Activity for JOE - Joe's own editor

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #420

    What is dumped into DEADJOE is the contents of all buffers that are not marked as saved. This includes the "yank buffer" as well as histories for file prompts, which are implemented as buffers under-the-hood. It should contain the file contents if the file was modified. If joe crashes or is killed but an open file is not in a dirty state, it won't write out the contents. Is that confirmed to be the case here? And, no none of this is necessarily obvious. Those buffers should probably have better names...

  • Kurt Fitzner Kurt Fitzner created ticket #420

    DEADJOE does not represent the file in the editor when it's killed

  • Kurt Fitzner Kurt Fitzner posted a comment on discussion Help

    For some time joe's DEADJOE, which used to write out the contents of the file I had in the editor when I, say, lost an ssh connection, no longer does that. Since like Debian 8 or so - whatever joe version that was. Now, it seems to write out a bunch of useless stuff. It says it's stuff that were in in joe, but it appears to be: 1) Unknown users 2) A list of the last 11 files joe was used on 3) A startup log I can find no reference anywhere on what DEADJOE's current behaviour is supposed to be or...

  • Titousensei Titousensei created ticket #31

    Quick open

  • Titousensei Titousensei posted a comment on ticket #19

    +1 for saving and reloading the list of files in buffers. DEADJOE would be cool too.

  • Egmont Koblinger Egmont Koblinger posted a comment on ticket #419

    ... (nitpicking) or maybe clear all the bits using Cb &= ~0xC3 and then set the two low ones with Cb |= 3. This is more consistent in the sense that the same bitmask 0xC3 is used throughout the method. Also, I didn't mention it explicitly, but this last paragraph of my previous post explains why "release" events of left scrolling become right scrolling instead, resulting in back-n-forth pairs in some terminals.

  • Egmont Koblinger Egmont Koblinger created ticket #30

    Update or drop xterm patch and related code

  • Egmont Koblinger Egmont Koblinger posted a comment on ticket #419

    Cb contains the button number, as encoded in decimal ASCII as the first parameter if the 1006 extension is supported by the terminal, or the first rawy byte minus 32 with the legacy byte-based protocol if 1006 is not supported by the terminal. Cb's value consists of the following bits: - bit 7 (128): button value bit 3 (8) - bit 6 (64): button value bit 2 (4) - bit 5 (32): drag - bit 4 (16): ctrl - bit 3 (8): alt - bit 2 (4): shift - bit 1 (2): button value bit 1 (2) - bit 0 (1): button value bit...

  • Egmont Koblinger Egmont Koblinger modified ticket #419

    Horizontal mouse scrolling problems and maybe feature req

  • Egmont Koblinger Egmont Koblinger created ticket #419

    Horizontal mouse scrolling problems and maybe feature req

  • Egmont Koblinger Egmont Koblinger created ticket #418

    Aspell functions leave alternate screen

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #408

    Build failure due to implicit declaration of functions

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #408

    Reopening in that case.

  • Thierry Moisan Thierry Moisan posted a comment on ticket #408

    This is not yet fixed since #include <util.h> is not imported on mac.

  • Egmont Koblinger Egmont Koblinger created ticket #417

    Kbd shortcuts commented as "gnome-terminal" are outdated

  • Egmont Koblinger Egmont Koblinger posted a comment on ticket #416

    Oh, stupid me. I can finally reliably reproduce. The issue happens when I try to extend the selection too much, beyond the end of the file by pressing Shift+Down at least one too many times. Or the same thing at the top of the file, trying to extend upwards. For some reason, my definititon of these macros differs from the one in the default config, which goes something like rtarw,ltarw,begin_marking,rtarw,toggle_marking ^[ [ 1 ; 5 C Mark right Xterm That right-left (or up-down, etc.) dance at the...

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #406

    See also [#299]

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified a comment on ticket #346

    As I've written in email, the last major known issues in the coroutine branch were recently resolved in [758cfc] and [d05cc6].

