
#199 APO not working anymore


Been using Eq APO with Peace for a few months and it's been great. The other day I was installing a plugin for compression, when I couldn't find the program for eq APO I accidently started the setup again and reinstalled APO to my desktop. Now nothing works, APO doesn't work and peace doesn't work either.
I use Fiio K3 DAC connected via USB.
I have reinstalled all my drivers for my dac, I have reinstalled peace and APO three times. Reinstalled my realtek drivers, tried using virtual cables and I have gone into registry and deleted the audio key for my device. I have gone trough countless of tutorials for a fix, none help. I have installed my deivce in the configurator, I have tried experimental and I have checked for hardware accel. and that enhancements are enabled, the enhancement tab doesn't exist for my device, sometimes when I press on sound devices, a prompt to enable enhancements pops up and I press "yes" to activate. Still doesn't help though.

No hardware change has been made since it worked and till now, all that I can figure has happened is that I installed it twice, before that everything seemed to work fine. I have uninstalled everything that has to do with audio, except for realtek, Fiio's drivers and APO and Peace.

I'm completely out of options, and would be for ever grateful for some help to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance.
Some hardware:
Windows 10
headset: Philips fidelio x2hr
dac: Fiio K3


  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2022-01-29

    Reading your post it seems that you did everything as acquired. So Equalizer APO isn't working on any device including the default devices (3.5 inch speakers/headphones output and 3.5 inch microphone input)?

    Installing Equalizer APO again does mean that the original device drivers can't be restored when uninstalling Equalizer APO. You did the right thing by uninstalling Equalizer APO and then uninstalling the devices drivers (on which Equalizer APO was installed). For the record, the uninstallation steps are:
    - Back up your Peace configs
    - Uninstall Peace (Isn't necessary but just to clear up the Equalizer APO folder later on)
    - Uninstall Equalizer APO
    - Restart computer
    - If still exists, delete registry keys HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\EqualizerAPO and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EqualizerAPO
    - If still exists, delete c:\program files\equalizerapo folder
    - Restart computer (just to be sure that nothing is using the keys and folder)
    - Uninstall audio software (Realtek in your case)
    - Uninstall audio device drivers
    - Restart computer and let Windows install the device drivers
    - Install Realtek software if Windows didn't do this already and if you want to use
    - Install Equalizer APO
    - Install Peace
    - Restore Peace configs

    • adaml

      adaml - 2022-01-31

      I don't know how to thank you! I followed your exact way. It finally worked, and I couldn't be happier. Must of been the order of which I did it or perhaps some key was still left when I was trying to uninstall it before.

      Thank you very much sir!

      • Peter Verbeek

        Peter Verbeek - 2022-01-31

        Good to hear! And you're welcome. Yes, the order seems quite important. I'm not sure why though, Maybe what you're saying about the left key(s).


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