spaces
- Topic version / history function uses new diff code (see the UPGRADE document)
- Pretty links can now be used
- Basic authentication can be used (see special notes in WHATSNEW)... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2006-05-01

Code freeze for 2.7.8 and Subversion

The VQWiki project would like to remind its users and team members that the code freeze for version 2.7.8 is Monday April 24th 2006 at 17:00 CET.

The release of 2.7.8 is still on track for May 1st 2006.

After the release of 2.7.8, the VQWiki project will temporarily close down write access to CVS in order for us to migrate to Subversion. This will occur one week after release.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-04-24

VQWiki version 2.7.7 released


The VQWiki project team is pleased to announce yet another release of our software package. This time with a revamped book tagged along.

Some minor bugfixes and addition of some languages, including new, revamped documentation.

Changes in v2.7.7

- Fixed bug in RSS feed where partial html codes in the description broke the feed
- Fixed URL and i8n problem due to URL being encoded in UTF-8 and Tomcat trying to decode as ISO-8859-1
- Fixed bug where a lock file is not deleted for topics with spaces (or other characters outside ASCII) in them
- Added Norwegian translation
- Added Polish translation
- Added Swedish translation
- Updated German translation
- Updated Dutch translation
- Added new documentation: the VQWiki Book, supplied in DocBook and HTML formats with the WAR file
and downloadable as a PDF from the site. This new document replaces the old admin guide.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2006-02-03

Possible delay in releasing v2.7.7

The release of version 2.7.7 of the VQWiki project might experience a slight delay due to unplanned downtimes of the CVS services of the site.

We apologize to our users should this occur and will make every effort to stick to our intended release schedule.

For the current status, please see:

Posted by Anonymous 2006-02-01

New Year... New Site


As of today, january 1st 2005, the new site I announced earlier for the VQWiki project is live!

At you will be able to find updated information about the project, our team members, the release schedule and our new issue tracking tool.

Most importantly, you will find an instance of our VQWiki software running for you and the project team!

Lastly, together with the team, I would like to wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2006-01-02

End of year project status update

Dear readers,

As we are nearing the end of 2005, I would like to give everyone a small status update concerning the project. I also want to thank all our users and those of you that volunteered their time to the project for their continued support.

Any Open Source project either thrives or slowly whithers away depending on the support it gets from the project team, its users and the general public.

Many great things have happened in the Open Source arena in the past year and many great tools are now available to all. It is my hope, wish and intention for the VQWiki project to continue to grow in 2006 so its name can be added onto that list of "must-have" tools like Apache, Tomcat, Firefox and the many other great Open Source products that exist.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-12-21

VQWiki is looking for new project members

The VQWiki project is always looking for new project members to aide in the realisation of a better product.

We are currently looking actively for people to fill the following positions:

-- Translator to bring new languages to the VQWiki project --

The VQWiki project is looking for volunteers whom are willing to translate the VQWiki project into new languages and are willing to continue to update their language's entries whenever required. In principle you must be a native speaker of the language you are translating to.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-12-15

VQWiki announces release 2.7.6

VQWiki release 2.7.6

Version 2.7.6 was released today with some minor fixes and improvements. The main obvious improvement was to the administration screen which allows for easier and quicker configuration of database related settings and LDAP related settings. Some changes were also made to the system to hopefully improve on internationalization issues.

Upgrading to release 2.7.6

Please always make a backup of your data and your customizations as always.
For the rest, the upgrade should be as simple as deploying the new release next to or instead of your current version, making it point to the same source of data.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-11-01

A new release and donation news

= Update =
The next update release for the VQWiki project is scheduled for November 1st.

If you have an issue that you'd like to have fixed, please create a bug report in SourceForge. (see link below) Fixes will only be made if there is a bug report for the issue in SourceForge, otherwise we cannot adequately follow what has or has not been fixed.

= Donation =
A donor has been so friendly to provide space on a new server. Once this server is up and running and properly installed, it will host an instance of our VQWiki software for the VQWiki project.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-10-11

VQWiki looking for sponsors


The VQWiki project is looking for sponsors. To be more precise, we are looking for private individuals and/or companies willing to donate money or a server.

We are especially interested in a good 1U or 2U server with copious amounts of RAM and diskspace. This server would be put to good use for the hosting of the project's website, VQWiki's own wiki instance, a demo site and a bug tracking facility (Jira).... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-09-26

VQWiki announces release 2.7.5

The VQWiki project is proud to announce a new release of their software. The 2.7.5 release contains a number of bugfixes and a long overdue new feature: a preview option.


Posted by Anonymous 2005-09-04

Announcing upcoming release 2.7.5

The VQWiki project would like to announce the upcoming release version 2.7.5 which is planned for finalization in the next few weeks. The release should be available no later than Sunday, September 4th, 2005.

This release will include AT LEAST the following items:

- Addition of a basic preview option, including admin screen setting. Default behaviour is not to use it.

[ 1029961 ] - edit.js missing
[ 1205764 ] - Ordered list trouble
[ 814653 ] - admin-guide: wrong path for

Posted by Anonymous 2005-08-01

VeryQuickWiki announces a new Project Lead!

As of September 1st 2005, Gareth Cronin will be stepping back as the active project leader for the VeryQuickWiki project. For his main reason he cited the fact that he unfortunately no longer has the time to adequately guide the VeryQuickWiki project. Gareth will however remain on as a project administrator and will remain contributing to the project whenever his time permits.

The new project leader for VeryQuickWiki will be Martijn van der Kleijn, a software engineer by trade currently residing in The Netherlands, Europe.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-07-29