
Serious issues with Reduce-snapshot_6860.dmg under macOS 14.6.1

  • Tilda A. Steiner

    Dear developers,

    thanks for making the new snapshot available. The other day I've upgraded from snapshot_6658.dmg to snapshot_6860.dmg . Yet the recent upload seems to be seriously flawed.

    Trying to launch the csl app yields the following error meesage

    +++ Image file "/private/var/folders/p_/qltsmpqd1zq_9qd2wbz6svjr0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/3B64BE96-1D83-40C8-A243-78F08383639E/d/" can not be read

    Running redscl yields

    /Applications/Reduce/csl/ cannot execute: No such file or directory

    Checking Applications/Reduce/csl/, there is no what so ever. Checking on /Applications/Reduce/csl/, I noticed that this file is incompatible with macOS 14.6.1 on Apple M3 machines. This seems to be a regression, since the csl programs of the snapshot_6658.dmg as of 2023/12/18 still work fine on my system.

    I also noticed that snapshot_6658.dmg no longer includes the binaries csl/rfcsl and psl/rfpsl. Whether this is intentionally done so or not, I cannot tell.

    What did come as a positive surprise, though, is that the recent version of psl runs much more robust now on macOS 14.6.1 (some operations work; sums, integrals etc don't). Judging from a previous discussion on this forum you really must have burned a lot of midnight oil implementing these improvements. Thanks for that.

    Hope the csl issues can be fixed in the not so distant future.

    Yours, Tilda A. Steiner


    Last edit: Tilda A. Steiner 2024-08-27
  • Eberhard Schruefer

    Thank you very much for reporting this. I put a new version onto sourceforge. Could you please give a try?
    Best wishes, Eberhard

    • Tilda A. Steiner

      Dear Eberhard,

      thanks for your fast reply and uploading the fix with snapshot_6866.dmg. After installing, I noticed that there might be a misnomer as both psl and csl are signed rev 6864.

      The apps bootstrapreduce, csl, and reduce run fine. Calling redcsl for the first time yielded an error message

      libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type std::__1::system_error: mutex lock failed: Invalid argument
      ~~~ SIGNAL ~~~: SIGABRT

      yet this did not reoccur. Wonder why. Also, I expected to remain in the shell whereas I was directed to an X window session. For me this is no big deal as I usually run reduce from within TeXmacs and csl seems to be working flawlessly now.

      Both, on the shell level and from within TeXmacs, redpsl loads fine. What I do not understand though is that

      REDUCE 1: ] load_package gnuplot;
      REDUCE 2: ] plot((sin(x))/x, x=(-4π ..4π))

      runs fine only once in TeXmacs and ever thereafter produces this error message, even after restarting TeXmacs:

      * error in loading package gnuplot or package not found

      Is this an issue with TeXmacs' reduce plugin? Why doesn't redpsl find its packages anymore?

      Anyway, csl is working now. Thanks for that!

      Cheers, Tilda

      • Arthur Norman

        Arthur Norman - 2024-08-29

        At present I am unable to chase Macintosh issues with Reduce because to be
        ready for forthcoming changes I installed a Beta of Sequoia on my machine
        - and some of the libraries that Reduce depends on fail to build just at
        present so I am unable to get Reduce working. This is liable to be a
        consequence of the software being in beta not release state, and the
        software that is failing to build is not mine or under my reasonable
        control - so at present I need a delay until I can even investigate.

        Wrt TeXmacs while we try to provide a plugin some issues with that may be
        best addressed by those who support TeXmacs?

        Sorry for the delay. But I hope that the consequence of it will be that
        when Sequoia is released I will have had a better chance to prepare for
        the incompatibilities it may introduce!

        On Thu, 29 Aug 2024, Tilda A. Steiner wrote:

        Dear Eberhard,

        thanks for your fast reply and uploading the fix with snapshot_6866.dmg. After installing, I noticed that there might be a misnomer as both psl and csl are signed rev 6864.

        The apps bootstrapreduce, csl, and reduce run fine. Calling redcsl for the first time yielded an error message

        libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type std::__1::system_error: mutex lock failed: Invalid argument
        ~~~ SIGNAL ~~~: SIGABRT

        yet this did not reoccur. Wonder why. Also, I expected to remain in the shell whereas I was directed to an X window session. For me this is no big deal as I usually run reduce from within TeXmacs and csl seems to be working flawlessly now.

        Both, on the shell level and from within TeXmacs, redpsl loads fine. What I do not understand though is that

        REDUCE 1: ] load_package gnuplot;
        REDUCE 2: ] plot((sin(x))/x, x=(-4π ..4π))

        runs fine only once in TeXmacs and ever thereafter produces this error message, even after restarting TeXmacs:

        * error in loading package gnuplot or package not found

        Is this an issue with TeXmacs' reduce plugin? Why doesn't redpsl find its packages anymore?

        Anyway, csl is working now. Thanks for that!

        Cheers, Tilda

        Serious issues with Reduce-snapshot_6860.dmg under macOS 14.6.1

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        • Tilda A. Steiner

          Dear Arthur,
          thanks for your reply and your ongoing work of making reduce fully macOS-compatible. The issue that I reported in reply to Eberhard's message concerns only redpsl. csl-reduce as of snapshot_6866(64?) works fine within TeXmacs.

          • Arthur Norman

            Arthur Norman - 2024-08-29

            The PSL version of Reduce will not work on modern Macs because of changes
            that Apple made in the name of "security". Work to resolve that is under
            way but with no certain delivery time.

            PSL works by compiling the Reduce sources into machine code on the fly,
            and saves images by dumping that to a disc file for later re-loading. As I
            understand it recentish releases of Macos and certainl all on ARM are both
            fussy about writing to memory and then wanting to execute it, and about
            how material gets arranged in memory so that it becomes harder for
            adversaries to load in attack code and get it executed. In many respects
            what they have done is an understandable ressponse to malware, but it
            happens that it fights against design decisions baked quite deeply into
            PSL. So again it is being worked on!

            On Thu, 29 Aug 2024, Tilda A. Steiner wrote:

            Dear Arthur,
            thanks for your reply and your ongoing work of making reduce fully
            macOS-compatible. The issue that I reported in reply to Eberhard's
            message concerns only redpsl. csl-reduce as of snapshot_6866(64?) works
            fine within TeXmacs.

      • Rainer Schöpf

        Rainer Schöpf - 2024-08-29

        Dear Tilda,

        PSL Reduce is not supported on Apple Silicon. Loading packages doesn't work at all.
        For the near future I will make sure that it doesn't start at all until it can be made working (if ever).

        Regards, Rainer

        • Tilda A. Steiner

          Dear Rainer,

          thanks for the information. So I guess, it's possess your soul in patience, and hope that PSL Reduce can be made working one of these days.

          Sincerely, Tilda


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