
#957 Priority TM to override project_save.tmx


It is often necessary to override the translation memory in the project_save.tmx by a more recent translation memory. Example: due to an SVN error, older translations replaced newer ones, and you want to override those older translations with the latest translation memory.
Another example is getting a proofread/edited TMX (possibly, done in another program), and needing to insert updated translations into the project.
Right now, this can be only achieved with a workaround: remove old project_save.tmx, insert the latest translation memory from tm/auto, then put old project_save.tmx to tm/autotm/auto to make sure any new translations that might have been added to it in the meantime are inserted as well.

A potential solution would be making OmegaT use a subfolder tm/priority (or a more apt folder name), from where OmegaT would override TU's from project_save.tmx with the TU's from TM's in this subfolder, if the target differs. Otherwise tm/priority would work the same as /tm/auto.


Feature Requests: #957
Feature Requests: #974


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  • Héctor Cartagena

    It would be nice if that /priority/ folder could include a priority number, so that you had as many as needed,that is, priority1, priority2, etc. The number would be interpreted as a priority order (priority1 would have the highest priority).

    Maybe that functionality could be replicated both in the /auto/ and /penalty-XX/ subfolders, so that you could override the default order in which OmT processes TMXs there.

  • Kos Ivantsov

    Kos Ivantsov - 2014-03-05

    Maybe that functionality could be replicated both in the /auto/ and /penalty-XX/ subfolders

    As of now it can be achieved by naming TMX files appropriately. For example, memory01.tmx is processed before memory02.tmx no matter in which subfolders of /tm those files reside. So one of the easiest way to define order is to prepend numbers to filenames.

  • Guido Leenders

    Guido Leenders - 2014-03-05

    Independent of the solution chosen this would be a great help to more easily get unexperienced translators up to speed with quality translations.

  • Kos Ivantsov

    Kos Ivantsov - 2014-03-14

    Now in 3.1.0 the requested behavior looks principally possible with this feature implemented:
    Here's what I tried to see how it works.

    1. Move /omegat/project_save.tmx to /auto/project_save.tmx (possibly, changing the filename)
    2. Reload the project to get all (unless there are alternatively translated segments) segments auto-populated.
    3. Edit /auto/project_save.tmx (or whatever the new name was given to this file).
    4. Reload the project, get the new changes auto-inserted into already auto-populated segments.

    Looks pretty hopeful, but the above procedure it a bit too cumbersome to be practical.

  • Jean-Christophe Helary


    Can't you merge the TMX based on the modification date ?

    Or, as you wrote, you can assign names so that the old project_save.tmx is loaded from /auto after the updated segments present in new_project_save.tmx.

    Or did I miss something ?

    • Kos Ivantsov

      Kos Ivantsov - 2014-03-15


      Can't you merge the TMX based on the modification date ?

      Or, as you wrote, you can assign names so that the old
      project_save.tmx is loaded from /auto after the updated segments
      present in new_project_save.tmx.

      Or did I miss something ?

      It's not about merging, it's about being able to override already
      translation in a simple straightforward way.
      Say you finish your translation, give it to someone else to be
      edited or proofread. Many times this proofreading or editing is
      done outside of OmegaT, but it might be relatively easy to produce a TMX
      that would contain original source and edited translations. But how do
      we get them back into OmegaT project? A workaround is described above:
      move /omegat/project_save.tmx and copy/move new edited TMX
      into /tm/auto so that the new TMX is used before the old
      project_save.tmx, reload the project. Not optimal, but not too bad. Now
      try that with a team project.



      Last edit: Kos Ivantsov 2014-03-15
      • Jean-Christophe Helary

        It seems to me the conflict resolution interface offers what you need, but not where you need it.

        Conflict resolution now happens when 2 users work on the same project_save.tmx file remotely, but if we can have OmegaT apply the conflict resolution process to a localy selected TMX, the user would be able to effectively do what you request.

