
#77 Provide a way of reloading changed buffers without prompting

core (195)

Warning when a buffer is beeing reloaded is wise as a
general rule, but sometimes there are files you're
editing that you *know* will change. Typical examples
- system log files
- reports of unit tests

Then it would be useful to have these buffers beeing
reloaded without beeing prompted.

A trivial though not ideal solution would be to add a
4th option "autmatic reload, no confirmation" to the
saving global option.

A better solution would be to provide a per-buffer
option, e.g. "don't prompt when reloading"

It would also be very useful, at least to me, to turn
off this prompt in a macro, that is, if this option
was available in the bean shell


  • Robert Schwenn

    Robert Schwenn - 2006-10-17

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, I need the 4th option "autmatic reload, no
    confirmation" too.

  • Dale Anson

    Dale Anson - 2006-10-17

    Logged In: YES

    Another option would be to use the LogViewer plugin for such
    files. It sounds like the files you're talking about aren't
    files that you want to edit anyway, so LogViewer might be a
    good solution.

  • Robert Schwenn

    Robert Schwenn - 2006-10-17

    Logged In: YES

    I'd like it for any file - without logviewer. It's often
    very annoying to commit the dialog box...

  • Nicolas Girard

    Nicolas Girard - 2006-10-17

    Logged In: YES

    unfortunately, the log viewer can't be regarded as a
    solution for this problem. With log viewer, a file is
    displayed in a very simple text area, without syntax
    highlighting, folding, macros, and so on. The log viewer
    gives you *one* feature (no prompt) but you miss *all*
    other features that makes jedit powerful when editing and
    even displaying text.

  • Manoj

    Manoj - 2006-10-17

    Logged In: YES

    At the same time, we want a cancel button to not reload the
    changed text. This is helpful when I am working on a shared
    file, and someone else updates that file, with cancel button
    I can cancel reloading, at the same time i know there is an
    update to that file, so I would copy the changes which I
    have made and then reopen the file.

    With this my changes would not be lost by automatic reloading

  • Martin Raspe

    Martin Raspe - 2006-10-18

    Logged In: YES

    "Automatic reload, no confirmation" as a general option
    would be fairly easy to implement, because the needed
    options are already there.

    A buffer flag to allow "instant reload" for individual
    buffers could be integrated into the buffer options pane.
    This flag could be made public and accessible to BeanShell

    We could also have all four options on the buffer options
    pane to override the global settings individually. Then a
    cancel button would not be needed. The logic to check for
    the right thing to do and the BeanShell connection would of
    course be somewhat more complicated.

  • Martin Raspe

    Martin Raspe - 2006-10-19

    Logged In: YES

    I have started to implement this feature. The global
    settings are copied to each buffer on creation and can be
    modified in the buffer's option pane. I think I'll keep the
    current behaviour for deleted files - thoughts?

  • Martin Raspe

    Martin Raspe - 2006-10-19
    • assigned_to: nobody --> hertzhaft
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Nicolas Girard

    Nicolas Girard - 2006-10-19

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Martin,
    thanks for your efforts. Your comment makes me wonder: will
    this per-buffer option be transient or persistent when
    stopping & restarting JEdit ?

  • Martin Raspe

    Martin Raspe - 2006-10-19

    Logged In: YES

    For the moment it will be transient, as buffers are not
    persistent. I am not quite sure where these per-buffer
    options could be stored best - presumably as attributes in
    the file "perspective.xml" along with the list of open buffers.

  • Dale Anson

    Dale Anson - 2006-10-19

    Logged In: YES

    Would it make sense to have these be a buffer-local property?

  • Martin Raspe

    Martin Raspe - 2006-10-22

    Logged In: YES

    I checked in the code into SVN. It will be in 4.3pre8.

    There is now a fourth selection "autoreload without
    notification" in the combobox on the general options pane.
    The same combobox appears also on the buffer options pane,
    so individual buffers can override the global setting.

    The buffer autoreload settings are saved to perspective.xml
    and are reloaded when the file is reopened automatically
    after re-starting jEdit. This seems a better solution than
    to insert buffer-local properties into a log file, for
    example. If the buffer is closed manually, the settings are
    not stored.

  • Martin Raspe

    Martin Raspe - 2006-10-22
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-accepted

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