
PLplot / News: Recent posts

PLplot Release 5.7.3

This is a routine development release of PLplot. It represents the ongoing
efforts of the community to improve the PLplot plotting package. Development
releases in the 5.7.x series will be available every few months. The next full
release will be 5.8.0.

PLplot releases may be found at .

Detailed release notes are given in the README.release file included with the tarball, and at read more

Posted by Hazen Babcock 2007-03-26

PLplot Release 5.7.2

This is a routine development release of PLplot. It represents the ongoing
efforts of the community to improve the PLplot plotting package. Development
releases in the 5.7.x series will be available every few months. The next full
release will be 5.8.0.

PLplot releases may be found at .

Detailed release notes are given in the README.release file included with the tarball, and at ... read more

Posted by Hazen Babcock 2007-01-22

PLplot Release 5.7.1

This is a routine development release of PLplot. It represents the ongoing
efforts of the community to improve the PLplot plotting package. Development
releases in the 5.7.x series will be available every few months. The next full
release will be 5.8.0.

PLplot releases may be found at .

Detailed release notes are given in the README.release file included with the tarball, and at ... read more

Posted by Hazen Babcock 2006-11-27

PLplot Release 5.7.0 (RC1)

This is a routine development release of PLplot. It represents the ongoing
efforts of the community to improve the PLplot plotting package. Development
releases in the 5.7.x series will be available every few months. The next full
release will be 5.8.0.

PLplot releases may be found at .

Detailed release notes are given in the README.release file included with the tarball, and at ... read more

Posted by Hazen Babcock 2006-11-20

PLplot Release 5.6.1

This release corrects a number of outstanding issues with plplot that were
discovered subsequent to the 5.6.0 release. It represents the ongoing efforts
of the community to improve the PLplot plotting package. Development releases
in the 5.7.x series will be available every few months. The next full release
will be 5.8.0.

PLplot releases may be found at . ... read more

Posted by Hazen Babcock 2006-05-30

PLplot Release 5.6.0

This is a stable release of PLplot. It represents the ongoing efforts of the community to improve the PLplot plotting package. Development releases in the 5.7.x series will be available every few months. The next full release will be 5.8.0.

PLplot releases may be found at .

Detailed release notes are given in the README.release file included with the tarball, and at ... read more

Posted by Hazen Babcock 2006-05-03

PLplot Development Release 5.5.3

This announcement is for a routine development release of PLplot, and
represents the ongoing efforts of the community to improve the PLplot
plotting package. Development releases represent a "work in progress",
and we expect to provide installments in the 5.5.x series every few
weeks. The next full release of PLplot will be 5.6.0.

PLplot releases may be found at .... read more

Posted by Thomas J. Duck 2005-05-13

PLplot Development Release 5.5.2

This announcement is for a routine development release of PLplot (Scientific graphics plotting library, supporting multiple languages), and represents the ongoing efforts of the community to improve the PLplot plotting package. Development releases represent a "work in progress", and we expect to provide installments in the 5.5.x series every few weeks. The next full release of PLplot will be 5.6.0.... read more

Posted by Thomas J. Duck 2005-04-22

PLplot Development Release 5.5.1

ANNOUNCEMENT: PLplot Development Release 5.5.1

This announcement is for a routine development release of PLplot, and
represents the ongoing efforts of the community to improve the PLplot
plotting package. Development releases represent a "work in progress",
and we expect to provide installments in the 5.5.x series every few
weeks. The next full release of PLplot will be 5.6.0.

PLplot releases may be found at .... read more

Posted by Thomas J. Duck 2005-04-04

PLplot devel version 5.5.0 released

ANNOUNCEMENT: PLplot Development Release 5.5.0

This announcement is for a routine development release of
PLplot, and represents the ongoing efforts of the community to
improve the PLplot plotting package. Development releases
represent a "work in progress", and we expect to provide
installments in the 5.5.x series every few weeks. The next full
release of PLplot will be 5.6.0.

PLplot releases may be found at .... read more

Posted by Thomas J. Duck 2005-03-23

PLplot version 5.3.0 released

PLplot provides a publication-quality scientific plotting package which is small, portable, freely distributable, and rich enough to satisfy most users. It has a wide range of plot types including line (linear, log), contour, 3D, and fill. It also has almost 1000 characters (including Greek and mathematical) in its extended font set. Release 5.3.0 substantially updates the C++ and Fortran interfaces to the C PLplot library (to the level of our existing Python, Java, Tcl/Tk, Octave, and Yorick interfaces). It also makes the configuration/build system more robust allowing successful installations on platforms like Linux, Solaris, OSF1, MacOS X, Cygwin, and Windows. ... read more

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2004-02-04

PLplot 5.3.0 RC1 released

The first candidate tarball for the 5.3.0 release of PLplot, a scientific plotting library, is now available for testing. See:

Posted by Anonymous 2004-01-19

PLplot-5.2.1 released

I am pleased to announce the latest stable release of this mature scientific plotting package. (tarball md5sum is f9e63f16f7062641c54c24bd1c5bf5d1) The release includes consolidation of previous changes, bug fixing, and new features. For all the
details see

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2003-04-22

PLplot-5.1.0 is released!