        Let's say the translator receives a modified TMX, he puts it in a "/tm/conflict" folder, loads the project and the Conflict resolution panel appears. The translator can then accept all the modifications or only some, or modify his translation based on the correction etc.

        When everything is validated, project_save.tmx is automatically updated and the new translations are taken into account.

        What about that ? If that's what you want, may I suggest that we create a new RFE called "implement conflict resolution locally" or something similar.


        On Mar 15, 2014, at 9:04, Kos Ivantsov wrote:


        Can't you merge the TMX based on the modification date ?

        Or, as you wrote, you can assign names so that the old
        project_save.tmx is loaded from /auto after the updated segments
        present in new_project_save.tmx.

        Or did I miss something ?

        It's not about merging, it's about being able to override already
        existing translation in a simple straightforward way.
        Say you finish your translation, give it to someone else to be
        edited or proofread. Many times this proofreading or editing is
        done outside of OmegaT, but it might be relatively easy to produce a TMX
        that would contain original source and edited translations. But how do
        we get them back into OmegaT project? A workaround is described above:
        move /omegat/project_save.tmx and copy/move new edited TMX
        into /tm/auto so that the new TMX is used before the old
        project_save.tmx, reload the project. Not optimal, but too bad. Now
        try that with a team project.


        [feature-requests:#957] Priority TM to override project_save.tmx

        Status: open
        Group: future
        Created: Tue Feb 11, 2014 04:19 PM UTC by Kos Ivantsov
        Last Updated: Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:03 AM UTC
        Owner: nobody

        It is often necessary to override the translation memory in the project_save.tmx by a more recent translation memory. Example: due to an SVN error, older translations replaced newer ones, and you want to override those older translations with the latest translation memory.
        Another example is getting a proofread/edited TMX (possibly, done in another program), and needing to insert updated translations into the project.
        Right now, this can be only achieved with a workaround: remove old project_save.tmx, insert the latest translation memory from tm/auto, then put old project_save.tmx to tm/autotm/auto to make sure any new translations that might have been added to it in the meantime are inserted as well.

        A potential solution would be making OmegaT use a subfolder tm/priority (or a more apt folder name), from where OmegaT would override TU's from project_save.tmx with the TU's from TM's in this subfolder, if the target differs. Otherwise tm/priority would work the same as /tm/auto.

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        Feature Requests: #957

  • Kos Ivantsov

    Kos Ivantsov - 2014-03-15

    You may consider this to be a request to import changes made to target files, back to OmegaT. Not quite, but still pretty similar. I often export my projects to html table to get a fresh look at them, and I find it very useful. This table can be easily edited in any old word processor/spreadsheet application/whatnot tool. Getting a tmx file from a two column table is not necessarily something difficult. But importing the changes back to OmegaT is.



    Last edit: Kos Ivantsov 2014-03-15
  • Kos Ivantsov

    Kos Ivantsov - 2014-03-16

    It seems to me the conflict resolution interface offers what you need, but not where you need it.

    What about that ? If that's what you want, may I suggest that we create a new RFE called "implement conflict resolution locally" or something similar.

    I like what you're suggesting. Can this RFE be renamed and changed instead of creating a new one?

  • Jean-Christophe Helary

    • summary: Priority TM to override project_save.tmx --> Implement conflict resolution for local projects, with external "high priority" TMs
  • Jean-Christophe Helary

    Renaming done.

    So, the idea would now be to have a local implementation of conflict resolution between project_save.tmx and TM data put into a specific folder, like /tm/conflics (or a name that better shows that the function is about validating external modifications or the TM).

  • Kos Ivantsov

    Kos Ivantsov - 2014-03-16

    If the local conflict resolution is going to be implemented, it could work with /tm/auto folder. That way if there's a conflict with the existing translation (updated TU), it gets resolved through SuperTMXMerge, and if there are TU's for untranslated segments (no conflict), those segments get auto-populated. Or auto-populating starts first (as we have it now), and then conflict resolution kicks in.


