
Edit car stats

  • Roman Triller

    Roman Triller - 2023-06-20

    Hello, which file contains the stats of a specific car? Just want to edit the speed and acceleration of a car for myself.

  • leillo1975

    leillo1975 - 2023-06-21

    You can find the specs and setup in <car_name>.xml file. For example, if you wan't to modify the boxer 96 (supercar), you must to navigate to sc-boxer-96 folder, and then edit sc-boxer-96.xml


    Last edit: leillo1975 2023-06-21
  • Bertaux Xavier

    Bertaux Xavier - 2023-06-21

    If I understood correctly, that was not his question.

    there is no file with speed and accelation, it is a calculation that is made based on the file that Leillo just mentioned


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