
7-Zip 15.05 beta

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  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2015-06-15

    Now SF is not evil for me.
    So there are no big reasons to leave SF now.
    Note that main downloads links at now are outside of SF.

  • qaqz111

    qaqz111 - 2015-06-15

    Is there a x64 version of standalone commandline?
    Or in source code that I can compile it myself?

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2015-06-15

      1) 7za.exe x64 in 7-Zip Extra package (GNU LGPL).
      2) 7zr.exe x64 in LZMA SDK package (Public domain).
      3) You can compile all files:
      7za.exe: CPP\7zip\Bundles\Alone
      7zr.exe: CPP\7zip\Bundles\Alone7z

      • qaqz111

        qaqz111 - 2015-06-16

        Yes I've found it, thanks!

  • kapela86

    kapela86 - 2015-06-15

    Thanks for new version, I have small question/request. Can you finally fix/make this one little thing?

    I saw that you didn't understand concept behind this SetEndOfFile, I tried to explain it but got no response from you. Here's a second try. Take a look at this It's from Process Monitor showing how 7-Zip extracts "test.jpg" from some zip archive to "E:\abc\test.jpg" And this shows how Total Commander extracts same file. Notice any difference? Final result is that if you extract very large file using 7zip, it will be heavily fragmented. But if you extract it using Total Commander, Windows will try to minimize it's fragmentation because it will know file's size.
    It's like this, 7zip tells to windows:
    1. Create a file
    2. repeat (Write 128KB of some data to that file) until (EOF)
    3. Close file

    Total Commander:
    1. Create a file
    2. Tell Windows it's size will be 587MB
    3. repeat (Write 32KB of some data to that file) until (EOF)
    4. Close file

  • Squuiid

    Squuiid - 2015-06-15

    Thank you for the new version. This is such a great app!

    Is there any chance you'll be making an MSI version of the installer?
    It would be very sad to see this go.
    Thanks again.

  • kjd

    kjd - 2015-06-16

    There seems to be a distinct difference in 7zFM handling some zip types
    between 9.20 (no errors) and more recent 9.3x or 15.xx (both give errors indicating gzip)

    as a set of examples see the PEiD source zips at

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2015-06-16

      These files are corrupted.
      They contain corrupted gzip header (20 bytes) that is followed by ZIP archive.
      New 7-Zip opens first archive (gzip header).
      To open archive as ZIP you can select in context menu:
      7-Zip / Open archive / zip
      7-Zip / Open archive / #

  • kjd

    kjd - 2015-06-16

    OK thanks so I need to use (for newer versions)

    7z -tzip x -o.\out

    was there a special reason that 9.2 tolerated the corruption or are you needing to be more strict with inreasing numbers of rouge types ?

    BTW I like that you have jumped to version 15 as it relates to many softwares indicating the version by year but it would be more sensical to now be on rev 15.06.b-eta for June ??

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2015-06-17

      1) Yes, new 7-Zip is more strict for archive extensions and data types.

      2) I can release new versions of 7-Zip more often than one version per month. So version number system is not "Year.Month", it's "Year.Revision".
      7-Zip uses that system since 2003 (ver 3.10), but "Year" part was not updated for each new year.

      In average for long term, there is one revision per month.
      So as approximation you can think that version number means "Year.Month".

  • VictorVG

    VictorVG - 2015-06-18

    This archive (JoystickTest.xap) use format Zip 2.0 DOS and rar 5.21 can unpack this w/o error then have bad (?) header - 7zFM can't unpack any ./Assits/<file> and display error messages about subfolder header error. Far plugin arclite v1.6.7 included 7z.dll (originally v9.35 Beta, I use v15.05 Beta) also can't unpack any file's and display error messages "Unknown unpack error".

    Additional information - 7-Zip v9.20 is success unpack this archive, then is new 7-Zip version error.


    Last edit: VictorVG 2015-06-18
    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2015-06-18

      The problem with that archive, that the path of file in central directory is stored with "backslash" and the path in local header is stored with "slash".

      Such collisions are not good in some cases. For example, "backslash" in linux is not path separator. So there are two ways to extract such file in linux, where "backslash" is converted to "slash" or where "backslash" is part of file name.
      In windows probably we can ignore such error. I'll think about patch.

      So what program creates such "incorrect" headers in xap?


      Last edit: Igor Pavlov 2015-06-18
      • VictorVG

        VictorVG - 2015-06-18

        I do not know where exactly the archive took a reporter (Far th Mantis # 3009), but it says Windows Phone:

        Summary 0003009: Arclite not unpack the files inside of folders in .xap
        Description Arclite can not extract the files in the folders for inside xap (package of Windows Phone, in fact, a simple zip-archive).
        Steps To Reproduce 1) download test file JoystickTest.xap link
        2) enter / open by Ctrl + PgDown
        3) enter into the folder Assets
        4) try to view or extract any file
        Additional Information Tested on nightly builds build 4392, x64

        The author of this brilliant invention by Microsoft and criticism, but simply put curses on him search MSDN I gave several pages. And just arranged the files I have seen from a friend - his phone on Windows Phone 8, and there is the same "joy" with the format is present ..


        Last edit: VictorVG 2015-06-18
  • Local Host

    Local Host - 2015-06-18

    Hi Igor, thanks for your work !

    We would prefer the .MSI Installer as it was before for installation. We used it for years and everything was great. The new installer does not fill all fields under control panel --> software and it leaves lots of traces of the old MSI installations. We tried to deploy 15.05 on win 7-32,7-64,8.1-32,8.1-64 and everywhere the same problems. Sometimes older Versions of 7Zip remain in the control panel --> software and you have 2 entrys for 1 old 7Zip and 1 new 7Zip...

    As I said before, for us it would be much better to have 7Zip back with the MSI Installers from the past. We deploy your software to about 4.000 Computers via WKPG and via Group Policies and we would love to go on with that.

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2015-06-18

      Do you mean "Control Panel -> Programs" list?
      7-Zip doesn't delete old msi entry from that list.

      What another traces of old MSI installations do you know?

    • Mark Baumann

      Mark Baumann - 2015-06-18

      You could remove older versions using WMIC:

      wmic product where "Name like '%%7-Zip%%'" call uninstall

    • Squuiid

      Squuiid - 2015-06-18

      Please, please could you reinstate msi installer?

    • Georg Lindner

      Georg Lindner - 2015-06-22

      I would also like to see an MSI Installer.

      • Igor Pavlov

        Igor Pavlov - 2015-06-22

        When you write the message with request about msi, please write why do you need msi.

        What exact problem with exe installer do you see?

        There are many programs without msi. For example, WinRAR also uses exe installer. So probably the absence of msi is not problem in most cases.

        • Murdoc Bates

          Murdoc Bates - 2015-06-24

          I definitely want to see MSI Installer as well.
          The main benefit is the deployment through Microsoft Group Policy in Windows domain networks. I'm deploying 7-Zip because it's open source and because there is a MSI installer. There is no way to do this with EXE installer (Of course there are other "dirty" ways).


          Last edit: Murdoc Bates 2015-06-24
          • Igor Pavlov

            Igor Pavlov - 2015-06-24

            So do you install only msi packages to these computers?
            And you don't install any software that has no msi?

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