
#2827 Ownership of Ocean without Dock (User nation)


A quick report. This process should be easy to replicate for testing as it uses a generic set of parameters.

Upon creating of a new colony by the user, you can attempt to move a colonist to an ocean tile within the new colony's normal 3x3 box. With no dock yet build, the game will tell you it cannot move a colonist to the water.

But, the ownership still changes to the user's nation.

I know there was some discussion of a similar issue related to ownership of tiles by AI nations in the last few weeks, so this may be related to that.

Compiled from: [cfcc00].

Let me know if there is anything needed further for this.


Commit: [cfcc00]


  • Calebrw

    Calebrw - 2015-03-17

    Log file just for added info. Should be toward the end.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2015-03-18

    Confirmed. However this has no major adverse effect, and is hard to fix. Well actually it is easy to fix, we just have to change the test order for the build failure conditions so that the "missing ability" failure is checked before the "does not own tile" case. However, fiddling with this ordering has a bit of a tendency to break other things, so any fixing will need a lot of testing. I do not think the problem merits a lot of effort ATM.

  • wintertime

    wintertime - 2015-03-18

    This is already discussed on Improvement Request #193. I think its better placed over there, as I would categorize this as not a bug, but some kind of design decision already done by people working earlier on FreeCol (which could have gone either way), for which it would be a good idea to research compatibility edge cases for.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2015-03-19

    but some kind of design decision already done by people working earlier on FreeCol

    This is something I can speak with authority on. I wrote the code (in attempt to consolidate all the tile-work tests into one place). There was no game-level design decision. The testing order for reasons for rejecting a unit working a tile was initially just the order I thought of them with a slight preference for big obvious reasons first, and has evolved over time in response to bugs. There is no intention to cause this bug.

  • Calebrw

    Calebrw - 2015-03-19

    I respectfully disagree with WT. No colony should be able to claim an ocean tile without a dock. This could especially hurt in a multi player game where one olayer fould illegitimately block another's ocean tile.

    • Mike Pope

      Mike Pope - 2015-03-19

      (Prefix: We are considering a consequence of colonies not claiming all tiles, which means we are already not Col1-compatible. So we get to make up the rules here)

      This could especially hurt in a multi player game where one olayer fould illegitimately block another's ocean tile.

      The offended player should be able to fortify a military unit on the tile, and take it over.

      No colony should be able to claim an ocean tile without a dock

      I am unconvinced that you should only be able to claim what you can use. Its only a claim. I am sure European settlers made all manner of outrageous claims for territory. The Louisiana purchase for example. What would be better in freecol-rules IMHO is for claims to no longer block use if the other tile is not being used by its current owner. "Possession is 9/10ths of the law" as the saying goes.

    • Evgeny

      Evgeny - 2015-03-19

      Agree with Calebrw. It makes sense to build a dock first.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2015-05-09
    • status: open --> open-WWC1D
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2015-05-09

    Changing state to open-WWC1D, as the best way to resolve this IMHO is just to follow Col1.

  • Stian Grenborgen

    • status: open-WWC1D --> closed-out-of-date

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