


This EQ has lines
sometimes they are thin and sometimes fat
and sometimes they distort wat does that mean.?
when lines are thin it means u tuning right.? or this has nothin to do with this.?


  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2024-07-31

    This EQ has lines

    Are you talking about something in the Configuration Editor of Equalizer APO? The analysis panel or Graphic EQ command? Perhaps you can attach a screenshot in your next post.

    Btw. The developer of Equalizer APO isn't very active. The Configuration Editor hasn't been updated since it's first release 8 years ago.

  • marxx

    marxx - 2024-07-31

    analysis panel when zoomed fully out not in and im on version 1.2.1 cause i didnt know ther was 1.3 so the 1.3 version came out when.?


    Last edit: marxx 2024-07-31
    • Peter Verbeek

      Peter Verbeek - 2024-07-31

      This year the developer released 1.3.0 to 1.3.2. Btw. Before 1.3.1 the Configuration Editor has a nasty bug. Don't detach the analysis panel else the Editor can't be started again next time. To correct the bug I've made a small bug fix tool.

      I'm not sure what you're experiencing. When scrolling in and out on the graph of the analysis panel nothing odd happens in my Configuration Editor (Equalizer APO version 1.3.0). Of course when scrolling in more grid lines appear for better interpretation of the graph. But I don't have thicker or thinner lines appearing. In principle the graph shows the EQ over the total frequency band by drawing a continuous line.

  • marxx

    marxx - 2024-07-31

    i will post a video showing the lines and wat i mean when i get home man
    in some dbs the lines become thin and in some other decibels they become fat thats wat i mean
    and i notice when the line becomes thin its like the bass and the sound get better lol

    • Peter Verbeek

      Peter Verbeek - 2024-07-31

      Great! I hope I can say something about that oddity.

  • marxx

    marxx - 2024-07-31

    and who are u man.?
    cause i see u text bak to everyone lol

    • Peter Verbeek

      Peter Verbeek - 2024-07-31

      I'm the developer of the popular Peace equalizer, interface for Equalizer APO. It has for more features than the Configuration Editor. And it's fully maintained.

      Anyway, I'm dedicated to help people with Peace, Equalizer APO and related stuff like audio matters.

  • marxx

    marxx - 2024-07-31

    this EQ can go -100db wats the maximum minus point peace can drop.?

    • Peter Verbeek

      Peter Verbeek - 2024-07-31

      By default Peace uses a reasonable 30 dB max and min for its EQ sliders and pre amp slider. When I put all EQ sliders on -30 dB the sound goes silent so for -30 dB is quite enough. Also 30 dB upwards is much as the danger sound clipping may occur.

      When asking the max and min for these sliders in the Peace settings you can increase the limit to a max of 999 dB (positive/negative).

  • marxx

    marxx - 2024-08-01

    man i never connect on my JBL 320 from phone cause u cant EQ and clean the speaker so good like from PC cause thers not a single program like peace or EQ APO that will allow u to type frequencies and adjust the decibels is there any chance u can create somethin for android that at least will allow u to type frequencies and decibels cause thats wat most ppl at least want and u can even put a price on playstore im very sure is gonna sell a lot soo yea wat u think.?

    • Peter Verbeek

      Peter Verbeek - 2024-08-01

      Sorry, there isn't an Android app like Equalizer APO. Besides, I don't like to make an app like Peace on Android. But it would be awesome to have those features on Android.

  • marxx

    marxx - 2024-08-02

    yea man at least to type the frequencies u want and decibels
    so u can create a proper highpass and a roll off point so u can get the speaket to sound right
    im sure if u make somethin and put a price on it its gonna sell a lot lol man

    • Peter Verbeek

      Peter Verbeek - 2024-08-02

      Sorry, I don't feel like making an Android app, even it's possible which perhaps isn't.

  • marxx

    marxx - 2024-08-03

    ok man no prob


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