
#2965 Victory message in turn report missing unit type


In the attached game, end the turn. With a little luck your fur traper will defeat the artillery and veteran soldier. The turn report will be correct for the artillery, but missing the unit type for the veteran soldier.

1 Attachments


  • Elder Statesman

    Elder Statesman - 2016-05-06

    A screenshot in case this is hard to reproduce.

    I take it back, the artillery message may not be correct. Seems to be missing "has" in "has been".

    The verteran soldier message also has a second issue "as been".

    These last two may be an issue on my end, as I have an ancient laptop serving as my "desktop" and I'm playing over VNC. Freecol has always had issues with text being "too big", as you can see in any of the highlighted text. But I'm pretty sure at least the missing "Veteran Soldier" in the second victory report is truly missing.

    • Mike Pope

      Mike Pope - 2016-05-07

      The code that was making clickable links in the turn report messages was overreaching. Should be fixed in git.cbc3ab8. Setting to Pending until next release.

      • Elder Statesman

        Elder Statesman - 2016-05-07

        Would the clickable link issue also cause the other issues? I'm used to seeing small amounts of text immediately adjacent to the clickable link missing or overwritten, but not missing letters/words in "random" areas.

        From the screenshot:

        1) Victory message one: "...which been demoted..." is missing the word "has".
        2) Victory message two: "has defeated English which" is missing "Veteran Soldier"
        3) Victory message two continues: "as been demoted" which should be "has been demoted".

        • Mike Pope

          Mike Pope - 2016-05-07

          Would the clickable link issue also cause the other issues?

          The link bug was causing missing labels, as in #2. #1 and #3 were just typos/fails in the strings file. The overwriting issue visible in your screenshot is probably a Java/graphics issue. I have never seen it, and I suspect it might be something weird about your laptop/VNC setip.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2016-05-07
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
    • Group: Current --> Fixed_trunk
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2022-05-01
    • Group: Fixed_trunk --> Fixed_0.12.0
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2022-05-01
    • Status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed

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