
#223 APO VST Visualizer


one thing i've noticed is that, when modifying VST plugins, I am not able to see visual feedback of any audio input. for instance, when adjusting a noise gate, when speaking into my mic, I don't see anything in the output mix. here is an image of the meter I am referring to. is this intended? it makes for editing plugins rather.. tedious.


  • DAJ

    DAJ - 2022-08-14

    just in case this is not intended, when modifying VST plugins within Reaper's DAW, everything works fine, I get perfect visual readings of my mic's input.

  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2022-08-14

    The way plugins work is as follows. When selecting a plugin 2 things happen. First, an instance of the plugin is used by the audio engine (equalizerapo.dll) to change the audio (of course). Second, a second plugin instance is used on which you alter the settings (on its interface). Then from these settings a command is created which is "sent" to the first plugin instance. In other words, there isn't a way of communication between these instances. No output can be shown on the second (interface) plugin.

    Knowing the above (which is a consequence how the audio changing commands approach of Equalizer APO) it can indeed be very tedious, even annoying.

  • Arthur Croce Souza dos Santos

    Yeah, but imagine the possibilities. Imagine the hole VST pack from fabfilter with working graphics. I don't know why companies bigger than APO don't invest is this kinda thing. If ableton was light i would leave it running lmao.

    • Peter Verbeek

      Peter Verbeek - 2022-08-18

      That would be awesome. What I don't understand is that Microsoft hasn't added any major features and enhancement to the Windows audio system. We have all singing and all dancing video graphics but audio ... we don't have a standard Windows equalizer. If VST plugins could only be inserted into the Windows audio system.


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