    Last edit: Kos Ivantsov 2014-03-16
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-03-18
    • status: open --> open-accepted
    • assigned_to: Didier Briel
    • Group: future --> 3.1
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-03-18
    • summary: Implement conflict resolution for local projects, with external "high priority" TMs --> Priority TM to override project_save.tmx
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-03-18

    If what the user wants is overwriting existing translations, conflict management is overkill, which is why I restore the initial title.
    (If you think conflict management would still be useful, then create another RFE.)

    I will implement the simple solution described initially. The only difference is that the "enforce" folder will not be a subfolder of auto, otherwise it's difficult to ensure that it is read after the auto folder. Previously, this wouldn't have been necessary, but it is now that unedited translations from the auto folder are overwritten.



    Last edit: Didier Briel 2014-03-18
  • Kos Ivantsov

    Kos Ivantsov - 2014-03-18

    If what the user wants is overwriting existing translations, conflict management is overkill, which is why I restore the initial title.
    (If you think conflict management would still be useful, then create another RFE.)

    I will implement the simple solution described initially. The only difference is that the "enforce" folder will not be a subfolder of auto, otherwise it's difficult to ensure that it is read after the auto folder. Previously, this wouldn't have been necessary, but it is now that unedited translations from the auto folder are overwritten.

    As usual, I'm not suggesting how to do it as I know next to nothing about almost anything. But I like JC's idea about conflict resolution, whether it'd be a part of this RFE or a separate issue.
    If I remember correctly, SuperTMXMerge can be launched to perform a certain action by default. If that is true, there could be two folders used by SuperTMXMerge: /tm/conflict (where conflict resolutions will be triggered) and /tm/priority (or /tm/overwrite or something, from where SuperTMXMerge will silently put all the updated translation into the project). I don't know how well SuperTMXMerge works with non-OmegaT TMX's, though. But it's only a thought, for what it's worth. I'm not to tell how to implement it.


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-03-19

    Implemented in SVN (/trunk).

    In addition to the "auto" folder, an "enforce" folder can now be used in the /tm folder.

    If a TMX comes from /tm/enforce, all translations from this TMX will overwrite existing default translations unconditionally.

    As "enforce" is after "auto", translations from this folder will always be inserted last.


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-03-19
    • status: open-accepted --> open-fixed
  • Kos Ivantsov

    Kos Ivantsov - 2014-03-19

    I tried this new feature and I like it — very nicely done, thank you very much, Didier. I still have one request concerning this feature, but I don't know whether the discussion should go on here or be started over in a new RFE.
    As it works now, every translation found in /tm/enforce that has corresponding source is pushed into the project, no matter whether the target is the same or different. Which is fine in many cases, but there are cases when the new TMX that is used from /tm/enforce has been edited in or produced by another tool that doesn't respect OmegaT metadata (and most third-party tools don't), and when its translations are pushed into the project, there is no way to tell what actually has been updated, when, by who, how much etc. It is desirable to push only updated TU's in.

    I realize that in order to strip metadata to be able to compare only the text of TMX and project targets for the segments whose source is the same, might be a slow thing. If so, maybe this enforcement can be made into a user-invoked action, like "Tools -> Update project from edited TMX" or something, instead of an automatic thing as it is now.

    And then as I've discovered (well, it's mentioned in the corresponding RFE, but here's my observation, auto-populated segments can be repopulated if the translation is changed. I don't know if it's based on the time stamp (which won't help for this request), or on the actual text of the translation, but if the latter, maybe that can be used here too.


    • Didier Briel

      Didier Briel - 2014-03-21

      And then as I've discovered (well, it's mentioned in the corresponding RFE, but here's my observation, auto-populated segments can be repopulated if the translation is changed. I don't know if it's based on the time stamp (which won't help for this request), or on the actual text of the translation, but if the latter, maybe that can be used here too.