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #346

    As I've written in email, the last major known issues in the coroutine branch were recently resolved in [758cfcf] and [d05cc66].

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #299

    PR #22

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #328

    Taking into consideration [#346], perhaps coroutine - or really, the Windows branch - is the path forwards.

  • Egmont Koblinger Egmont Koblinger posted a comment on ticket #299

    Please please pleeeease... :)

  • Egmont Koblinger Egmont Koblinger posted a comment on ticket #308

    Let me bump this please. Almost exactly 9 years after reporting this bug, I suspect PuTTY still hasn't changed. The last time I checked (quite a while ago), it was in minimal maintenance mode involving ssh security updates only, nothing about terminal emulation. In the mean time, Windows Terminal has emerged, and with an ssh command also available on Windows, it's an absolutely great, modern replacement for PuTTY, offering many more modern features as well. I'm not asking to remove any feature or...

  • Egmont Koblinger Egmont Koblinger created ticket #416

    First block copy/move attempt sometimes fails with "No block"

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #386

    C99 restriction

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #386

    C99 formally removed this restriction. GCC hasn't enforced it in a very long time. Until a couple versions ago, MSVC required this but even they have finally updated the C frontend. Twenty-plus years on, I don't think this is much of a concern, unless we see specific build breaks as a result. Closing.

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified a comment on ticket #374

    I can't reproduce this now that I've implemented a fix for [#409]. It stands to reason that the change of ifhave && !linums to ifhave could fix this, since it would block a lot of unnecessary line updates. Marking duplicate.

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #374

    Screen slow to update with line numbers enabled

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #374

    I can't reproduce this now that I've implemented a fix for #409. It stands to reason that the change of ifhave && !linums to ifhave could fix this, since it would block a lot of unnecessary line updates. Marking duplicate.

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #317

    joe needs a regression test suite

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #317

    This has been in JOE for a while now. It does not cover enough quite yet but the framework is there and proven, imo. Closing.

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #377 woefully out of date

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #377

    This needs to be updated to the new git repo, but the site is currently up-to-date so I'm closing this.

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #322

    May be related to the issue addressed in patch 126 or Github PR #16

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #390

    True color derived from terminfo

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #390

    Fixed in git and Mercurial [6babb2]

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #391

    Completion at encoding prompt crashes

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #391

    Completion at encoding prompt crashes

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #394

    Shows "New File" when reading from stdin

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #410

    Setting -rmargin for specific file type

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #410

    Report unrelated to -rmargin; user should fix ftyperc. We do need to fix configuration at some point but that is tracked elsewhere.

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #407

    jmacs help keybindings

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #407

    Merged in Github PR #20

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #400

    Pascal Syntax Highlighting fault

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #400

    This is just due to the extension being used for puppet.

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #414

    Bug with using -lmsg/-rmsg options in ~/.joerc

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #404

    --autoindent still being ignored after 20+ years

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #404


  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #393

    Can't read NUL, BEL, BS and DEL from stdin

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #393

    Can't read NUL, BEL, BS and DEL from stdin

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #402

    Can you describe what you mean by working and broken? What scheme is being used? The PHP syntax never references "Var" so that change shouldn't have any effect. Perhaps this is because DefinedIdent isn't rooted on Ident? Does this change have the desired effect: =Variable +DefinedIdent +Ident

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #403

    Unrecognized options: --enable-256-color, --enable-paste64

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #403

    Yes these features are always compiled in. Closing.

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #405

    It's probably worth finding another shortcut for refresh, i think i-search is sticking around.

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #408

    Build failure due to implicit declaration of functions

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #408

    This was fixed in Mercurial and in the new git repo with this commit

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan modified ticket #415

    Rust syntax colouring breakage on ‘r’ and ‘b’

  • Darren Salt Darren Salt posted a comment on ticket #415

    I have that applied locally now. No longer seeing the problem.

