


Game Features

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Wiki: 36GPSetup
Wiki: ArtistsTools
Wiki: ArtworkFileFormats
Wiki: BuildSystem
Wiki: CarXMLexplained
Wiki: CreateCarsRealism
Wiki: CreateTrackRealism
Wiki: CreateTrackRealismAccc
Wiki: CreateTrackWorkflowBlender
Wiki: CustomCarLiveries
Wiki: CustomCarLiveriesTextures
Wiki: DevelopersCharter
Wiki: Feature
Wiki: FeatureWishesPost2.0
Wiki: GSOC2011
Wiki: GSOCIdeas
Wiki: GenParOptim
Wiki: GhostBSDInstall
Wiki: GraphicCardSettings
Wiki: HardSoftRequirements
Wiki: Index
Wiki: InstallCars
Wiki: License
Wiki: LinuxInstall
Wiki: ListOfAINames
Wiki: ListOfRobots
Wiki: ListOfTracks
Wiki: ListofCars
Wiki: LoggingSystem
Wiki: MacOSXInstall
Wiki: Marketing
Wiki: Meetings
Wiki: MenuScreen
Wiki: MusicPlayerManual
Wiki: NamingRules
Wiki: OSGPorting
Wiki: PastAuthors
Wiki: PersonalPlansPost2.0
Wiki: RacingModes
Wiki: RealTracksandCircuits
Wiki: Referencedata
Wiki: ReleaseMethod
Wiki: ReleaseRoadmap
Wiki: ReportingProblems
Wiki: RobotCodeMagic
Wiki: RobotsMain
Wiki: RolesResponsibilities
Wiki: RunningSpeedDreams
Wiki: SD2.0Manual
Wiki: SetupCars
Wiki: ThePeopleBehind
Wiki: TheWayToRelease2
Wiki: TireTempDeg
Wiki: Towards2.1
Wiki: TrackXMLexplained
Wiki: TracksMain
Wiki: UpdatesToCarFormat
Wiki: UpdatesToTrackFormat
Wiki: WhatIsSpeedDreams
Wiki: WindowsInstall


  • thiblcr

    thiblcr - 2021-12-01

    Hi, I'm very excited by this project which is amazing !
    Is it possible to contribute to the wiki, adding pictures for cars and tracks for example ?
    I'm not familiar with sourceforge...

    Thank you for the answers !


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