
#287 second config file wont work

zeus boi

so as seen in the image, i have two configs made. only the one named config.txt works. even just the preamp doesnt work on the test.txt config. but it does work on the config.txt config.

1 Attachments


  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2024-07-31

    And did you include the second file with an Include: command in config.txt (green plus -> control -> include).

    The audio manipulation engine of Equalizer APO (file: equalizerapo.dll) only monitors config.txt. So any other config file should be included in this config.txt.

    • zeus boi

      zeus boi - 2024-07-31

      ok i just added the text file and clicked the green arrow but still it does not work. im using voice recorder to see if it works and only the first config works

  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2024-07-31

    Reading that you mentioning "voice recorder" I'm guessing you specifically want to manipulate your mic. First of all in the included file , in your case test.txt, an audio device selection command must be given as first command. This because by default all commands are performed on all device, input and output. In your screenshot I see you selected your mic in the top right dropdown box but that doesn't select your mic! It's only meant as a selection for drawing the graph on the analysis panel.

    By now you already have experience that the Configuration Editor isn't particularly user friendly. Perhaps take a look at the Peace equalizer, the most popular interface for Equalizer APO. You don't need to know about include files, etc. Btw. Although not commonly important I can mention that this app also uses an include file called peace.txt. It does everything, EQ-ing, effects, etc. In other words, something else is wrong if an included file doesn't work, well unless you have unchecked "Instant mode" checkbox (top left).

    Have you installed Equalizer APO on your mic in the Configurator? A successful installation can be tested by using a pre amp specific for your mic in config.txt:
    - Select your mic by using an audio selection command.
    - Under this command add pre amp command.
    - Test pre amp change whilst talking.
    Of course this testing is easier in Peace as it already has a pre amp slider above its EQ sliders section on the main screen.

    • zeus boi

      zeus boi - 2024-07-31

      "Have you installed Equalizer APO on your mic in the Configurator? A successful installation can be tested by using a pre amp specific for your mic in config.txt:
      - Select your mic by using an audio selection command.
      - Under this command add pre amp command.
      - Test pre amp change whilst talking."
      yes as mentioned in my original post"i have two configs made. only the one named config.txt works. even just the preamp doesnt work on the test.txt config. but it does work on the config.txt config." and i know this because i was using sound recorder and selected my mic elite superamp and i turned on the preamp under config and it got loud and quiet when messing with the Levels but when i turn that off and head on over to the other config which is the test one, nothing happens when i just even adjust the preamp levels

  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2024-07-31

    but it does work on the config.txt config.

    I get that but if you use the pre amp without an audio selection command this pre amp will be done on every device, including the output. It may seem that the mic got loud but it may be that only the output got loud and the mic level stayed the same. Only when using a pre amp after a mic selection command you can be sure that you're targeting the mic exclusively. Have explained this, I guess you're referring to the input level as can be seen in a recording app. In that case the issue might be the included file monitoring by Equalizer APO's audio engine although I've never seen this not to work. Be sure to insert audio selection commands for every audio device (before any other device specific command). Perhaps this solve things.

    Btw. To be sure I've checked the proper working of the Include command. I'm on Equalizer APO 1.3.0 btw. I can use the pre amp in an included file, well to be specific for output devices as I haven't tested the mic. But that shouldn't be an issue.

    • zeus boi

      zeus boi - 2024-08-10

      sorry for the late reply but " audio selection commands for every audio device" how would i do this for the test.txt config or any other new config i make? by the way i dont even have " audio selection commands audio device" for my main config.txt, unless you mean the part in the configurator where you select the capture and output devices. i had made sure to select all the capture mics i need to use, i dont select any output devices as of now as i dont need any output audio to be setup.

      • Peter Verbeek

        Peter Verbeek - 2024-08-10

        I'm not talking about the Configurator. It's all done in the Configuration Editor. In the test.txt file you can add such a command by clicking the green plus (at the left), selecting "Control" then "Device". After the command appears select the device by clicking the "Change" button.

        The best approach is to have include files per device and equalization. So the first command of these files is the device selection.


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