
prod acts funny

  • m-stgt

    m-stgt - 2020-07-26

    Running Reduce (Free CSL version, revision 5368), 24-Jun-20 ... under Windows7 I enter

    1: prod(2*n/(2*n-1), n, 1, k);

    and get as result

    (2**k*prod(n/(2*n - 1),n,1,k))/prod(2*n - 1,n,1,k)

    what makes me wonder about the product in the denominator. Even it's near to counting with fingers I try with figures, first in a loop:

    2: r := for n:=1:2 product 2*n/(2*n-1);

    results in r := 8/3, what I expected. Alas,

    3: let k=>2; ws(1);

    returns 8/9. Is it me or is it Reduce?

  • arpi

    arpi - 2020-07-28

    I am pretty sure this is a bug, you can open a ticket for it.

  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2020-10-05

    Yes, it is a bug, I found where the code is wrong.
    I will continue my answer in your bug report, but it will need a bit of time.



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