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #415

  • Darren Salt Darren Salt created ticket #415

    Rust syntax colouring breakage on ‘r’ and ‘b’

  • John J. Jordan committed [76e07a] on Mercurial

    Merge /u/nikic/joe-editor/ branch default into default

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan merged merge request #3 on Mercurial

    Port to C99

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan merged merge request #2 on Mercurial

    Fix compilation with -Werror=strict-prototypes

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on merge request #3

    Looks good.

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on merge request #2

    Looks good.

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #409

    I have a candidate fix over on github if you'd like to test. It seems to work but there may be other side-effects I'm not aware of. Wanted to pass along this update, regardless. HTH

  • diego roversi diego roversi posted a comment on discussion Help

    I agree. It's quite useful and I love to see in mainstream joe. I tested the patch and works fine on linux. Thanks in advance.

  • John J. Jordan John J. Jordan posted a comment on ticket #409

    This has been on my radar for a while. Thank you for the clear repro steps.

  • Gary Robinson Gary Robinson posted a comment on ticket #409

    I just want to add that I experience this problem too. Definitely a bug that should be fixed if anyone is maintaining Joe. I sure do enjoy Joe as an old WordStar guy. It's usually the first thing I install on a new system. This is the only bug I encounter.

  • Bertrando Goio Bertrando Goio posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I'm a fan of your project. Joe, in particular Jstar ,is my definitive choice for writing but I see that this project is no longer updated. Is it still alive? Are you planning to carry it on? Thank you!

  • Tesf Tesf posted a comment on ticket #185

    This issue is sixteen years old... but the problem is still there...

  • Kurt Fitzner Kurt Fitzner posted a comment on discussion Help

    I was pulling my hair out. I had put up with this for ages when configuring OpenWrt devices over serial. I got fed up today and finally found this. Thanks for posting the solution.

  • Avian Y Avian Y posted a comment on ticket #29


  • Nikita Popov Nikita Popov created merge request #3 on Mercurial

    Port to C99

  • Simon Rozman Simon Rozman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Will this patch get merged eventually? Would love to have this feature out-of-the-box.

  • Werner Karl Werner Karl posted a comment on ticket #343

    Good point. However, I found out that the joe_state function can be disabled in the joerc file with --joe_state which is sufficient for my purpose.

  • Guenther Brunthaler Guenther Brunthaler posted a comment on ticket #343

    I'm not sure of the solution to this yet In the meantime I had an idea about that: Why not adding an option to joe that .joe_state is located relative to $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR rather than to $HOME? If $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is unset or does not point to a valid directory, $HOME can still be used as a fallback. As a workaround to the problem, I have currently taken the following measures in to avoid the security problem: I create a symlink with a known name (say ~/.volatile) in my $HOME directory which points...

  • Guenther Brunthaler Guenther Brunthaler posted a comment on ticket #343

    What is this "joe_state" file good for? It stores things such as the last search expression or the current cursor position within the file edited last. And also the contents of the kill ring. If the information is only valid for the current session One problem here is how to define "session". On your local machine it might be pretty obvious. But what if you are being logged into a remote machine with two different shells at the same time? Depending on the point of view this could be interpreted as...

  • Guenther Brunthaler Guenther Brunthaler posted a comment on ticket #343

    I guess shell history file is a similar security hole But only if one uses passwords directly in the command line, which should be avoided for a different reason: Every other user who runs "ps -af" at the time when the command is executed would see the password as well. Therefore, it is unwise to use passwords directly in the command line at all. And then they won't show up in the shell history either.

  • Werner Karl Werner Karl posted a comment on ticket #343

    Hello, today I stumbled upon exactly this problem, found this ticket of 2016 and it is not solved yet? Today with all the commercial oses turning into surveillance machines, unices should take some more care of privacy. I recently kicked all my commercial oses into the bucket and am only on linux now. At least I have a chance here to find all the logging and "backup" places. What is this "joe_state" file good for? It is not described in any documentation, is it? If the information is only valid for...

