
Jonas Batista Freeplane Version Announcement

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  • Dimitry Polivaev

    This year I have time. Next year it is likely to change. Therefore I am trying to get as far as I can now.

    Happy new year to everyone!

    • Miguel Boyer

      Miguel Boyer - 2015-12-31

      Great job, Dimitri. Thanks, an'a happy new year!

    • Carlos

      Carlos - 2015-12-31

      Dimitry, any chance of implementing new map layouts (top-down organogram/organizational chart etc) while you still have time :-) ? In my opinion this is the only key feature that freeplane doesn't have yet.
      Happy new year!


      Last edit: Carlos 2015-12-31
  • Rami Sedhom

    Rami Sedhom - 2015-12-31

    I'm getting error message and can't start FreePlane. Error: "Could not find the main class: org.freeplane.launcher.Launcher.Program will exit." !!

    This comes with:

    Would you please advice how to solve this? Is the new tool available in 1.5.2-alpha_pre01?

    • Dimitry Polivaev

      Try to install Java 8 for now. Some problems with older versions have been reported, I shall fix them before the release so that Java 7 and probably Java 6 are supported again.

      • Rami Sedhom

        Rami Sedhom - 2015-12-31

        It works with Java 8 but I need to keep Java 6 as some of my applications are not compatible with Java 7+. I need to find a way to run Freeplane with Java 8 and the other applications with Java 6.

        • Dimitry Polivaev

          Yes, you can install multiple java versions, make java 6 your standard and set environment variable FREEPLANE_JAVA_HOME to the root of your Java 8 installation

  • Dimitry Polivaev


  • Dimitry Polivaev


  • Dimitry Polivaev


  • Rami Sedhom

    Rami Sedhom - 2016-01-02

    Is there a way to know what's new in every alpha pre release from 1.5.4_xx?

    • Dimitry Polivaev
      Hash tag for the version is available in the Freeplane about box and as a git tag

  • kewapo

    kewapo - 2016-01-05

    I'm a Knowledge engineer. I use to work in my daily work with many mindmapping software and with concept mapping software. In particular, one of my favourite is freeplane.

    This version is a great advance for many reasons:

    • You can add a image as the map background.
    • You can use clones.
    • The uniform simetrical format.
    • Different shapes for the nodes.

    The Jona's way of minmapping with trigger words is perfect to create advanced and useful maps.
    I'm Spanish. If you need people to translate (menus, documentation...) maybe I can find some time.

    Maybe is time now to re-create the documentation, or to make new one.

  • Dimitry Polivaev


  • Lee Davis

    Lee Davis - 2016-01-10


    08 and 09 won't open on my Mac on 10.10.5. Version 07 is OK


    • Ian George

      Ian George - 2016-01-11


      Re: pre08 pre09 - running on Linux 4.1.2-gentoo, Oracle JDK; fails with error:

      /bin/bash/^M: Bad Interpreter

      I ran:sed -i -e 's/\r$//' and pre09 now works so I guess these previews were compiled on windows machines? Anyway, that should be a fix for anyone else experiencing the issue with these preview builds on linux.

      They are interesting builds, looking forward to having another play with freeplane.


      • Dimitry Polivaev

        Thanks, I have rebuilt it and published it as pre10


        Last edit: Dimitry Polivaev 2016-01-11
  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Version 1.5.4_10 should fix recent mac os issues, I created it only for mac users

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Version 1.5.5_01 is the first beta available in the preview section.
    Here you also get reminder notification popup (configurable in properties).
    It also means that I shall implement almost no feature requests until we get the final release because we want to share what we got with the majority of freeplane users before we implement new features.

    • Miguel Boyer

      Miguel Boyer - 2016-01-16

      Dimitry, little bug..?

      When the pop-up trigger goes off and you are in a different tab viewing a
      different map, if you press the 'go to reminder' button you don't actually
      go there, because the tab does not change. And, if you then change manually
      to the tab that triggered that alert, the focus hasn't actually changed to
      the node triggering the whole thing.

      Shouldn't the pressing of the button take you to the 'guilty' node, in the
      right tab, and just readily?

      • Ken Hill

        Ken Hill - 2016-01-17

        Here, it is happening as you describe. Clicking the "go to reminder" button does not go to the tab with the reminder. & manually clicking the reminder tab does not focus on the reminder node.

        I like the "remove reminder" button. That will be handy.

        "Remind me later" button - any way to change the snooze interval? It seems to be 5 minutes?

        Very good work, developers. This should help a lot. Thanks.

        <edit> It's nice that the node label is shown in the dialog -- but it would be even better if the tab name were also on the dialog.


        Last edit: Ken Hill 2016-01-17
  • Dimitry Polivaev

    I fixed reminder popup issues in 1.5.5_02.
    Here you can also configure reminder settings at Preferences->Behaviour->Reminder options

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Version 1.5.5_03 contains pretty important changes:

    • Import arbitrary xml as mind maps
      you can open any XML file in Freeplane using File -> Import XML file

    • Export mind maps to xml (no syntax validation)
      you can export XML file opened as a mind map back to XML format. There is no syntax validation and exported XML could be not valid

    • Move menu and preference configuration to external resources
      Now all menu and preference structure descriptors are saved in <Freeplane-Root>/resources/xml and you can edit them using the procedure described above

    • Save attribute column widths in points
      It should make attribute columns have the same width on all monitors. It made new format change necessary

    Open new maps near selected maps
    as shortly requested

    Happy testing!

    • frogstory

      frogstory - 2016-01-25

      Importing XML is a nice feature, but I don't seem to be able to see an element's text. For example, if my XML contains:
      then in FreePlane I see the element's name, "active", but I do not see the element's text, "true".
      Am I missing something?

      • Dimitry Polivaev

        I have just completely ignored the text content. Sorry. Fixed in the next version.

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