7 months and 500+ CVS commits after PLplot-5.0.4 it is time for another
stable release of this publication-quality scientific plotting package.

What: PLplot-5.1.0 release (source tarball and RedHat 7.1
and Mandrake 8.1 source and binary rpm's).
Where: (click on file releases).
When: 2002 January 31
Why: New features, improved features, and bug fixing
Who: The PLplot core development team
with additional help from Alessandro Mirone ( and
Olof Svensson ( read more

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2002-02-01

PLplot-5.0.4 rpm's released for Mandrake 8.0

I have just file released plplot-5.0.4-3mdk.i686.rpm and plplot-5.0.4-3mdk.src.rpm
at These rpm's are only suitable for Mandrake 8.0, but the source rpm should be easy to modify for other distributions.

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2001-07-04

PLplot-5.0.4 rpm's released for RedHat 7.1

I have just file released plplot-5.0.4-5.i386.rpm and plplot-5.0.4-5.src.rpm
at These rpm's are only suitable for RedHat 7.1, but the source rpm should be easy to modify for other distributions.

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2001-06-21

PLplot 5.0.4 rpm's for RH 6.2

I have just file released plplot-5.0.4-1.i386.rpm and plplot-5.0.4-1.src.rpm

These rpms are suitable only for RH 6.2, because that is the latest
rpm-based platform I have access to. However, the spec file in the source
rpm should be easy to modify for other more modern distributions.

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2001-06-16

PLplot 5.0.4 is released

PLplot is still grindly relentlessly toward world domination....;-)

What: PLplot 5.0.4 release (as a tarball---rpm's and deb's to come)
Where: (click on file releases).
When: Now
Why: Bug fixing and new features (especially portrait mode)
Who: Alan, Andrew, Geoffrey, Joo, Maurice, Rafael, and Vince

For more details of the bug fixes and new features see the full announcement at

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2001-06-15

Source and binary rpm's for RedHat 7.1 released

These are available at and
ot-5.0.3-4.i386.rpm. Abed M. Hammoud <> has kindly built these rpm's to aid the PLplot project. Thanks, Abed!

These rpm's are much less limited than the corresponding RH 6.2 rpm's (same location with plplot-5.0.3-1 substituted for plplot-5.0.3-4 in the above names). For details about the differences please see the full announcement at

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2001-05-17

Patch for plplot-5.0.3 configuration

The patch, plplot-5.0.3.patch1.gz, is available in the usual place
(Latest file releases at\).

If you have no trouble configuring your system now, don't bother with this
patch. Furthermore, the rpm files are unchanged because RH 6.2 is unaffected
by this problem.

However, if you are having configuration problems when building
PLplot-5.0.3, read on. We have discovered a conceptual problem in the
configuration of X (and a few other libraries) thanks to an important bug
report we received today from Valerij Pipin. The 5.0.3 configuration
demanded the *.a static form of libraries be present even though the shared
form of library was used in subsequent linking.... read more

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2001-04-03

Source and binary(i386) rpm's for RedHat 6.2, PLplot 5.0.3

To get access to these rpm's go to the usual PLPlot file release place
(, click on "[View ALL Project Files]").

These rpm's are configured for double precision and are strictly only for
vanilla RedHat 6.2. Thus, tcl/tk/itcl is not supported (too old a version),
octave is not supported, the png and jpeg drivers are not supported (libgd
too old), the gnome driver is not supported (libgtk+ is too old). On the
other hand, all c, c++, f77, and python xw??.py demos work fine. Also, the
multitude of man pages corresponding to each of our common API functions are
installed as well as the info, html, dvi, postscript, and pdf forms of our
complete documentation. Try "man plinit" or "info plplot" right after the
install to see what is possible with automatic processing of
documentation that is based on DocBook/XML.... read more

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2001-04-01

PLplot-5.0.3 released

The PLplot core team is proud to announce the release of PLplot-5.0.3. This
is the latest stable release and supersedes all previous versions. To
obtain it go to and click on the
download link in the "Latest File Releases" area.


The core team has been active (almost 400 CVS commits) since the release of
5.0.2 seven weeks ago. The important changes are as follows:... read more

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2001-03-30

PLplot 5.0.2 released

It has been a month since PLplot-5.0.1, and we thought another stable release was appropriate at this time.

Get this new PLplot-5.0.2 as a tarball file release at It was created from the current CVS head which has benefited quite a lot from steady bug fixing over the last month (for example, file familying now works, and the plmeta now properly outputs to pipes).... read more

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2001-02-10

plplot-5.0.1 released!

This is a bug fix release of a mature package which should be suitable for most 2D and 3D scientific plotting needs. This latest version has been extensively tested on Debian potato. The cdemos, cxxdemos (c++), fdemos (fortran), tcldemos, tkdemos, and the new standalone xw??.py python demos all now work well on potato. Similar tests show good results on RedHat 6.2 except for Tcl/Tk whose 8.0 version on RH 6.2 is too old for us to support. We have not yet upgraded our test box to RedHat 7.0, and until we do, we would appreciate any RedHat 7.0 reports our users could give us. We have also been able to configure, build, and install the software on a solaris system, but so far only minimalist testing has been done on that system.... read more

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2001-01-13