
Jonas Batista Freeplane Version Announcement

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  • Dimitry Polivaev

    After editing menus and preferences you can put the file in <freeplane-user-dir>/resources/xml

  • Yagiz Caparkaya

    Yagiz Caparkaya - 2016-01-24


    I want to switch to this version of freeplane for my every-day @work usage but I need to update with my own version and rebuild, because I use HTML paste extensively and my version contains a bug fix and some customizations. Although I was able to do that successfully with source files of version 1.3.15 using ant, 1.5.5-beta ant build fails at a very early stage complaining about jortho jar file. Probably this is due to my lack of experience about the build system but I also noticed that source file archive for version 1.3.15 is quite bigger than version 1.5.5. I went over "How to build freeplane" guide to build both versions.

    The exact error I get is:
    C:\TEMP\freeplane-1.5.5\freeplane_framework\ant\build.xml:75: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\TEMP\freeplane-1.5.5\freeplane_framework\ant\build.xml:61: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\TEMP\freeplane-1.5.5\freeplane\ant\build.xml:38: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    Target "jar" does not exist in the project "JOrtho".

    Could you please give me a direction on how to resolve this?
    Thank you all a lot for creating & contributing to this great software. I am looking forward to find out how I can fit new features into my everyday life.

    Note: If you are interested I can provide more details on what I think are small bugs in, which cause unintented HTML formatting problems.

    • Dimitry Polivaev

      Freeplane currently uses gradle for build. Ant builds do not work any more.
      Therefore the source size has reduced.
      Yes, please create a new bug report and tell us more about the bugs you found in

      • Yagiz Caparkaya

        Yagiz Caparkaya - 2016-01-24

        Thank you Dimitry, with the information you provided I was able to build solution from source code using gradle. Thank you a lot for this.

        I also filled a bug report with report number 2310 for (along with resolution suggestions), following your recommendation. It can be reached from this link as well:

        Kind Regards,

  • Yagiz Caparkaya

    Yagiz Caparkaya - 2016-01-24


    I gave a shot to newly introduced background image feature, I just wanted to share my experience and suggestions, to help improving even more, an already great product.. The first background texture I tried looked like much more zoomed-in than I thought, the second one I tried was so small that it only covered a portion of level-1 nodes. Maybe some additional options can be introduced for background images in later phases, like choosing a fit among tile, stretch, center etc. (Although I also wondered myself "where should tiling / stretching end?"). Maybe background image's zoom level might be made "optionally" (some maps that are used as presentations might be dependent on background images) independent of map zoom level. Maybe some proven-to-look cool sample background textures can be included in the final release of this version, in order to encourage users start to use the feature and to find even more creative background images. Although I'm not a user interface designer at all, I'd be very happy if I could be of any help.

    Kind Regards,

  • Jonas

    Jonas - 2016-02-01

    Hey Guys

    There is a New video, I hope it be useful for someone.

    Is about something that expert users already know.

    8 - Trigger Words 5 - Folding Position

    Cheers and Best Regards.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Preview version 1.5.6_03 available

    • Ken Hill

      Ken Hill - 2016-02-06

      From the readme file it looks like there is scripting support for splitting nodes based on a separator. Is there any plan to make that functionality part of the edit > node core > split node menu system? That would be great. I can't seem to get the hang of scripting.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Ken, you are supposed to use Edit->Node core->Split with N words in line actions which can be configured in Preferences -> Behaviour -> Splitting node to words.

    I am really sad that nobody takes care of creating written documentation about the new features because I am afraid that currently only people reading this forum can learn about the new features. I am not a docu writer, so in my eyes writing documentation is in community hands. We need to describe the new features in freeplane wiki and in a freeplane documentation mind map.

    It looks like there are people around us who could do the job. It would be great if they could offer their help and contribute.

    • Ken Hill

      Ken Hill - 2016-02-06

      Thanks for the reply. I completely agree about timely additions to the documentation. That would be very helpful.

      I have done a little technical writing and am willing to volunteer to help. But after playing with the brief instructions you gave, I'm still baffled by how to specify separators at which to split a node.

      So, using that a an example, how would a writer volunteer know the workings of such a feature in order to write about it? Just by playing around with the feature? Are they roughly documented in developer pages somewhere, as part of the development process?

      BTW - on the wiki main page ( when I click on the link labeled "index wiki" it takes me to

      • Dimitry Polivaev

        I think the process can be the following: every time you have a question about a feature you ask it in this forum, ideally in a dedicated thread. Here I can assist you to learn now to use the feature. After you learned you document what you learned in a new mind map and share it so that your documentation can be added to the Freeplane help mind map by the developers.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Regarding your question: you can not set separators. Instead you can set which non alpha-numeric characters should not be considered word separators. In you case it would be ; , and -
    You can put them in preferences ->Behaviour -> Splitting node to words-> characters in words field

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Two other options have follow meanings:
    "auxillary word list" defines a list of words which are not put into a separate node but combined with the following word

    "node number in row" contains a list of numbers. For each such number N action "Split with N words in line" is added to the menu when Freeplane starts.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    In addition to creating documentation as a mind map it were helpful if also freeplane wiki could be extended because it can be restructured and extended even without the developers.

    • Ken Hill

      Ken Hill - 2016-02-07

      I tried to document what you said in this thread RE documentation by volunteers. Below is a link showing my understanding of what you proposed. (I tried 2 different ways but my "flowchart" version didn't line up very well.)

      Does this match what you mean?

      <edit> map:


      Last edit: Ken Hill 2016-02-07
      • Dimitry Polivaev

        Yes, exactly (I looked only at the png picture)

  • Jonas

    Jonas - 2016-02-07

    Hello guys

    I'm trying to work harder on the videos.

    Yesterday I finished a long answer video for a question made by two users but I lost the video.

    Now I reorganized my videos management with different kinds of videos that could be released regardless.

    So, I'm expecting being able to release videos more often.

    Here a have an special video that was request for a great friend of mine.

    New Feature 2 - Keep and Reset Unfolded Nodes

    Cheers and best Regards.
    Jonas Batista.

    • maggv

      maggv - 2016-02-07


      The new features added to Freeplane are great and Bigmap template is a new perspective in dealing with information. There can be best practices in dealing with information but I don't think that one size fits all.

      Great work developers!

      Looking forward to see more videos!

      Best regards

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Preview version 1.5.7_01:

    Keep summarized nodes together
    Option "Center small maps" for map position when root is selected (Pref.->Behaviour->Center small maps)
    Option to copy structure indentation as tabs(Pref.->Environment->Export->Use tabs in text output)
    Allow joining non sibling nodes
    Configurable join node action separators (Pref. -> Behaviour->Joining nodes->Text separators)

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Preview version 1.5.7_03 (bug fixes)

  • Shahan

    Shahan - 2016-03-01

    Ah sweet this is awesome, I'm looking forward to this!

  • Vasiliy

    Vasiliy - 2016-05-12

    Great product!
    Guys, may be it's wrong topic but..
    1. If to use Ctrl+b on Node we get inside 'HTML code view' the next: - 1)
    2. if to edit Node core in dialog, and use Ctrl+b on text, we get inside 'HTML code view' the next: - 2)
    The second variant looks much better on map!
    Why not to implement style by Ctrl+b in map mode?


    Last edit: Vasiliy 2016-05-12
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