
#82 Reduce only runs in terminal


Reduce version: 4765 and the previous ones i tried.

Description: If I try to run REDCSL from window manager menu (run command option) or create a desktop icon for it, it does not start, only if I set it to run in terminal.


  • Arthur Norman

    Arthur Norman - 2018-11-24

    Are the versions you have tried ones where you downloaded binaries from the sourceforge release area and installed them, or are they ones you built yourself from source? Can I confirm that you are on Windows - and if so is it Windows 10 (and so 64 bit)? Do you see anything at all when you try double clicking on an icon? When you create a desktop icon what file do you make it refer to? Reduce seems to work OK for me, so I fear I need more detyailed information about your setup to know how to advise you! Arthur

  • arpi

    arpi - 2018-11-24

    Sorry, I completely forgot that there's Windows. I am using binary .deb packages downloaded from sourceforge, on Kubuntu Linux 18.04 (Ubuntu Linux with the K Desktop Environment), 64 bit. The desktop icon points to /usr/bin/redcsl, and if I click it, nothing happens. If I tick "Run in terminal" under advanced options, then 2 windows are opened, Reduce and a terminal, and it works.

  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2018-11-25

    Could you please try to use the CSL Reduce executable instead of /usr/bin/redcsl:


    in order to find out whether the problem comes from the /usr/bin/redcsl script, or the executable itself?


  • arpi

    arpi - 2018-11-25

    I got the same result with /usr/lib/reduce/cslbuild/reduce. I also ubgraded to the Nov 23 build, and still the same result.
    Actually, what I have just noticed is that reduce is there, sleeping in the background in these cases, just does not open a window.

    • Rainer Schöpf

      Rainer Schöpf - 2018-11-26

      I think I have an idea what is happening. I'll check.


  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2018-11-26

    Please try to run the command

    /usr/bin/redcsl -w+

    when you click on the desktop icon. The -w+ forces GUI mode.


    • arpi

      arpi - 2018-11-26

      Yes, this works. Thank you.

  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2018-11-27
    • status: open --> suspended
    • Group: -->

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