  • Ben Tesch Ben Tesch modified a comment on discussion Help

  • Ben Tesch Ben Tesch posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ah, looks like the space key does it. joerc is very helpful. I should note that, in the menu section of the default joerc, rtn and tabmenu are both set to ^I, tabmenu second. Maybe delete the rtn ^I definition? Anyway, glad I could figure this out from the conf file, and sorry about posting before then. JOE is a great tool, and it's fun learning all the stuff it can do.

  • Ben Tesch Ben Tesch posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm using JOE on windows, where there are often directories with long names containing spaces. This can be kind of a pain for text completion and so forth when navigating the folder structure to change working directories or open / save files in JOE. I tried the -menu_explorer option, and it's quite nice, but I found myself unable to select a directory with this option enabled. The main use case for selecting a directory is the cd command. What I ended up doing was selecting a file in the target...

  • Ben Tesch Ben Tesch created ticket #29

    Improved joerc for Ctrl+Arrow block selection on Windows

  • Holger Hoffstätte Holger Hoffstätte created merge request #2

    Fix compilation with -Werror=strict-prototypes

  • Nathan Middleton Nathan Middleton posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have personally found for block commands using small shell scripts and sed/awk to a be a life saver and a simple way to extend Joe without macros.

  • Nikita Donskov Nikita Donskov modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, Joe devs! I am really interested in using Joe text editor. I downloaded last release of Joe ( MSI installer ) for Windows. But when I run it, it creates new GUI virtual terminal window, and runs editor here. Is it possible to run it inside Powershell or Command line in text mode? Maybe I have to change something in config files?

  • Nikita Donskov Nikita Donskov posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, Joe devs! I am really interested in using Joe text editor. I downloaded last release of Joe ( MSI installer ) for Windows. But when I run it, it creates new GUI virtual terminal window, and runs editor here. Is it possible to run it inside Powershell or Command line in text mode? Maybe I have to change something in config files?

  • Evgeny Li. Evgeny Li. posted a comment on ticket #128

    In this version all standard library functions are commented out.

  • Evgeny Li. Evgeny Li. created ticket #128

    New syntax highlight file for PHP

  • Derek Snider Derek Snider modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Was just looking for this feature. It would be ideal if joe could support this internally. It could use another library for the encryption, it's just that if you make a script to decrypt the file, edit it with joe, then re-encrypt it when joe is done, it means that the file will exist in an unencrypted state on disk while being edited. It would be far more secure for everything to happen within joe itself.

  • Derek Snider Derek Snider posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Was just looking for this feature. It would be ideal if joe could support this internally. It could use another library for the encryption, it's just that if you make a script to decrypt the file, edit it with joe, then re-encrypt it when joe is done, it means that the file will exist in an unencrypted state on disk.

  • Duke Normandin Duke Normandin modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Arpad! JOE editor patron as well! Thanks for the macro! I too was looking for a similar to emacs for commenting regions. I'm trying to get your macro to work with a file-type other than .sh - so I modified your macro in my ~/.joerc file. Unfortunately, I cannot get it to work at all. However, it may be because I use jmacs. Any ideas? Thanks again! Duke

  • Duke Normandin Duke Normandin posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Arpad! JOE editor patron as well! Thanks for the macro! I too was looking for a similar to emacs for commenting regions. I'm trying to get your macro to work with a file-type other than .sh - so I modified your macro in my ~/.joerc file. Unfortunately, I cannot get it to work at all. However, it may be because I use jmacs. Any ideas? Thanks again! Duke

  • Zsombor Zsombor created ticket #28

    comment a block of selection

  • Zsombor Zsombor posted a comment on ticket #27


  • Michael McMullan Michael McMullan modified a comment on discussion Help

  • Evgeny Li. Evgeny Li. posted a comment on ticket #414

    I'm sorry. This was my fault. Please remove this ticket!

  • Evgeny Li. Evgeny Li. created ticket #414

    Bug with using -lmsg/-rmsg options in ~/.joerc

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