
#3067 Error claiming land of captured colony

David Lewis

After defeating and capturing a European colony, I am unable to move a unit from within the colony screen to a land area not already being used. For example, moving a unit to farm a tile results in an error because European will not "sell" tile.

net.sf.freecol.common.util.LogBuilder log
    INFO: Combat attacker=unit:47614-veteranSoldier-dragoon [Modifier model.modifier.offence (model.source.baseOffence) ADDITIVE 0.0 index=10] [Modifier model.modifier.offence (model.role.dragoon) ADDITIVE 3.0 index=30] [Modifier model.modifier.offence (model.unit.veteranSoldier) PERCENTAGE 50.0 index=40] [Modifier model.modifier.attackBonus (model.source.attackBonus) PERCENTAGE 50.0 index=50] = 6.75 defender=unit:46479-veteranSoldier [Modifier model.modifier.defence (model.source.baseDefence) ADDITIVE 1.0 index=10] [Modifier model.modifier.defence (model.unit.veteranSoldier) PERCENTAGE 50.0 index=40] [Modifier model.modifier.defence (model.settlement.colony) PERCENTAGE 50.0 index=50] = 2.25 odds=0.75 random(1.0)=0.3420097228130745 great=false Attack WIN DAMAGE_COLONY_SHIPS CAPTURE_COLONY
    Thu Jul 27 18:23:17 PDT 2017
    Thread: 1882
net.sf.freecol.server.model.ServerPlayer clientError
    WARNING: Can not claim tile tile:10848: European owners will not sell.
    Thu Jul 27 18:23:48 PDT 2017
    Thread: 1890
net.sf.freecol.server.model.ServerPlayer clientError
    WARNING: Can not claim tile tile:10700: European owners will not sell.
    Thu Jul 27 18:23:56 PDT 2017
    Thread: 1894
FreeCol game version: 0.11.6 (Revision: a25076b8e)
FreeCol protocol version: 0.1.6

Java vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java version: 1.8.0_144
Java WM name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Java WM vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java WM version: 25.144-b01

OS name: Mac OS X
OS architecture: x86_64
OS version: 10.12.5

net.sf.freecol.FreeCol main
    INFO: Configuration:
      version     0.11.6 (Revision: a25076b8e)
      java:       1.8.0_144
      memory:     1908932608


  • David Lewis

    David Lewis - 2017-07-28

    This happened because of a neighboring european colony having claimed the space, even though no colonists were working in that particular tile.

    • Mike Pope

      Mike Pope - 2017-07-29

      AFAICT this is working as intended. You only defeated the first colony --- Europeans do not give up land easily! The second colony preemptively grabbed it as soon as they could. The natives do the same thing, albeit with less determination.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2017-08-03
    • status: open --> open-needs-info
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2022-04-24
    • status: open-needs-info --> closed-out-of-date
    • Group: Current --> Unspecified
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2022-04-24

    No further development here, closing.


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