
de() operator

  • arpi

    arpi - 2019-02-06

    Dear All,
    Is there a way in reduce to query if a name is already defined, e.g., as an operator?
    Why I am asking is that I tried to run an old reduce file written by a late colleague, and it did not run. I localised the error to be a definition of an operator de, e.g.,

    operator de;
    for all f let de(f)=df(f,r);

    and I get the rather cryptic error message
    +++ Error attempt to take car of an atom: nil

    Changing the name de to, e.g., den everywhere solves the problem.

    I am using the jan 20 snapshot on Linux.

    Thank you: Arpad


    Last edit: arpi 2019-02-06
    • Arthur Norman

      Arthur Norman - 2019-02-07

      At least if you use low-level facilities it is possible to see all sorts
      of things.

      Eg you can go
      lisp getd 'de;
      which may say (fexpr . de), where you vam contrast that with the output
      from lisp getd 'nothing_in_particular;. And
      lisp prop 'de;
      where the presence of the "number-of-arguments" property tends to be a
      signature of something that has been defined.

      The way I would check yet further would be to start by loading up
      bootstrapreduce rather than the main (production) version.
      bootstrapreduce is slower but has extra information saved within it.
      Then I would go
      plist 'de;
      and that would reveal to me a suggestion that someting might be defined
      on line 628 of the file [.../packages/]misc/ and while in this
      case that is not actually very interesting in other case it might be and
      could point you are the location in the Reduce sources to investigate

      The cryptic error message is not as it should be - obviously. One can sort
      out a bit more by setting "on backtrace;" before attempting the
      systatement that fails. Here I see

      4: for all f let de(d) = df(f, r);

      +++ Error attempt to take car of an atom: nil
      Inside: formde
      Arg1: (de d)
      Arg2: nil
      Arg3: algebraic
      Inside: form1
      Arg1: (de d)
      Arg2: nil
      Arg3: algebraic
      Inside: formlet1
      Arg1: ((equal (de d) (df f r)))

      where the formfn you saw mentioned on the property list of 'de is
      expectiing the system-style use of "de" that has a form like
      "(de increment (x) (plus x 1))" or some such - and when it gets just "(de
      d)" it gets upset. It is easy to find the code concerned - it is in
      packages/rlisp/ and formde does not validate the form of the
      expression it is given at all - it just assumes it is a list of length 4
      or more. I think this case is not one that makes me rush to update the
      code for formde.. perhaps becuse name clashes between things the user uses
      and deeply internal parts of the Reduce will have similar bad behaviour -
      eg try using the word "prog" where you have used "de".

      This issue of namespaces has been part of Reduce "for ever" and at times
      we have thought of trying to work out how to retrofit something akin to
      either the Common Lisp package system or the C++ namespace one, but
      certainly neither of those would be at all a trivial exercise.

      So at least it is good that you can check the status of a symbol.
      However even that is still not perfect. Many Reduce packages autoload when
      you first invoke one of the key operations that are their entrypoint.
      Loading a fresh package can introduce all the syntax and functions of that
      particular package. So to be really safe sometimes "grep" through the
      Reduce sources can be a fallback. for function definitions I go
      grep "procedure fname" packages//.red packages///*.red
      and sometimes for "operator fname". Possibly via emacs a tags file would
      index nicely?


      On Wed, 6 Feb 2019, arpi wrote:

      Dear All,
      Is there a way in reduce to query if a name is already defined, e.g., as an operator?
      Why I am asking is that I tried to run an old reduce file written by a late colleague, and it did not run. I localised the error to be a definition of an operator de, e.g.,

      operator de;
      for all f let de(f)=df(f,r);

      and I get the rather cryptic error message
      +++ Error attempt to take car of an atom: nil

      I am using the jan 20 snapshot on Linux.

      Thank you: Arpad

  • arpi

    arpi - 2019-02-08

    Thank you, now it is clear. I just had no idea what a "car" is.

    I learned about reduce from my diploma supervisor, and his convention was using two letter abbreviations for symbols, e.g., delta was de, and that's where I ran into this. Interestingly, the file used to work with older versions (3.5). Also it seems to me that the ordering of terms in factorize() changed. Is is possible to see the changes between reduce versions somewhere?

    I do not know if it was possible to come up with a warning message when I enter "operator de;" that de is already defined. Or another idea might be to use names for teduce internals (stuff that is not meant to be used by normal users) that are not that easily used by accident, e.g, intead of de, something like reduceinternal-de, or packagename-internal-....

    Best regards: Arpad


    Last edit: arpi 2019-02-08
    • Arthur Norman

      Arthur Norman - 2019-02-08

      On Fri, 8 Feb 2019, arpi wrote:

      Thank you, now it is clear. I just had no idea what a "car" is.

      I learned about reduce from my diploma supervisor, and his convention
      was using two letter abbreviations for symbols, e.g., delta was de, and
      that's where I ran into this. Interestingly, the file used to work with
      older versions (3.5). Also it seems to me that the ordering of terms in
      factorize() changed. Is is possible to see the changes between reduce
      versions somewhere?

      Version 3.5 is now seriously ancient history, dating from 1993. A list of
      all the changes since then would be sufficiently large that it would
      overwhelm you, and we do not have that sort of change log anywhere!

      As from the end of 2008 onwards the sources of Reduce have been in the
      subversion repository at Sourceforge and for each update since then
      (4770 of them!) there will be a checkin message that you can read via
      "svn log" - some of those are more cryptic than others and most are
      aimed at developers not users. Serious work has gone into the manual. That
      is a succes story as regards how complete it is and how carefully it
      describes things, but that makes it rather large for most people to read!

      Snapshot sources of some older releases of Reduce are also stored on
      sourceforge for those interested in software archaeology.

      So changes as against historical versions are not collected anywhere
      neatly. Changes to the current system that we believe might impact users
      get announced on the mailing list. I hope we are generally cautious before
      making upwards-incompatible changes, but accidents can happen.

      I do not know if it was possible to come up with a warning message when
      I enter "operator de;" that de is already defined.

      There is quite a lot of that done in the "mkop" function in alg/
      and putting an extra line in that checks if a 'formfn is present for the
      thing that somebody is trying to make an operator will be easy. In part
      this comment is to see if other developers can think of better tests to
      make or other cases to watch for...

      Or another idea might
      be to use names for teduce internals (stuff that is not meant to be used
      by normal users) that are not that easily used by accident, e.g, intead
      of de, something like reduceinternal-de, or <packagename>-internal-....</packagename>

      While an attractive though that would not be feasible! But I believe that
      in my previous response I had mentioned the THOUGH of a scheme to give
      Reduce namespaces. Designing such a scheme is not trivial and then
      implementing it ditto and more so - so it is at present one of the many
      ideal ideas not a current active project. Sorry.

      Best regards: Arpad

      • arpi

        arpi - 2019-02-08

        Oh, sorry, I did not mean a detailed changelog, including all changes to the Reduce source, just something like that is at the end of some software manuals, e.g,
        in version x.y, we changed the behaviour of function z() to return...
        i.e., important changes an average user has to be warned about.

        • Rainer Schöpf

          Rainer Schöpf - 2019-03-09

          There is a (very terse) list of changes in Appendix C of the manual.

  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2019-02-08

    I think we have two different issues here.

    One is the behaviour of "de" when used as an operator. This used to work is earlier releases, but was changed sometime in 2011. We need to check why it was changed and what to do about it.

    The larger issue concerns the point you raised in your first post: how can one find out whether a name is already defined or has some special property?

    I think something could be implemented to look up the properties of a name. E.g, a new operator


    to return information about the name de.

    I put this on our ToDo list.



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