
#1886 HelpServer issues

Dale Anson

When I use HelpServer, I have two issues. I'm not sure if one is causing the other.

I get these lines in the activity.log:

1:28:35 PM [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#2)] [warning] HelpServer: Unable to load file:/home/danson/apps/jedit/current/doc/api/resources/tab.gif
1:28:35 PM [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#1)] [warning] HelpServer: Unable to load file:/home/danson/apps/jedit/current/doc/api/resources/background.gif
1:28:36 PM [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#3)] [warning] HelpServer: Unable to load file:/home/danson/apps/jedit/current/doc/api/resources/titlebar.gif
1:28:36 PM [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] [warning] HelpServer: Unable to load file:/home/danson/apps/jedit/current/doc/api/resources/titlebar_end.gif

I'm not sure where these come from, I don't see them in the HelpServer source code.

The second issue is everytime I click something in the left pane, the browser reloads and the left pane is scrolled back to the top and all nodes are collapsed. This is a pain when I'm browsing the jEdit API docs, which are way at the bottom of the left pane.


  • Eric Le Lay

    Eric Le Lay - 2017-06-08

    Missing files
    These are resources used on the javadoc pages (blue background on top of the page behind "Overview", "Package", "Class", etc.
    They don't exist in the installed version of the api docs but are in a local build directory (build/doc/api/resources/tab.gif). Maybe *.gif files are not included.
    I just installed jEdit 5.4.0 and can confirm that opening doc/api/index.html in firefox I don't get the blue background.

    Panel reloads
    What browser do you use? I don't get this behaviour on Firefox/Linux.

  • Eric Le Lay

    Eric Le Lay - 2017-06-08
    • assigned_to: Eric Le Lay
    • Group: -->
  • Dale Anson

    Dale Anson - 2017-06-08

    I'm using Chrome on Arch linux, jEdit from svn head, openjdk 1.8.0_121, HelpServer 1.0.0 from plugin manager.

  • Dale Anson

    Dale Anson - 2017-06-08

    Also, I don't see those image files in git. Maybe they haven't been added?

    • Eric Le Lay

      Eric Le Lay - 2017-06-09

      They are generated by javadoc, I think.

  • Dale Anson

    Dale Anson - 2017-06-08

    I also don't get the page reloaded and navigation reset when I use Firefox.

  • Eric Le Lay

    Eric Le Lay - 2017-06-09

    confirmed in chromium.
    I'll look into it.


    Last edit: Eric Le Lay 2017-06-09
  • Eric Le Lay

    Eric Le Lay - 2017-06-18

    Panel reloads are fixed in 87b0c29.

  • Eric Le Lay

    Eric Le Lay - 2017-06-18

    Missing files
    resources files are indeed missing from the installed docs.
    This is because javadoc changed in jdk8 to no longer use these images, so they're no longer generated.
    We still override stylesheet.css with one of our own adapted from jdk7 ([r23026]), hence the dangling links.

    I've tried replacing our custom stylesheet with the one generated from javadoc and honestly it's just as ugly in either of them - hence HelpServer in the first place ;-).

    So I'd advise to not override the generated javadoc stylesheet.css anymore.
    Except that with the javadoc of jdk8-openjdk (1.8.0_131), there is a new dangling link in stylesheet.css (
    Shall I hide the error in HelpServer, because we know it's missing?



    Commit: [r23026]

    • Alan Ezust

      Alan Ezust - 2017-06-18

      When I replaced the javadoc files in jEdit's build process, that was so we
      could see the API docs in the HelpViewer. If getting rid of that helps
      HelpServer, I'm all for it.

      • Eric Le Lay

        Eric Le Lay - 2017-06-18

        OK, great!

  • Eric Le Lay

    Eric Le Lay - 2017-06-18

    Known missing resources will no more generate a warning: a7f481d.

  • Eric Le Lay

    Eric Le Lay - 2017-06-18
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • Dale Anson

    Dale Anson - 2017-06-20

    Looks good to me, thanks!

  • Eric Le Lay

    Eric Le Lay - 2017-06-21
    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • Eric Le Lay

    Eric Le Lay - 2017-06-21

    HelpServer 1.1.0 release request has been created


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