      It's based on the "auto-populated" status (which can be saved or not, see option in Editing Behaviour). When a segment was auto-populated, and has not been edited, it is overwritten. As soon as the segment is edited, the auto-populated status is removed.


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-03-20

    As it works now, every translation found in /tm/enforce that has corresponding source is pushed into the project, no matter whether the target is the same or different.

    That was the requirement. To be able to enforce (hence the name) any "official" translation, whatever choices might have been made in OmegaT previously.

    And then as I've discovered (well, it's mentioned in the corresponding RFE, but here's my observation, auto-populated segments can be repopulated if the translation is changed. I don't know if it's based on the time stamp (which won't help for this request), or on the actual txt of the translation, but if the latter, maybe that can be used here too.

    In the other RFE, the segments that have been auto-populated, but not edited in OmegaT, will be overwritten (it's not a question of time stamp, it's a question of status). Depending on Save auto-populated status, a segment has to be really edited in OmegaT to be protected against being overwritten, or it has just to be saved and reloaded in a next session.


  • Kos Ivantsov

    Kos Ivantsov - 2014-03-20

    We seem to miscommunicate, or I rather seem to fail to explain or get the point. I'll just describe my recent work situation:

    1. I have completed a project in OmegaT. Now I need to get it to an editor that I haven't worked with before. When I get the work back from him, it's not only the actual linguistic material encapsulated in TMX format that I'm getting, but also a way to estimate how valuable a worker he is.

    2. The editor prefers to work not in OmegaT, but with "editable text documents", so I export the project into a HTML table (with all the OmegaT tags preserved and nicely highlighted, similar to Wordfast review, if you know what I'm talking about). The editor works in MS Word, OOo/LO or whatever other tool he choses, and sends the completed file back to me. I parse the text from the table and produce a TMX with perfect OmegaT matches (but sans metadata, unfortunately).

    Now, my idea was putting this newly produced TMX into the /tm/enforce folder and getting only changed segments forced over the project's translations (ideally, with initialCreationDate and initialCreationId kept intact). Than way I could fairly easily filter the editors work, estimate it and/or change it as needed, plus keep the metadata for all the unchanged segments so there would be a way to manage translations based on who and when have done them.

    It's not too crucial as much of it can be achieved through different third party tools, but if it's possible to provide for "selective enforcement" in OmegaT, it'll could be very, very helpful at times.


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-03-21

    We seem to miscommunicate, or I rather seem to fail to explain or get the point.

    My impression is that it is not an issue of miscommunication, but simply that the new feature doesn't do what you would like it do to do, or what you would expect it would to. It happens that some people needed the current "enforce" behaviour. If you want another one, that's fine, but it should be the subject of another RFE.

    Now, my idea was putting this newly produced TMX into the /tm/enforce folder and getting only changed segments forced over the project's translations (ideally, with initialCreationDate and initialCreationId kept intact). Than way I could fairly easily filter the editors work, estimate it and/or change it as needed, plus keep the metadata for all the unchanged segments so there would be a way to manage translations based on who and when have done them.

    I believe you could do that with SuperTMXMerge in Combine mode.


  • Kos Ivantsov

    Kos Ivantsov - 2014-03-21

    My impression is that it is not an issue of miscommunication, but simply that the new feature doesn't do what you would like it do to do, or what you would expect it would to. It happens that some people needed the current "enforce" behaviour. If you want another one, that's fine, but it should be the subject of another RFE.
    I believe you could do that with SuperTMXMerge in Combine mode.

    Thanks, Didier. What a great relief to realize that I did manage to communicate something :) Sometimes I just feel I get others lost in my verbosity, but I fear keeping it brief would lead to ambiguity. Constant struggle :)

    I'll create another RFE for local conflict resolution as JC suggested.


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-04-14
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed
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