
#2252 0.10.2 Freeze when using trade route


Game freezes on wagon on trade route with 2 stops (picking tobacco in quebec, picking cigars in basse-terre). v0.10.2, running windows, latest java.

In the savegame, select wagon in quebec and add to the only Trade route.
Or press w to cycle through units and reach wagon.


  • chugu

    chugu - 2011-09-16

    0.10.2 freeze on trade route

  • chugu

    chugu - 2011-09-16
    • summary: Freeze when using trade route --> 0.10.2 Freeze when using trade route
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2011-09-17

    Can not reproduce in trunk, and things are not quite as you describe in the saved game. The wagon train in Quebec is already assigned to the trade route, and the route is Montreal/Fort Orange/Quebec(cigars), which is a bit odd (no work to do in Fort Orange). If I get the wagon to run, it makes a pointless trip to Montreal and back to Quebec (the warehouse export setting for cigars in Quebec is 50 and there are only 16 present so nothing will be exported). Either way, the game does not hang.

    Did you perhaps attach the wrong version of the game?

  • chugu

    chugu - 2011-09-20

    Version is correct.
    Step to reproduce:
    Update a trade route already assigned to a caravan.
    In the attached game,
    edit the trade route (cigars to montreal) to be like:
    montreal: tobacco
    Fort Orange: tobacco
    Isabella: tobacco
    Quebec: Cigars

    And end turn. The game will freeze

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2011-09-20

    OK, that works/hangs. A confusion in the destination setting/trade route code is fixed in svn.8993.

    Leaving open until 0.10.3.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2011-09-28
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2011-09-28

    Setting to pending following the 0.10.3 release.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2012-02-11
    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed

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